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[轉載] 精神自由的殘殺者——宗教裁判所

第一節:  宗教裁判所由來










第二節 鎮壓異端的制度化——宗教裁判所的誕生





答:沒錯,這是一條定律。所以在第四次拉特蘭會議上,就專門針對異端,作了以下規定,一,對任何反對天主教正統教義的異端,必須處以絕罰,並交給世俗政權審判。教士則撤職,財產則一律沒收。二,對疑似異端者,如不能證明自己無辜,也要處以絕罰。若一年之內仍不能證明自己無辜,則等同異端,交付審判。三,支持異端的人,或給異端者提供住房、幫助者,開除教籍,不可擔任公職,並失去遺囑權和繼承權。死後不準葬於教堂基督徒墓地。四,世俗政權要 配合教會懲治異端,若包庇異端,則教皇有權廢除其附庸對其之義務。領地可由天主教徒佔領。五,各級主教,若轄區內有異端未加清除,則予以撤職。各級教職皆須委派專門人員,調查教區內居民的思想狀況,掌握居民中誰參加秘密聚會,誰行為不軌。


答:是的。這基本上能做到,你一有不同想法,便立即被察覺、監視和懲罰。為更有效地做到這一點,上次我們提到的多明我會和方濟各會的成員,就成了最有效、最直接的執行者。所以房龍說他們是“真正的信仰的警犬”。但是在英諾森三世時,還把異端交給世俗法庭審判,而到了1252年,教皇英諾森四世,則成立了宗教法庭,至於什麼時候被命名為宗教裁判所Inquisition,歷史上有很多爭論。但是,其起源應該來自英諾森四世的訓諭《論連根拔起》,就是這個訓諭,提出了組織宗教法庭的各個細節。自此,宗教法庭意味着,宗教的勢力,可以動用行政手段,以法律的名義鎮壓異端。這是教會不寬容精神的制度化。不僅如此,建立一套異端審判制度,還必須有一套理由,來論證它的正當性。這個任務是由中世紀最重要的神學家托馬斯·阿奎納來完成的。我們在前面曾介紹過這個人,他學識淵博,思力極深,人稱“天使博士”,但他在面對異端時,卻毫無寬容心。他宣稱,“敗壞作為精神生活的宗教信仰,比起偽造維持世俗生活的貨幣來,問題要嚴重得多。所以如果說,貨幣偽造者和其他的壞人,由世俗當局毫不容情地處以死刑是公道的,那麼異端分子一旦 被證明有相信異端的罪行時,就可以有充分得多的理由,不但將他開除教籍,而且判處死刑”。只是他認為教會不該直接行使處罰權,而應交給世俗機關去處理,這顯得更虛偽。需要說一句的是,我們讀托馬斯·阿奎納的著作,可以看到他竭力宣揚基督的慈悲,他最重要的理論貢獻,是把“上帝面前,人人平等”當作自然法的要求,但面對異端時,他的理論就不能貫徹,以邏輯嚴密著稱的阿奎納,就會推導出完全不能自洽的結論。這看似一個悲劇,但卻有深刻的道德哲學上的意義。



宗教裁判所第三節 一套製造冤獄的嚴密方法



答:這套方法可以用八個字來概括:縝密、專橫、殘酷、墮落。上次我們提到英諾森四世發布了名為《連根拔起》的通諭,其核心就是規定了那些可以達到根除異端的方法。亨利·李認為這份通諭,“企圖讓世俗權力完全服從於宗教裁判所,規定把根除異端作為國家的首要任務”。伯曼則認為,這份通諭,“有效地在意大利建立了警察國家”,因為它在其中規定 :一,可以使用酷刑來獲取口供;二,可以採用火刑處死;三,組織秘密警察,為宗教裁判所效力,四;給討伐異端的人同遠徵聖地的十字軍騎士同等特權;五,對信奉異端者的懲罰,可以延之後代。聽友們可以看出,這五條實際上確立了迫害精神與信仰自由的最基本的方法,以致在當今一些國家仍在使用。1242年,曾幫助格里高利九世起草關於宗教裁判所條文的雷蒙擬定了一份審判異端的指南,這是一部詳細具體的迫害指南。


答:好。我稍微講仔細一點,聽友們就可以明白宗教裁判所的實質是什麼。指南共有十項內容:第一,如何判定異端。它規定,凡聽清潔派傳道,或認為清潔派也是好人的就是異端。也就是說,一個人除了教廷的那些正統的教義之外,還聽取了別人的講道,而且認為講得有道理,那你就是異端。打個比方說,除了中央台新聞聯播,你還有別的信息來源,而且你認為這些官方以外的信息是真的,那麼,你就是屬於該受審判的異端。正像文革中有一項罪名,叫收聽敵台,說的就是這種罪名。從這個異端開始,就牽連出了一大堆的罪名 ,比如,隱瞞異端者,也就是知情不報,包庇異端者,也就是向異端者保證不告發的人,窩藏者,也就是為異端提供住所或者收容異端的人,袒護者,也就是為異端說了幾句好話的人。這簡直就是布下了天羅地網,只要你不是立即舉報揭發,你就和異端同罪。第二,自證有罪。這就是說,一個人受到了異端指控,在一年的時間裡,他無法證明自己不是異端,則罪名自動成立。第三,異端分子被捕後,如果拒絕認罪悔罪,則要交付監禁或處以火刑。如果異端分子認罪了,那麼你就要終身佩戴恥辱標記,一個特別顏色的雙十字架。聽友們從這兒就可以知道,後來納粹讓猶太人佩戴黃色大衛星,文革中紅衛兵讓那些五類分子佩戴銘牌,標明地富反壞右,這些實際上就是 迫害人的傳統做法。第四,規定了異端悔罪時候所必須使用的措辭,我,xxx犯了不信天主等等罪行,聽信了某某派的邪說,我對不起天主,我悔罪,等等。第五,規定了異端自我懺悔的標準模式,開頭必須稱,“本人以全能上帝和《聖經》的名義,宣示堅持天主教信仰”。第六,規定了為疑似異端者作證的模式。證詞開頭必須說,我xxx宣示,堅信xxx不是異端。


答:對,不過這可並不是文字遊戲,而是通過強迫你必須以一種指定的方式說話,自然就強迫你也用這種方式來思考。因為語言表達的方式代表的是人的思想方式。可第七條就不是關於該怎麼說了,而是要讓異端死無葬身之地。它規定,如果在異端審判時,發現異端者已經死了,而且已經下葬,則要掘屍、焚毀,也就是說你一旦被認定有過異端思想,生前要受追查,死後也不得安寧。由於在中世紀,人們對死亡格外重視,人們認為,人死後靈魂依然活着,所以掘墳、曝屍的處罰,可謂是極其殘酷的。它會讓人產生極大的恐懼。第八條,規定教士可以通過信眾的懺悔發現異端,這是因為信眾可能接觸過有異端思想的人,但他可能感覺這人是個好人,所以他並沒有去舉報,但是在懺悔時,他會一對一地向懺悔師講述真情,這就是人們常說的secret religieux,宗教秘密。這種懺悔常規是不能公開的,但是為了讓異端無處藏身,這種懺悔中的坦白也可以當作罪證。第九條,規定異端分子的坦白與悔過的程序;第十條,則規定懲罰的方式。其實,就是各種肉體折磨的方式。據研究宗教裁判所的伯曼先生統計,當時最常用的是六種體刑,第一就是水刑,這是指把浸透水的綢布,塞進異端分子的口中,然後從鼻子往下灌水,這能使囚犯處在窒息的昏迷中。第二是火煎刑,方法是把囚徒捆住,在腳上塗滿豬油,置於火前,讓油脂慢慢融化,來煎烤囚徒。第三是倒掛刑,把囚徒倒掛在一個滑輪上,把他拉起再猛然放下,同時鞭打,反覆吊起放下。第四是車輪刑,把囚犯四肢伸張,綁在車輪上,轉動車輪,同時用棍棒擊打囚徒的身體。第五是拉肢刑,受刑者被綁在滾動的輪子上,轉動輪子拉扯囚徒的四肢,邊審問邊轉動滾輪,直到拉斷囚徒的肢體。第六是夾板刑,把囚徒兩腿用夾板捆緊,然後從腿和夾板之間打入楔子,不斷增加楔子的厚度,直到粗繩嵌入受刑者的肢體。



https://www.rfi.fr/tw/%E5%B0%88% ... 4%E7%94%B1%E4%BE%86

https://www.rfi.fr/tw/%E5%B0%88% ... 4%E8%AA%95%E7%94%9F

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本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2021/12/9 11:26 編輯


記得中英談判時, 有人問回歸後香港要不要解放軍駐軍
當時有個以為自己官位有點份量的官就答: 可以考慮不駐軍
點知, 馬上俾鄧小平大發雷霆痛罵: 胡說八道!!!

所以, 這個「答」,, 唔知夠唔夠斤両。
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2021/12/9 11:41 編輯

答:這套方法可以用八個字來概括:縝密、專橫、殘酷、墮落。上次我們提到英諾森四世發布了名為《連根拔起》的通諭,其核心就是規定了那些可以達到根除異端的方法。亨利·李認為這份通諭,“企圖讓世俗權力完全服從於宗教裁判所,規定把根除異端作為國家的首要任務”。伯曼則認為,這份通諭,“有效地在意大利建立了警察國家”,因為它在其中規定 :一,可以使用酷刑來獲取口供;二,可以採用火刑處死;三,組織秘密警察,為宗教裁判所效力,四;給討伐異端的人同遠徵聖地的十字軍騎士同等特權;五,對信奉異端者的懲罰,可以延之後代。聽友們可以看出,這五條實際上確立了迫害精神與信仰自由的最基本的方法,以致在當今一些國家仍在使用。1242年,曾幫助格里高利九世起草關於宗教裁判所條文的雷蒙擬定了一份審判異端的指南,這是一部詳細具體的迫害指南。

「答」連《連根拔起》(ad exstirpanda)通諭的原文也未讀過, 馮京當馬涼。
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2021/12/9 11:39 編輯

「答」連《連根拔起》(ad exstirpanda)通諭的原文也未讀過, 馮京當馬 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2021/12/9 11:19


1243-1254 – SS Innocentius IV – Bulla ‘Ad_Extirpanda’ [AD 1252-05-15]

A Proclamation of the Laws and Regulations to be Followed by Magistrates and Secular Officials against Heretics and their Accomplices and Protectors

Innocent, the Bishop, Servant of the Servants of God, to his beloved sons, the heads of state or rulers, ministers and citizens established in the states and districts of Lombardy, Riviera di Romagnola, and Marchia Tervisina, salvation and an apostolic benediction.

To root up from the midst of Christian people the weed of heretical wickedness, which infests the healthy plants more than it formerly did, pouring out licentiousness through the offices of the enemy of mankind in this age the more eagerly (as we address ourselves to the sweated labor of the task assigned us) the more dangerously we overlook the manner in which this weed runs riot among the Catholic growth. Desiring, then, that the sons of the church, and fervent adherents of the orthodox faith, rise up and make their stand against the artificers of this kind of evildoing, we hereby bring forth to be followed by you as by the loyal defenders of the faith, with exact care, these regulations, contained serially in the following document, for the rooting-up of the plague of heresy.

1. In what we gave to your community in apostolical writings, amounting to regulations that we wrote for your legal codes, never at any time to be repealed, making war according to these regulations against all heresy, which rears its head above this holy church, you have gone forward without stint. However, I have sent a letter to my beloved sons, the Dominican priors, provincials and inquisitors into heretical wickedness in Lombardy, Marchia Tervisina and Riviera di Romagnola, commanding each of you that you compel recalcitrant individuals by your excommunication and countries by your interdict to submit (sc. to the new regulations).

The Laws and Regulations then Are as Follows:

Law 1.

We decree that the head of state, whatever his rank or title, in each dominion, whether he is so situated at present, or to be so in the future, in Lombardy, Riviera di Romagnola, or Marchia Tervisina must unequivocally and unhesitatingly swear that he will inviolably preserve, and during his entire term of office see to it that everybody, both in his diocese or administrative domain and the lands subject to his power, shall observe, both what is written herein, and other regulations and laws both ecclesiastical and civil, that are published against heretical wickedness. And the oaths concerning these precisely-observed regulations and laws are to be accepted by whoever succeeds to the monarchical or gubernatorial dignity. Whoever defaults in this regard shall lose the character of head of state or governor. Heads of state and rulers so acting will lose absolutely all guarantees of non-aggression from other governments. No one is obliged to offer fealty to such persons, or ought to do so, even if, afterwards, they submit by swearing the oath. If any head of state or ruler refuses to obey, each and all, these statutes, or neglects them, besides the stigma of forswearing, and the disaster of eternal infamy, he shall undergo the penalty of seeing his country lose its borders, which penalty shall be imposed on him irrecoverably; the country will be converted to common use, because, specifically, a man forsworn and infamous, and, in effect, a protector of heretics, his faith compromised, has usurped the dignity and honor of governmental power; nor shall another head of state or ruler from anywhere replace him, or in any way, by any means, take to himself the vacated dignity or public office.

Law 2.

3. At the commencement of his term of office, at the assembly of citizens convoked as is the custom, by the authority of the city or feudal domain, the head of state or ruler of the city or feudal domain shall accuse of criminal conduct all heretics of both sexes, no matter by what name they appear on the rolls of citizens. And he will confirm his right to the office inherited from his predecessor in this manner. And furthermore, that no heretical man or woman may dwell, sojourn, or maintain a bare subsistence in the country, or any kind of jurisdiction or district belonging to it, whoever shall find the heretical man or woman shall boldly seize, with impunity, all his or their goods, and freely carry them off, to belong to the remover with full right, unless this kind of removing is restricted to persons designated by law.

Law 3.

This head of state or ruler, by the third day of his term of office, must appoint twelve upright and Catholic men, and two notaries and two servants, or as many as may be needed, selected by the Diocesan bishop if there is one and he wishes to take part; and two Dominicans and two Franciscans selected for this work by their priors, if the region has religious houses of those orders.

Law 4.

Those who are thus appointed may and should seize the heretical men and women and carry off their possessions and cause these to be carried off by others, and take the heretics, or cause them to be taken, into the custody of the Diocesan bishop or his surrogates, and see to it that these things are fully accomplished as well in the diocese as in its entire jurisdiction and district.

Law 5.

6. The head of state, or whatever ruler stands foremost in the public esteem, must cause the heretics who have been arrested in this manner to be taken to whatever jurisdiction the Diocesan, or his surrogate, is in, or whatever district, or city, or place the Diocesan bishop wishes to take them to.

Law 6.

7. The utterances of the aforementioned officials are to be faithfully accepted in every matter that regards their office, specially in the aforementioned oath; arguments tending to the contrary are not allowed, where two, three, or more of those present are such officials.

Law 7.

8. Moreover, when these officials are chosen, they shall swear to execute faithfully all these laws, and to the best of their ability, to tell nothing but the truth, in all those commitments, which as they belong to their office, they fully carry out.

Law 8.

9. And both the aforesaid twelve men and their aforesaid servants and notaries, whether acting as a group, or singly, shall, in all that belongs to their office, have full command, backed by the executive and punitive power of the state.

Law 9.

10. The head of state or ruler is obliged to treat as fixed and unrepealable all precepts which their office shall require them to utter, and to punish those who fail to conform to these precepts.

Law 10.

11. If the said officials shall at any time receive any damage either in their persons or their goods as a result of the performance of their duties, they shall be saved harmless by means of a full restitution.

Law 11.

12. Neither these officials, nor their successors, are permitted at any time to reach an agreement about what they are doing, or of what their duties consist, unless this agreement is dictated by the aforesaid Diocesan and religious orders.

Law 12.

13. The term of office of these officials shall last only six months, which when they have completed, the head of state is obliged to substitute for them according to the prescribed form, an equal number of officials who shall serve the aforesaid term in the same form in the following six-month period.

Law 13.

14. These officials shall receive out of the state treasury, or that of the district, when they leave them for the purpose of performing these duties, each of them 18 gold coins, which the head of state or ruler is obliged to give them or cause to be given them; if not then, before the third day after their return to the same city or district.

Law 14.

15. And beyond that they shall seize one-third of the heretics' property; one-third of the fines to which the heretics shall be sentenced shall go to the lesser officials who must content themselves with this pay.

Law 15.

16. But they shall not be, in any way, required to perform any other duty or work which interferes with, or might interfere with, this duty.

Law 16.

17. No legislation, passed or yet to be passed, shall have force to interfere with any of these official functions.

Law 17.

18. And if one of these officials, through incompetence, sloth, preoccupation with another task, or exceeding of the limits of his authority, is removed from office by the aforesaid Diocesan bishop and religious orders, the head of state or ruler must remove him by their command or word and, according to the prescribed form,
substitute another.

Law 18.

19. If one of these officials, faithlessly and falsely, exceeds the limits of his authority to give aid and comfort to persons in custody on heresy charges, besides everlasting infamy, which, as a protector of heretics, he shall incur, he shall be punished by the head of state or ruler according to the sentence of the aforesaid Diocesan and monastic orders of the place.

Law 19.

20. When the Diocesan, or his surrogate, or the inquisitors commissioned by the Apostolic See, arrive on their missions, the head of state and his vassals and other assistants will lend aid and will faithfully perform their duty with them. Anyone, moreover, whether he is present in the country or sent for to obtain his assistance there, whether in the state or in its jurisdiction, or any district of any kind, will be bound to give the aforesaid officials and their assistants counsel and help when they are trying to arrest a male or female heretic, or seize such a
person's belongings, or gather evidence; or enter a house, or a manor, or a hideaway to arrest heretics, on pain of paying 25 pounds in Imperials as a penalty or fine on their former loyalty changing, in whatever manner, to dereliction; the government of a city shall pay a hundred pounds, a manorial domain fifty imperials in coin.

Law 20.

21. Whoever shall have the audacity to arrange the escape from custody of a male or female heretic, or shall try to prevent the arrest of such a person: or shall prevent the entry of an official into any house, or tower, or any place to hinder arrest, or prevent the gathering of evidence concerning such persons, shall have all his goods, according to the law at Padua when Frederick was emperor there, consigned to the state in perpetuity, and the
house that was barred against the official shall be levelled with the ground and its rebuilding prohibited, and the belongings found therein shall be awarded to the officials making the arrest; and if the heretics are found as a result of this prohibition or special preventive measure, the borough shall forfeit to the state two hundred pounds; localities both of the boroughs and the state fifty Imperials, unless within three days the would-be liberator or
liberators of the heretics are brought before the head of state for a personal interview.

Law 21.

22. Above all, the head of state or ruler must hold all male and female heretics who shall be arrested from this date, in the custody of Catholic men appointed by the Diocesan if there is one, and the abovementioned monastic orders, in a safe and secure prison set aside for them, in which only they will be held, away from thieves and violators of the secular criminal code, till their cases are decided; expenses to be paid by the state or the
administrative district.

Law 22.

23. If at any time a non-heretical man or woman state that heretics in custody, who have already confessed, are no heretics; or if perhaps the non-heretics demand that the aforesaid fraudulent persons should be released from life imprisonment, though they are nevertheless convicted heretics and must be acknowledged such; the persons who create this snare, accordingly to the aforesaid law shall resign all their property to the state in perpetuity.

Law 23.

24. The head of state and ruler of whatever kind are especially obliged to present all male and female heretics, under whatever name they are accused, within fifteen days after their arrest, to the Diocesan or his surrogate, or to the inquisitors of heresy, to perform the examination of themselves and their heresies.

Law 24.

Those convicted of heresy by the aforesaid Diocesan Bishop ,surrogate or inquisitors, shall be taken in shackles to the head of state or ruler or his special representative, instantly, or at least within five days, and the latter shall apply the regulations promulgated against such persons.

Law 25.

26. The head of state or ruler must force all the heretics whom he has in custody, provided he does so without killing them or breaking their arms or legs, as actual robbers and murderers of souls and thieves of the sacraments of God and Christian faith, to confess their errors and accuse other heretics whom they know, and
specify their motives, and those whom they have seduced, and those who have lodged them and defended them,as thieves and robbers of material goods are made to accuse their accomplices and confess the crimes they have committed.

Law 26.

27. And the house, in which a male or female heretic shall be discovered, shall be levelled with the ground, never to be rebuilt; unless it is the master of the house who shall have arranged the discovery of the heretics. And if the master of the house owns other houses in the same neighborhood, all of the other houses shall in like manner be destroyed, and the goods that shall be found in the house and the others related to it shall be dispersed to the populace, and shall belong to whoever carries them off, unless the removers shall be appointed by law. Above all, the master of the house, besides incurring eternal infamy, must pay the government or locality fifty pounds Imperial in coin; if unable to pay, he shall suffer life imprisonment. The borough where the heretics are arrested or discovered shall pay the government of the state a hundred pounds; and a manor shall pay fifty, and the regions adjoining manors and states, fifty.

Law 27.

28. Whoever shall be caught giving any male or female heretic counsel, help, or favor, besides the other punishments mentioned duly in their logical places in other passages of this decree, shall become infamous by that same law, and shall be admitted neither to public office, nor public affairs, nor the election of persons to these, nor may he testify in a legal process; to that extent shall his incapacity to testify go, that he shall neither
bequeath legacies to heirs nor inherit them himself. No one shall be compelled to respond to any business dealings initiated by him but he shall be so compelled by others. If he be by chance a judge, his sentence shall prove nothing, nor shall he hear any case. If he be an attorney, his defence in court will never be allowed to prevail. If he be a notary, the legal documents drawn up by him shall be utterly without validity. Those who give
ear to the false doctrines of heretics shall be punished like heretics.

Law 28.

29. The head of state or ruler must cause the names of all men rendered infamous by heresy, or under a statute of outlawry for it, to be written in a consistent form and manner in four books, of which one shall go to the state or local government, another to the Diocesan bishop, the third to the Dominican friars, and the fourth to the Franciscans, and the names of these persons are to be read aloud three times a year in a solemn public ceremony.

Law 29.

30. The head of state or ruler must carefully investigate the sons and grandsons of heretics and those who have lodged them, defended them, and given them aid, and in the future admit them to no public affairs or public office.

Law 30.

31. The head of state or ruler must send one of his aides, chosen by the Diocesan if there is one, with the aforesaid inquisitors obtained from the Apostolic See, as often as they shall wish, into the jurisdiction of the state and the district. This aide, as the aforesaid inquisitors shall have determined, will compel three men or more, reliable witnesses, or, if it seem good to them, the whole neighborhood, to testify to the aforesaid inquisitors if they have detected any heretics, or want to expose their motives, whether the heretics celebrate rites in secret gatherings, or scoff at the common life of the faithful, and their customs; or if the witnesses want to expose those the heretics have seduced, or their defenders, or those who lodge them, or those who give the heretics help. The head of state shall proceed against the accused according to the laws of the Emperor Frederick when he governed Padua.

Law 31.

32. The head of state or ruler must, within ten days after the accusation, complete the following tasks: the destruction of the houses, the imposition of the fines, the consigning and dividing-up of the valuables that have been found or seized, all of which have already been described in this decree. He must obtain all fines in coin within three months, and divide them up in the manner to be set forth hereafter, and convict of crime those who cannot pay, and hold them in prison until they can. However, he shall be subject to investigation for all and each
of these things, as it shall be described hereunder, and moreover he must designate one of the assistants, chosen by the Diocesan bishop or his surrogate and the aforesaid inquisitors, to carefully complete all these tasks; another assistant shall be substituted if they so decide.

Law 32.

33. None of these sentences or punishments imposed on account of heresy, shall, either by the motion of any public gathering, the advice of counselors, or any kind of popular outcry, or the innate humanity 10of those in authority, be in any way waived or pardoned.

Law 33.

34. The head of state or ruler must divide up all the property of the heretics that is seized or discovered by the aforesaid officials, and the fines exacted from these heretics, in the form and manner following: one-third shall go to the government of the state or district. The second as a reward of the industry of the office shall go to the officials who handled this particular case. The third shall be deposited in some secure place to be kept by the aforesaid Diocesan bishop and inquisitors, and spent as they shall think fit to promote the faith and extirpate 11heretics, this policy prevailing in spite of any statute that has been or shall be enacted against this dividing-up of the heretics' property.

Law 34.

35. If anyone tries to abolish, reduce or change any of these statutes, without particular authority from the Apostolic See, the head of state or ruler presiding at that time over the state or district, must, according to the prescribed form, render him infamous, as a public advocate and patron of heretics, and fine him fifty Imperials in coin, which if the head of state is unable to collect, he shall declare him an outlaw, a brand not to be removed till twice the sum is paid over.

Law 35.

36. The head of state, or ruler, during the first ten days of his term of office, by employing three faithful Catholic men, chosen for this purpose by the Diocesan bishop, if there is one, and the Dominican and Franciscan friars, must investigate the most recent occupant of his post, and the latter's aides, concerning everything that is written in these statutes or regulations and laws against heretics and their accomplices, and punish those who have overstepped the bounds of their authority for each and every particular they have neglected to perform, and compel the present government to restore the lost function; nor shall any departure from the regular procedure cause anyone in the government to be exempted from the investigation.

Law 36.

37. The aforesaid three men shall swear that they have acted in good faith in investigating the previous government concerning everything in these laws and regulations.

Law 37.

38. In addition, the head of state or ruler of any city or district must delete or erase completely whatever, in any statute or legal code, is found to contradict or hinder, in any way, these regulations, statutes, or laws; and in the beginning and the middle of his term of office, he shall cause these statutes, regulations, and laws to be solemnly read aloud in a public assembly; and even in places outside his jurisdiction or district, they shall be set forth if it seem good to the aforesaid Diocesan, or inquisitors and friars aforementioned.

Law 38.

39. Finally, all these statutes, regulations, and laws, and whatever shall be enacted at any time by the Apostolic See against heretics and their accomplices, must be written in a consistent format in four books, of which the first shall be deposited in the legal archives of the state, the second with the Diocesan bishop, the third with the Dominicans, the fourth with the Franciscans, all kept with the greatest care, that they may in no way be violated by forgers.

Given at Perusio, 15 May, in the ninth year of our pontificate.
beebeechan 發表於 2021/12/9 11:21

抽刀斷水 發表於 2021/12/9 12:23

即係你字照搬, 就是没有讀睇囉。 (太長無心機睇定係英文屎到髀?)
即係你字照搬, 就是没有讀睇囉。 (太長無心機睇定係英文屎到髀?)
有那條 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2021/12/9 15:03

本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2021/12/9 22:21 編輯
呢個只係英文譯本,並非拉丁文原文呀,你可否確定此譯本準確無誤?否則傾黎都嘥氣啦。 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2021/12/9 17:27


至少, 亞「答」說的:
都不是出自 Pope Innocent IV 的通諭
否則傾黎都嘥氣啦。 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2021/12/9 17:27

令你出咗醜既野, 你梗係唔想講落去哩
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2021/12/9 22:55 編輯


呢個亞「答」話佢既料係來自「研究宗教裁判所歷史的英國人愛德華·伯曼」 (Edward Burman)

我地睇睇呢個 edward Burman 乜料先....

佢係無錯寫過唔少書, 不過, 涉及題材都好雜亂下, 唔見得佢係歷史專才。


你, 樓主就當猛料, 想用嚟抽水??

至少, 亞「答」說的:
1可以使用酷刑來獲取 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2021/12/9 21:48


「答」連《連根拔起》(ad exstirpanda)通諭的原文也未讀過, 馮京當馬 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2021/12/9 11:19






問你英文譯本係咪準確,你又答都唔 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2021/12/9 23:06

幾屎既翻譯, 都不會譯出你拎出嚟既「五大傻求」
本帖最後由 leefeng 於 2021/12/10 01:46 編輯
第一節:  宗教裁判所的由來

「提要」人類精神自由的歷史,是一部充滿艱辛、困苦和血淚的歷史。今天享受着 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2021/12/9 09:53






賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。


宗教裁判所,十字軍, 侵略,滅族,殺戮,性侵,性侵兒童,虐待,斂財,販賣青少年、兒童色情、剝削兒童…的罪不都是原罪的始作俑者:【原罪耶禍華】,再製造多一個【原罪耶穌】所造成的嗎?


賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。



leefeng 發表於 2021/12/10 01:44

我成日都話有「搬字賤工」只管把字搬搬貼貼, 根本不知自己貼了甚麼!



點知, 貼出嚟既, 竟然係「撐」宗教裁判所既文章。

真係....條9, 蠢鈍到令人會笑到標尿
下次貼文時, 睇睇你要貼既係乜先哩。。。好無。。。?