本帖最後由 leefeng 於 2021/11/20 11:54 編輯
时间 2021-04-01 18:52:15 纪小栈
主题: 教育
German Nuns Sold Orphaned Children to Sexual
德国修女把孤儿卖给性工作者 https://p6-tt.byteimg.com/origin/pgc-image/155f88866dcc45bcba9384ff5ebed93b?from=pc
A jarring report outlining decades of rampant child sex abuse at the hands of greedy nuns and perverted priests paints a troubling picture of systematic abuse in the German church.
一份令人不安的报告概述了数十年来贪婪的修女和变态的神父对儿童进行的猖獗性侵,描绘了一幅令人不安的德国教会有系统的性侵画面。 For hundreds of years 几百年来
Most likely for about two millenia. I'd be surprised if this hasn't been going on since the early days of the church.
最有可能是两千年前,如果这种情况从教会成立之初就没有发生过,我会感到惊讶。 vulgarmadman-
For anyone more interested in atrocities by the church please look up mother and baby homes Ireland! It is a disgusting part of our history in Ireland which the state was complicit in and refuses to apologize for! Hundred of dead babies were found and women were held against their will by the church for years! More attention needs to be brought to it abroad because our government does not care!
对于任何对教会暴行更感兴趣的人,请查找爱尔兰母婴之家!这是我们爱尔兰历史上令人作呕的一部分,而爱尔兰政府却与之串通一气,拒绝为此道歉!数百名婴儿的尸体被发现,妇女被教会强行关押了好几年!因为我们的政府不在乎,所以更多的关注需要带到国外! tvansweden
“Sooooo... let’s go ahead and make sure that there is no access to abortion, because God would condemn that. Which is nice, because that means there will inevitably be more options to choose from at the orphanage.”
“所以... ... 让我们继续前进,确保不允许堕胎,因为上帝会谴责这种行为。这很好,因为这意味着孤儿院将不可避免地有更多的选择。”
评论区For hundreds of years
“Sexual Predators”.... they’re called priests.
Holy shit!!! I was just joking.... and then I read the article.
神圣狗屎! ! ! 我只是在开玩笑... ... 然后我读了这篇文章。 notasmellybridgetrol
Even if he is gross Louis Ck was right. The catholic church is just a giant really well run kid ****ing network. People can worship at home wtf
即使他很恶心,路易斯克也是对的。天主教堂只是一个巨大的,管理良好的儿童网络。人们可以在家里做礼拜 spikus93
Why is a religious group in charge of orphaned children? I feel like this is definitely in the realm of government responsibility. Private organizations should not be allowed to care for the wards of the state. This extends to private prisons.
为什么一个宗教团体要管理孤儿?我觉得这绝对属于政府的责任范畴。私人组织不应该被允许照顾国家的被监护人。这也延伸到了私人监狱。 jwhittin
I wonder what the 'save the children' people have to say about this.
Who is surprised Catholicism probably houses the biggest pedophile group globally. Year after year stories come out and Chruch does little to stop it.
谁会对天主教可能是全球最大的恋童癖组织感到惊讶呢。年复一年的新闻层出不穷,而 教堂几乎没有采取任何措施来阻止这一趋势。
Oh look religious people doing what religious people do... preying on children.
哦,看看那些信教的人,有宗教信仰的人做他们该做的事......欺负小孩子。 _kasten_
The sad truth is that child-rape, as long as it wasn't violent was not regarded as something that would cause lasting damage to a child provided that adults didn't make a big deal of it. The child psychologists thought that the trauma of rape was a "social construct" derived from the hang-ups that a sexually repressed society attached to it.
In Germany foster children were INTENTIONALLY placed with pedophiles because it was thought that pedophiles were, by their very nature, more likely to be devoted and attended to their charges.
That being said, getting raped by a priest is -- assuming these people actually believed anything their religion taught them -- WAY worse than getting raped by a foster parent or teacher or whatever, and that needs to be kept in mind.
Disgusting. Absolutely horrid. But the Catholic Church will cover it up like always.
真恶心,绝对可怕,但天主教会会一如既往地掩盖事实。 MinneIceCube
And my parents wonder why I'm not religious.
**** if the pope was as good as he pretends to be he would dismantle the whole ****ing thing. Give the cultural artifacts and locations to the relevant countries, the money to the poor, and the power to the people.
The organization itself no longer has any purpose that can't be done without religion, except perpetuating itself and ensuring it keeps its power. Everything else they do can be done without organized religion.
Why does this seem so commonplace in religious circles, churches etc?
为什么这在宗教界、教堂等看起来如此普遍? no_pasaran19
Now I'm starting to see why the Catholic Church is so interested at being "pro-life", lots of unwanted children end at Orphanages at charge of the Catholic Church. It's the loop of abuse, and everybody that's in the most cultist part of the Catholic religion is contributing at it directly or indirectly.
JustAnotherRetard69 69
Now imagine if this happened to a private company like Amazon. Do you think they would be allowed to continue operation anymore? No, of course they wouldn't. They would be shut down IMMEDIATELY in their entirety. And this isn't even the only instance of this happening. There are literally HUNDREDS of reports of child sex within the Catholic Church from just the last few decades alone. Yet the governments around the world do NOTHING to shut down this criminal organization. Would you call that justice?
Can we cancel the Catholic Church yet?
我们可以取消天主教会了吗? perridotspalmtree
Ah so that is why the church is against abortion, they don’t want to miss out on their inventory of children.
Here’s a thought. A majority of child sex-rings and pedophiles emerge from the churches. Imagine going to church, finding out your pastor is a pedophile who molested YOUR kid, and STILL making the choice to expose your family and yourself to said “faith”. I wish ya’ll were strong enough to not get brainwashed by the shadiest organization on the planet.
我有个想法。大多数的儿童**团体和恋童癖者都是从教堂中涌现出来的。想象一下,去教堂,发现你的牧师是一个恋童癖者,他猥亵了你的孩子,但仍然选择让你的家人和你自己暴露在“信仰”之下。我希望你们都足够强大,不要被这个星球上最阴暗的组织洗脑。 GenJohnONeill
As a Catholic, please take extremely punitive measures. Lock up anyone involved and throw away the key.
作为一个天主教徒,请采取极其严厉的惩罚措施,把所有涉案人员关起来,然后把钥匙扔掉。 FluffedBroccoli
Those bitches - may they rot in hell (or jail)
It smells of hypocrisy in here well if it isn't the catholic church
No wonder they're wonder they're against abortion. It hurts their bottom line.
难怪他们反对堕胎,这伤害了他们的底线。 Maniacal_Monkey
Many times I’m reminded, when I read stories like this, of Sinead O’Connor essentially committing career suicide in an attempt to shed more light on the atrocities that were being committed. “How dare she say that about devout followers of Christ,” “She should be boycotted & blackballed from the music industry for even suggesting such a thing.” An amazing voice was silenced forever for reveling heinous acts which would drive any parent to kill if this was done to their children/family. It’s a terrible song that never ends and people refuse to turn it off because the beat is really good.
很多时候,当我读到这样的新闻时,我想起了西尼德 · 奥康纳,他为了揭露那些暴行而自杀。“她怎么敢这样说基督的虔诚信徒,”“她连这样的建议都应该被抵制,被音乐界排斥。”一个令人惊异的声音被永远沉默了,因为它揭露了令人发指的行为,如果这种行为发生在他们的孩子/家庭身上,任何父母都会杀了他。那是一首永远不会结束的糟糕歌曲,人们拒绝关掉它,因为它的节奏真的很好。 onfallen
Seriously, what is wrong with celibate people?
Completely limiting people from having sexual relationships with anyone and making sex a taboo caused that.
Look at India. Porn is illegal by law. Sex trafficking is big business.
Crimes against humanity they should all be executed
Christians do it all the time, it must be vital to their work.
How anyone with any moral or consciousness could call themselves a follower of this church is beyond me.
The Catholics believe in third party absolution. These nuns just went and confessed, so they get to go to heaven now. In spite of selling children to rapists.
This just makes me very sad.
Enith2478 2478
Well after all the scandals l have become so cynical that I’m not surprised at all.
Maybe this shit will finally make the German government cut off funding to the church.
Church is gonna church. Is anybody surprised at this point? I'd be surprised to hear about any other organization doing this but the church. Every country should research this, we likely find in all of them the same scandals!
Burn the witch !
The world would be much better if the catholic church went away. Does more harm than good and is one of the largest scams out there.
More importantly if we got rid of organized religion (not make religion illegal. People can worship on their own) shit would be better.
At this point the Catholic Church should be labeled as a sex trafficking ring across the globe. Seems like theyve been causing this type of harm for decades and just get away with it.
在这一点上,天主教会应该被贴上全球**易团伙的标签。看起来几十年来他们一直在造成这种伤害,但是却没有受到惩罚。 DirtyDan247
It saddens me that these horrific acts have been going on for generations and still continue in 2021. These scourge need to be purged from this earth.... This is the Way !!! Save our Children
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