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教院宗教教授 涉非禮女助理
校方紀律委員會調查         2009年5月7日




校長張炳良﹕正調查 不拖延


吳梓明受查無停職 拒回應




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Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
142# Jennifer

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
其實我對呢位教授印象都好模糊...話晒take 佢個course都成5年前lor...
142# Jennifer

假如係佢而不幸地妳又冇被佢非禮............不要太介意,佢唔非禮妳,未必係因為妳比佢嘅女助理差,相反地,可能Prof.對妳不敢高攀啫 ...
沙文 發表於 2009/5/7 18:29


女童:老師與我性交320次(星島)2009年5月8日 星期五 06:30(綜合報道)(星島日報    報道)前油蔴地天主教小學(海泓道)男教師涉與年僅十二歲女生展開忘年師生戀,近三年來交往中更與女童性交多達三百二十次,期間女童更因此懷孕而進行墮胎;男教師昨否認十一項非法性交及一項串謀促使流產罪名而受審,女童昨供稱雖將自己處子之身奉獻給被告,但她根本不愛被告,與被告性交感到「很慘」。  油蔴地名小學前男教師涉與女童多次非法性交一案,昨在高院開審。現報稱無業的三十九歲被告朱志華,否認六項與十三歲以下女童非法性交、五項與十六歲以下女童非法性交及一項串謀促使流產罪名。控方開案陳詞指案發於○四年一月至○六年十二月,被告當時在油蔴地天主教小學(海泓道)任教,受害女童X為該小學的畢業生,被告曾是她小學三至六年級的科目老師。  現年十七歲的女童X在警方錄影會面帶供稱,被告為她的數學及體育科小學老師,深受學生愛戴,而她亦很尊敬被告,更不時到被告油麻地平安大廈替他改簿,期間她曾坐在他大腿上,作出親密的行為。○三年九月X升讀同區中學,被告開始為她補習,○四年初兩人單獨在涉案單位共處時,兩人在沙發上親吻,被告突問她:「想唔想試吓同佢發生性行為?」她在不知如何回應下,被告抱她入房發生關係。  X回憶指,她獻出處子之身痛到流淚,數周後被告再要求發生關係,卒於○四年暑期她發現月經遲來,在油麻地萬榮大廈一間診所被驗出有身孕三個月,被告即時要求她「快啲落咗佢」,他更向診所將墮胎費由三千元壓至二千八百元,數天後她被安排墮胎,她形容過程痛楚,全身冒汗。雖然醫生吩咐她手術後一個月內不能性交,但不夠兩周,被告又與她發生性行為。  她粗略估計,她墮胎前與被告性交三十至四十次,由墮胎後至○六年十二月與被告分手,兩人發生關係達二百八十次,即使他的寓所有其他學生補習或留宿,他也會與她在房中發生關係,但因她已獻出處子之身,「拒絕他發生關係也沒有意思」。她升到中四時,懂得分辨自己根本不愛被告,決心與被告分手。不過,控方開案陳詞指,○五年被告曾致電女童X的母親,飲泣地說愛上X,「發了很多事情」。  案件編號:高院刑事二八——二○○九。http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/090507/3/c2lv.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

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區院暫委法官陳仲衡昨指,被告曾有非禮案底,為一名慣犯,以年幼女童為目標,他否認自己有孌童癖,但重犯機會高,須判阻嚇刑罰,判囚 28個月。
現年 21歲被告李祖康返教會多年,多名教友在求情信中指他平日謙虛有禮,品行良好,但法官指被告曾侵犯女童,顯示被告不為人知的陰暗面。精神報告指被告是孌童癖,心理報告顯示被告至今仍有觸摸女性的衝動,對年幼女童有性興趣,須心理輔導。
事發於去年 9月至 12月間,被告先後五次守候在寶林邨其中四座大廈內,乘四名 10至 13歲女童外出時,借故捉着她們,欲帶往後梯。他早前承認非法禁錮及遊蕩共五項罪名。
案件編號: DCCC82/09

殺害AVU0艷星女友 兇手男友是牧師
2009-09-19 05:44:00

(本報記者陸宜蒙羅維亞報道)曾在《尖峰時刻2》(Rush Hour 2)和《狂野極速》(The Fast and the Furious)客串演出的前成人電影華裔女星31歲李斐莉雪(Felicia Lee,譯音,藝名為Felicia Tang),日前遭同居白人男友藍道(Brian Lee Randone)毆打施暴、最後窒息死亡,而昨天據《聖蓋博論壇報》指出,該男子曾是神聖的牧師。該報寫道,45歲的藍道大學在芝加哥慕迪聖經學院 (Moody Bible Institute)就讀,接著從德州西南浸信會神學院(Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth)取得神學碩士,不過後來涉足演藝事業,1996年在德州貝勒大學(Baylor University)從事校園喜劇演員,2000年還參與福斯(Fox)電視台真人秀《美國最性感單身漢》(The Sexiest Bachelor in America)。目前藍道已被警方逮捕,控以謀殺罪、且保釋金200萬元。

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Catholic bishop facing child porn charges

A Roman Catholic bishop who oversaw an historic settlement with victims of past sexual abuse by priests in Nova Scotia has been charged with possessing and importing child pornography.
Bishop Raymond Lahey of the archdiocese of Antigonish was searched at the Ottawa airport as he re-entered Canada on Sept. 15. Officers found images “of concern” on his laptop, and seized it along with other media devices. He was released pending further investigation.
After a forensic examination revealed child pornography, Ottawa police charged Bishop Lahey, 69, Friday and issued a warrant for his arrest.
In a statement Saturday, Bishop Lahey said that “after much thought and careful consideration” he had submitted his resignation to Pope Benedict “for personal reasons.”
“…To so many of you I would want to say a personal word of farewell and thanks. However, I have already left the diocese to take some much-needed time for personal renewal. I simply ask for your prayers, as I assure you of my continued prayers for you all,” he wrote.
Archbishop of Halifax Anthony Mancini told CTV News that he spoke to the former bishop yesterday but doesn't know where he is and would encourage him to surrender “and allow the legal process to unfold.”
When Bishop Lahey sent his resignation letter to the Pope, Archbishop Mancini said the clergyman would have been specific about why he was stepping down.
“The Pope would have to know what the grave cause is,” he said. “And I have to assume that since he responded and accepted Bishop Lahey's resignation that the Pope knew the gravity of the matter.”
Rev. Paul Abbass, a spokesman for the Antigonish diocese, said there was “a ton of speculation” about why the bishop resigned, with many people inferring it was because of stress or his health.
“We know the reason now and now we have to deal with that,” he said, calling the charges “pretty devastating,” especially in light of the recent sex abuse settlement.
Father Abbass described the former bishop as a warm, respectful and “very pastoral” man who was “absolutely committed” to resolving the abuse allegations. But he said the nature of the charges he faces makes helping the victims heal even more difficult. “There's a pretty big disconnect here,” he said.
In August, the Antigonish diocese reached a $15-million class-action settlement with known and alleged former child victims of sexual abuse by its priests dating back to 1950. At the time, Bishop Lahey, who was bishop of Antigonish for six years and was not implicated in the allegations, apologized to the victims and noted they were entitled to protection from priests.
“Sexual abuse, indeed any abuse, is wrong. It is a crime and it is a serious sin in the eyes of God. I want to assure you that for some time our diocese, like others throughout Canada, have been taking steps to protect children and youth,” Bishop Lahey told a news conference.
Last year, the Antigonish diocese and the Roman Catholic Church were named in the class-action lawsuit, which alleged they kept the assaults secret and failed to warn or protect children.
John McKiggan, the lawyer who initiated the suit, said yesterday that he was “very surprised” by the news.
In August, Mr. McKiggan said the settlement was “unprecedented in Canada,” noting that churches typically fight such claims until they declare bankruptcy or the alleged victims give up.
Originally from Newfoundland, the former bishop once served as a professor of theology at Memorial University in St. John's and was bishop of the province's Diocese of St. George's for 17 years.
With a report from The Canadian Press
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
CNN帥哥主播幼年遭神父性侵 自家人專訪數度哽咽

(2007/03/13 17:48)







CNN帥哥主播幼年遭神父性侵 自家人專訪數度哽咽
沙文 發表於 2007/3/30 08:13




Ho god killme end this nightmare.XD

Pastor, Bluffs church sued by victim

Published: Sunday, October 11, 2009 12:22 AM CDT
OMAHA (WHNS) – An Omaha girl told her pastor that her body belonged to God, not to him.

The pastor disagreed. He said having sex with him was OK, and “This is what love is.”

Those allegations are contained in new documents reviewed by The World-Herald News Service in the case of a Lincoln pastor accused of sexually assaulting the girl in Omaha and Council Bluffs.

Attorneys for the girl, now 17, say she will need psychological treatment and will suffer from the abuse for the rest of her life. She and her father are suing Efrain Umaña Sr. for damages for emotional pain and distress, according to a lawsuit filed in Pottawattamie County District Court.

He also faces criminal charges in Douglas and Pottawattamie counties.

She alleges in the civil suit that Umaña, who is now 54, raped her at least three times: once at her home in Omaha, once at the church in Council Bluffs and once in Umaña’s car. She said she was in fourth or fifth grade at the time of the assaults.

Umaña’s attorney, Andrew Wilson, said Umaña denies the girl’s allegations.

“He denies all the allegations both civilly and criminally,” Wilson said.

The girl and her family regularly attended the church in Council Bluffs where Umaña formerly preached, Templo Monte Horeb. It is near 30th Street and Fifth Avenue.

Umaña had influence and authority over her and used that power to sexually abuse her, attorneys John McHale and Robert Knowles said in the lawsuit.

The girl and her father also named the church as a defendant in the same lawsuit, alleging that the church was negligent in failing to check Umaña’s background. They also say the church failed to supervise Umaña.

A church member said that the congregation had no idea anything was amiss with Umaña and the girl and that Umaña never would have been allowed to work there if they knew he had complaints of impropriety in his past.

“This is a good place,” said Jose Escobar, 34, a member of the church for five years. “It is very important we try all we can to protect everybody in the church.”

The current pastor, Raul Jimenez, said the church board that hired Umaña knew him to be a good pastor. Umaña left the church last year.

“They never knew he had a bad record,” Jimenez said. “He was a good preacher, a good teacher and he always came with his family.”

Umaña worked as a Lincoln Public Schools bus driver from 1992-97. In 1993, three students reported that they felt uncomfortable around Umaña, according to memos obtained by The World-Herald News Service.

The students reported that he hugged them, said things like, “Hi, Babe” and told them how pretty they were. He also kissed one and grabbed at their coats, according to the documents. One girl reported that she told him the bus was cold and he said, “Yes, but you and me are hot.”

In 1994, three elementary school students reported that Umaña grabbed them in inappropriate places. Umaña denied the allegations to school officials. In 1997, Umaña was terminated.

The official reason for his termination, according to Lincoln school district documents, was that the district continually received calls about him doing the route incorrectly and saying inappropriate things. The final problem was when he gave a student a note saying, “I will kill you next time I’ll see you!” He told officials it was a joke.

Umaña had been pastor at an Assemblies of God church in Lincoln, Neb., called Efesios 2:20 until the church’s Midwest Latin American District Council dismissed him in 2002.

According to a letter the church sent to Umaña, his dismissal resulted in part from a report by a 17-year-old parishioner that she’d had a physical relationship with him. She later sued and said the case was settled out of court for $18,000.

A 14-year-old girl also reported that he made advances.

He was dismissed from another Lincoln church, at 1305 N. 52nd Ave., in 2008.

The church was an affiliate of the International General Assembly of the Church of God, of Cleveland, Tenn. A Church of God trial found him guilty of ecclesiastical charges of unbecoming ministerial conduct.

David Gosnell, administrative bishop of the Church of God in the Midlands, declined to say what the ecclesiastical charges were. Gosnell said the ecclesiastical charges involved no minors.

Umaña also is charged with forcing a woman parishioner to have sex with him and with making unwanted advances to two women at the Bluffs church.

He awaits trial in Douglas and Pottawattamie counties on criminal charges involving the minor and the women at the Bluffs church.

He is out on bail and continues to preach at his church, Iglesia Templo Pentecostal El Nuevo Nacimiento, in Lincoln.
http://www.southwestiowanews.com ... 68495f334168716.txt
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
"In the 1990s one man told a British parliamentary committee of the criminal
abuse he was subjected at the hands of Catholic priests at Tardun in Western

A number of Christian brothers competed between themselves to see who could
rape him 100 times first, he said.

Because the men liked his blue eyes, he would beat himself in an attempt to
make them change colour. "



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Jailed 175 yrs for child sex
2009-11-14 09:36

著名基督教牧師托尼阿拉莫(Tony Alamo)本星期五被法庭判處175年徒刑,因其跨州姦淫多位未成年少女與猥褻兒童.


阿拉莫,75歲,他在7月受十項聯邦罪名起訴。美國地方法院法官巴恩斯 (Harry F. Barnes)說,阿拉莫使用自己教牧的地位借口不與之性交就「得不到上帝的救贖」來威脅女孩。



.阿拉莫的律師說,他們計劃對這判決提出上訴. 他的律師提供一醫生作証說,阿拉莫患有動脈硬化,糖尿病,青光眼和其他健康問題。然而,在反詰時,醫生確認他只在2004年看過阿拉莫一次,而阿拉莫的訪醫目的,是要使眼皮能上揚,使他看起來更年輕。

一名在8歲時曾因屈怕於阿拉莫天譴之言,而被挑選為新娘的婦女在證人席上說, 牧師使她與家庭脫離而她受性侵時是多麼害怕.

她說“你要求法庭憐憫你,但你曾對我們憐憫過嗎?” 過了一會兒,她又問:“你又扮過什麼樣的神人?”




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涉性侵養女姊妹 牧師助理送法辦

【聯合報╱記者劉星君/屏東報導】 2010.01.26 03:31 am



【2010/01/26 聯合報】

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神父性侵逾百童  教宗開腔譴責

愛爾蘭調查發現大規模神父性侵兒童的醜聞案,撼動天主教。教宗本篤十六世( Benedict XVI)表示,教會現在與未來都會強烈譴責這種行為。

教宗預計在 15、 16日邀集愛爾蘭主教到梵蒂岡舉行會議,商討如何處理這樁引發教會信心危機的事件。
愛爾蘭政府 3年前開始調查天主教會神職人員性侵醜聞,去年 11月完成調查,發現數十名神父涉嫌對兒童性騷擾,且愛爾蘭教會隱瞞事實,甚至讓涉案神父不斷調職,造成更多兒童受害, 1名神父在調查報告中承認,曾性侵超過 100名兒童。醜聞已導致 4名愛爾蘭主教請辭。
德國調查也發現,過去 15年內,大約有 100名神職人員涉嫌性侵。德國主教會議秘書長表示,他對調查結果感到相當震驚,調查揭露了教會黑暗的一面。

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神父當男妓網上賣淫 每小時收120歐元





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