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[轉載] 美國監獄的資料:無神論者的道德水平最高。

本帖最後由 淚兒 於 2010/2/4 23:19 編輯

無神論者佔美國人口總數不多,大約只有百分之八到百分之十六之間。但是,美國監獄裡面關押的犯人當中,只有百分之零點二(0.2%)是無神論者。信耶穌的 群體在罪犯中的比例倒是和人口的比例相差不大。


Federal Bureau of Prisons does have statistics on religious
affiliations of inmates. The following are total number of inmates per
religion category:

Response Number %

---------------------------- --------

Catholic 29267 39.164%

Protestant 26162 35.008%

Muslim 5435 7.273%

American Indian 2408 3.222%

Nation 1734 2.320%

Rasta 1485 1.987%

Jewish 1325 1.773%

Church of Christ 1303 1.744%

Pentecostal 1093 1.463%

Moorish 1066 1.426%

Buddhist 882 1.180%

Jehovah Witness 665 0.890%

Adventist 621 0.831%

Orthodox 375 0.502%

Mormon 298 0.399%

Scientology 190 0.254%

Atheist 156 0.209%

Hindu 119 0.159%

Santeria 117 0.157%

Sikh 14 0.019%

Bahai 9 0.012%

Krishna 7 0.009%

Total Known Responses 74731 100.001% (rounding to 3 digits does this)

Unknown/No Answer 18381

Total Convicted 93112 80.259% (74731) prisoners' religion is known.

Held in Custody 3856 (not surveyed due to temporary custody)

Total In Prisons 96968

I hope that this information is helpful to you.

Denise Golumbaski

Research Analyst

Federal Bureau of Prisons


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