奉旨殺人的摩西 p109 和十戒的兩個版本 p125
出谷紀 Exodus
Chapter 2
11過了許久,梅瑟已經長大,有一次出去探望自己的同胞,看見他們作苦工,又見一個埃及人打他的一個同胞希伯來人; | 11In those days after Moses was grown up, he went out to his brethren: and saw their affliction, and an Egyptian striking one of the Hebrews his brethren. | 12他向四面一望,見沒有人,便將那埃及人打死,將他埋在沙土中。 | 12And when he had looked about this way and that way, and saw no one there, he slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. | 13第二天他又出去,見兩個希伯來人打架,就對那無理的一方說:「你為什麼打你同族的人?」 | 13And going out the next day, he saw two Hebrews quarrelling: and he said to him that did the wrong: Why strikest thou thy neighbour? | 14那人回答說:「誰立了你作我們的首領和判官?難道你想殺我,像殺那埃及人一樣嗎?」梅瑟就害怕了,心裡想:「那事一定叫人知道了!」 | 14But he answered: Who hath appointed thee prince and judge over us? Wilt thou kill me, as thou didst yesterday kill the Egyptian? Moses feared, and said: How is this come to be known? | 15法郎聽說這事,就想殺死梅瑟;而梅瑟卻離開法郎逃走,去了米德楊地,坐在井旁。 | 15And Pharao heard of this word and sought to kill Moses: but he fled from his sight, and abode in the land of Madian, and he sat down by a well. |
Chapter 32
25梅瑟見百姓這樣放肆,──因為亞郎放縱了他們,成了敵人的笑柄;── | 25And when Moses saw that the people were naked, (for Aaron had stripped them by occasion of the shame of the filth, and had set them naked among their enemies,) | 26就站在營幕門口說:「凡屬上主的,到我跟前來!」於是肋未的子孫聚到梅瑟前。 | 26Then standing in the gate of the camp, he said: If any man be on the Lord's side let him join with me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him: | 27梅瑟向他們說:「上主,以色列的天主這樣說:每人要把刀佩在腰間,在營中往來,從這門到那門,要殺自己的兄弟、朋友和親人。」 | 27And he said to them: Thus saith the Lord God of Israel: Put every man his sword upon his thigh: go, and return from gate to gate through the midst of the camp, and let every man kill his brother, and friend, and neighbour. | 28肋未的子孫就照梅瑟的吩咐作了,那一天百姓中被殺的約有三千人。 | 28And the sons of Levi did according to the words of Moses, and there were slain that day about three and twenty thousand men. | 29梅瑟說:「今天你們應接受奉事上主的聖職,因為你們每人犧牲了自己的兒子和兄弟,上主今日必賜福與你們。」 | 29And Moses said: You have consecrated your hands this day to the Lord, every man in his son and in his brother, that a blessing may be given to you. |
Chapter 20
1天主訓示以下這一切話說: | 1And the Lord spoke all these words: | 2「我是上主你的天主,是我領你出了埃及地、奴隸之所。 | 2I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. | 3除我之外,你不可有別的神。 | 3Thou shalt not have strange gods before me. | 4不可為你製造任何彷彿天上、或地上、或地下水中之物的雕像。 | 4Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. | 5不可叩拜這些像,也不可敬奉,因為我,上主,你的天主是忌邪的天主;凡惱恨我的,我要追討他們的罪,從父親直到兒子,甚至三代四代的子孫。 | 5Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them: I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me: | 6愛慕我和遵守我誡命的,我要對他們施仁慈,直到他們的千代子孫。 | 6And shewing mercy unto thousands to them that love me, and keep my commandments. | 7凡不可妄呼上主你天主的名;因為凡妄呼他名的人,上主決不讓他們免受懲罰。 | 7Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the name of the Lord his God in vain. | 8應記住安息日,守為聖日。 | 8Remember that thou keep holy the sabbath day. | 9六天應該勞作,作你一切的事; | 9Six days shalt thou labour, and shalt do all thy works. | 10但第七天是為恭敬上主你的天主當守的安息日;你自己、連你的兒女、你的僕婢、你的牲口,以及在你中間居住的外方人,都不可作任何工作。 | 10But on the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: thou shalt do no work on it, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy beast, nor the stranger that is within thy gates. | 11因為上主在六天內造了天地、海洋和其中一切,但第七天休息了,因此上主祝福了安息日,也定為聖日。 | 11For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them, and rested on the seventh day: therefore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it. | 12應孝敬你的父親和你的母親,好使你在上主你的天主賜給你的地方,延年益壽。 | 12Honour thy father and thy mother, that thou mayest be longlived upon the land which the Lord thy God will give thee. | 13不可殺人。 | 13Thou shalt not kill. | 14不可姦淫。 | 14Thou shalt not commit adultery. | 15不可偷盜。 | 15Thou shalt not steal. | 16不可作假見證,害你的近人。 | 16Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. | 17不可貪你近人的房舍。不可貪戀你近人的妻子、僕人、婢女、牛驢及你近人的一切。 | 17Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house: neither shalt thou desire his wife, nor his servant, nor his handmaid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his. |
金牛事件 ,摩西擲爛石碑後 ,上帝再給過新的
Chapter 34
10上主說:「看,我要立約:我在你的全百姓前所要行的奇跡,是在普世萬國未行過的;你四周的人民要看見上主的作為,因為我藉你所行的是可怕的事。 | 10The Lord answered: I will make a covenant in the sight of all. I will do signs such as were never seen upon the earth, nor in any nation: that this people, in the midst of whom thou art, may see the terrible work of the Lord which I will do. | 11你應注意我今日吩咐你的事:我要從你面前驅逐阿摩黎人、客納罕人、赫特人、培黎齊人、希威人和耶步斯人。 | 11Observe all things which this day I command thee: I myself will drive out before thy face the Amorrhite, and the Chanaanite, and the Hethite, and the Pherezite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite. | 12你要注意:你每到一地,不可與那地方的居民立盟,恐怕他們成了你中間的陷阱。 | 12Beware thou never join in friendship with the inhabitants of that land, which may be thy ruin: | 13你應拆毀他們的祭壇,打碎他們的神柱,砍斷他們的木偶。 | 13But destroy their altars, break their statues, and cut down their groves: | 14不准你朝拜別的神,因為上主名為忌邪者,他是忌邪的天主。 | 14Adore not any strange god. The Lord his name is Jealous, he is a jealous God. | 15不准你與當地的人民結盟,免得他們與自己的神行淫,給自己的神獻祭時,請你去吃他們的祭物, | 15Make no covenant with the men of those countries lest, when they have committed fornication with their gods, and have adored their idols, some one call thee to eat of the things sacrificed. | 16又免得你為你的兒子娶他們的女兒為妻;當他們的女兒與自己的神行淫的時候,也使你的兒子與她們的神行淫。 | 16Neither shalt thou take of their daughters a wife for thy son, lest after they themselves have committed fornication, they make thy sons also to commit fornication with their gods. | 17不准為你鑄造神像。 | 17Thou shalt not make to thyself any molten gods. | 18你要按照我所吩咐的,在阿彼布月所定的日期內,守無酵節,七天之久吃無酵餅,因為在阿彼布月你出離了埃及。 | 18Thou shalt keep the feast of the unleavened bread. Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee in the time of the month of the new corn: for in the month of the springtime thou camest out from Egypt. | 19凡初開母胎的都應歸於我;你的牲畜中,凡首生的公牛羊,都應歸於我。 | 19All of the male kind, that openeth the womb, shall be mine. Of all beasts, both of oxen and of sheep, it shall be mine. | 20首生的驢,應用羊贖回;若不贖回,應打斷牠的頸項。你的子孫中,凡是長子,你應贖回。空著手的,不可到我台前來。 | 20The firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a sheep: but if thou wilt not give a price for it, it shall be slain. The firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem: neither shalt thou appear before me empty. | 21你六天作工,但第七天應安息,連在耕種收穫的時期,也要安息。 | 21Six days shalt thou work, the seventh day thou shalt cease to plough, and to reap. | 22在收穫初熟麥子時,應過七七節;在年尾過收藏節。 | 22Thou shalt keep the feast of weeks with the firstfruits of the corn of thy wheat harvest, and the feast when the time of the year returneth that all things are laid in. | 23凡你所有的男子,一年三次應去朝拜主,上主,以色列的天主。 | 23Three times in a year all thy males shall appear in the sight of the Almighty Lord the God of Israel. | 24幾時我從你面前趕走異民,擴展了你的疆域之後,你一年三次上去朝拜上主你天主的時候,沒有人敢圖謀你的國土。 | 24For when I shall have taken away the nations from thy face, and shall have enlarged thy borders, no man shall lie in wait against thy land when thou shalt go up, and appear in the sight of the Lord thy God thrice in a year. | 25不可同酵麵一起給我祭獻犧牲的血;逾越節的犧牲,不可留到早晨。 | 25Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice upon leaven: neither shall there remain in the morning any thing of the victim of the solemnity of the Lord. | 26你田中最上等的初熟之果,應獻到上主你的天主的殿中。不可煮羊羔在其母奶之中。」 | 26The first of the fruits of thy ground thou shalt offer in the house of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not boil a kid in the milk of his dam. | 27以後上主向梅瑟說:「你要記錄這些話,因為我依據這些話同你和以色列子民立了約。」 | 27And the Lord said to Moses: Write these words by which I have made a covenant both with thee and with Israel. | 28梅瑟在那裡同上主一起,停留了四十天四十夜,沒有吃飯,也沒有喝水;把盟約的話,即十句話,寫在石版上。 | 28And he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights: he neither ate bread nor drank water, and he wrote upon the tables the ten words of the covenant. |
13不可殺人。13Thou shalt not kill.
14不可姦淫。14Thou shalt not commit adultery.
15不可偷盜。15Thou shalt not steal.
16不可作假見證,害你的近人。16Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
17不可貪你近人的房舍。不可貪戀你近人的妻子、僕人、婢女、牛驢及你近人的一切。17Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house: neither shalt thou desire his wife, nor his servant, nor his handmaid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his.
Chapter 32
21梅瑟對亞郎說:「這百姓對你作了什麼,你竟使他們陷於重罪?」 | 21And he said to Aaron: What has this people done to thee, that thou shouldst bring upon them a most heinous sin? | 22亞郎回答說:「我主,請不要生氣!你知道這百姓傾向於惡。 | 22And he answered him: Let not my lord be offended: for thou knowest this people, that they are prone to evil. | 23他們對我說:請給我們製一神像,在我們前面引路,因為那領我們出埃及國的梅瑟,不知道遭遇了什麼事。 | 23They said to me: Make us gods, that may go before us: for as to this Moses, who brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, we know not what is befallen him. | 24我給他們說:誰有金子,就摘下來!他們遂給我送來。我把金子投在火中,這牛犢便出來了。」 | 24And I said to them: Which of you hath any gold? and they took and brought it to me: and I cast it into the fire, and this calf came out. |
25梅瑟見百姓這樣放肆,──因為亞郎放縱了他們,成了敵人的笑柄;── | 25And when Moses saw that the people were naked, (for Aaron had stripped them by occasion of the shame of the filth, and had set them naked among their enemies,) | 26就站在營幕門口說:「凡屬上主的,到我跟前來!」於是肋未的子孫聚到梅瑟前。 | 26Then standing in the gate of the camp, he said: If any man be on the Lord's side let him join with me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him: | 27梅瑟向他們說:「上主,以色列的天主這樣說:每人要把刀佩在腰間,在營中往來,從這門到那門,要殺自己的兄弟、朋友和親人。」 | 27And he said to them: Thus saith the Lord God of Israel: Put every man his sword upon his thigh: go, and return from gate to gate through the midst of the camp, and let every man kill his brother, and friend, and neighbour. | 28肋未的子孫就照梅瑟的吩咐作了,那一天百姓中被殺的約有三千人。 | 28And the sons of Levi did according to the words of Moses, and there were slain that day about three and twenty thousand men. | 29梅瑟說:「今天你們應接受奉事上主的聖職,因為你們每人犧牲了自己的兒子和兄弟,上主今日必賜福與你們。」 | 29And Moses said: You have consecrated your hands this day to the Lord, every man in his son and in his brother, that a blessing may be given to you. |
33上主回答梅瑟說:「誰犯罪得罪我,我就把誰從我的冊子上抹去。 | 33And the Lord answered him: He that hath sinned against me, him will I strike out of my book: | 34現在你去領我的百姓到我吩咐你的地方去。看,我的使者在你前面引路。在我懲罰之日,我必懲罰他們的罪。」 | 34But go thou, and lead this people whither I have told thee: my angel shall go before thee. And I in the day of revenge will visit this sin also of theirs. | 35以後上主打擊了百姓,因他們敬拜了亞郎製造的牛犢。 | 35The Lord therefore struck the people for the guilt on occasion of the calf which Aaron had made. |
第一次拿十戒後 ,見人做了金牛就殺了3000人
不可殺人Thou shalt not kill
就成了第二次拿十戒中消失了 |