I am not sure if this dude has seriously think about building a building.
The idea is that what kind of precaution will you take when you build a building?
1) Earthquake, of any scale?
2) Fire, of any scale? Including ramming a Boeing 747 and burning the fuel?
3) Flood, of any scale? From 1 meter flood, to 20 meter?
4) Tsunami?
5) Hail storm?
6) Blizzard?
7) Crusader and their likes suicicdal bomber?
8) Typhoon?
.... and the list goes on forever.
If money is not a concern, where do the writer suppose they get these enormous amount of money from? Without money, people are going to be sick without hospital, inorant without a school, starve without food, etc. It is an act of balance eventually.
There are many reasons why the building is built the way it is built. It is so easy to attack a design ad hoc.
Below is a photo of one of the "safest" building on earth --- Federal reserve Headquarter of US. Please note that one of the key consideration to be safe is the general design of the building and the area instead of just what kind of rock it is on. (For example, the stair and poles for flood and terrorists, the steel bar windor for thief, the reinforced pillar for plane crash attack.)
To further the point of design importance over the material being build on, consider
Kansai Internation Airport which is build on "sand" (Artifical island in the middle of an ocean) and survive both earthquake (Kobe Earthquake) and typhoon (200km/hr).