原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-22 04:40 發表 
"sorry cant quite agree
>>>> it seems that it is difficult to know the religious belief ofdifferent people.
yes , but , not too difficult , it does have 'the ways ,
let's just ask !! y[[=why]] no ...
1. But, how can you guarantee that they won't be telling lies? If theyknow that people would think it is problematic if the group is formedby all Christian, and using the Christian doctrine as the rule tojudge, it seems that it is of their interest to hide this fact topublic (just go to 佛堂 for 1 or 2 times, or just declare that they are無神論者, etc.).
>>>> But, how can you guarantee that they won't be telling lies?
oYes : ::::: no1 can guarantee
oNo : ::::::: v dont need2guarantee any thing ,
.a. its[[it's]] their own responsibility to tell the truth , only truth , nothing but the truth ,
.b. should they tell lie ,
then ,
Our AllMighty Lord must////MUST hold them responsible !!!!
Our AllMighty Lord must////MUST ,,,,,wait'''' them in their way !!!!

what v should do , 's just only : ::::::::::: 發表 'the 立場書 , n , let 'the 立場書 2 ask by itself ....
by 'the way ,
y[[=whynot]] ask ????
y[[=whynot]] just ask ???? v have nothing2lose , v have nothing in pain , but everything2gain ,
so simplo

p.s. : :::::
i may/////////must b incorrect in 1 way or other ,
please dont hesitate2rectify it ,
welcome !

>>>> it seems that it is of their interest to hide this fact topublic
>>>> (justgo to 佛堂 for 1 or 2 times, or just declare that they are無神論者, etc)
me seems ,
.1. : :::::
the Christians 'r so proud of their own religious identity that ,
i doubt that they would deny it
me seems , perhaps , possibly ,
.2. : :::::
the Christians would not make themselves so
,,,,,dirty'''' as to visitting those
,,,,,non-good-places'''' or
,,,,,not-so-good-places'''' or
,,,,,not-too-good-places'''' such as .........
e.g. : : 佛堂
[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-22 21:27 編輯 ] |