Satan — 撒旦,是猶太基督系宗教裡的惡魔之王。
Lucifer — 路斯弗,墮落天使。
Abyss — 無底地獄。 佛教中亦有阿鼻地獄(Abichi Hell)之說。
馬克思主義源自一個撒旦教秘密組織— 很少馬克思主義者知道這一點。
The origin of Marxism is within a satanic mystery cult – something which very few Marxists are aware.
馬克思早年是一名基督徒。 馬克思第一部知名作品叫《基督信徒們依據約翰福音15:1-14而合一:合一的意義、必要性及其影響》。 裡面有這樣的話:“與基督的合一,既在和祂緊密而鮮活的友誼之中,又在這樣的事實當中:祂總在我們眼前和我們心裡。同時,我們被祂的大愛佔據,於是,通過那聯合了我們、犧牲了自己的祂,我們對兄弟真心相待。”
In early youth, Marx was a Christian. The first of Marx”s known works was entitled, “Unity of believers in Christ according to the Gospel of John 15:1-14: Unity”s meaning, unconditional necessity, and influence.” Here we find the following words: “Union with Christ is found in a close and living fellowship with Him and in the fact that we always have Him before our eyes and in our hearts. And at the same time that we are possessed by the greatest love of Him, we direct our hearts to our brothers, with whom He bound us closely, and for whom He sacrificed Himself.”
So Marx was aware of the way in which people may show brotherly love towards each other, that is, through Christianity.
馬克思繼續寫道:“因此,與基督的合一,使我們的內在昇華,使考驗得到慰籍,使我們心靈敞開關愛他人— 這不是因為我們驕傲或渴望名聲,而是因為基督。”
He continues: “Therefore, unity with Christ internally exalts, comforts in trials, and makes the heart open to love people, not because of our pride or thirst for fame, but because of Christ.”
At the about the same period of time, he writes in his work entitled: “Thoughts of a young man before choosing a profession”:
“Religion teaches us the Ideal to Whom we all aspire. He has sacrificed Himself for all mankind. Who will dare to deny such assertions? If we have chosen a profession at which we may give our best to mankind, then we won”t falter under its burden, because it is a sacrifice for all.”
When he graduated from high school, his diploma contained the following in the category “Religious knowledge”:
“His knowledge of Christian teachings and principles is clear and properly based. He also knows the history of Christian church to a great extent.”
馬克思獲得文憑不久,一件非常靈異之事發生了。 在Moses Gess 於1841 年把馬克思導向社會主義信念之前,他已成為一名熱烈的無神論者。 這種性格轉變,在其學生時代的後期表現出來。
Soon after receiving of his diploma, something very mysterious happened. Even before Moses Gess led Marx to socialistic persuasions in 1841, he had become a zealous atheist. This change character could be seen in his later student years.
在他的詩詞中,馬克思寫道:“我渴望向上帝復仇。”馬克思相信上帝確實存在,雖然上帝從未傷害他,他卻要與祂爭鬥。 馬克思生於一個較富裕的家庭,他在童年時從未挨餓,在學生時代的生活又比他的朋友們好得多。 那麼,他對神的強烈仇恨從何而來?
In one of his verses, Marx wrote: “I long to take vengeance on the One Who rules from above.” Marx believed that “the One that rules from above” in fact existed. He contended with Him, although God never harmed him. Marx was from a relatively wealthy family. He didn”t starve in his childhood and in his student years he lived much better than his friends. So what caused his fierce hatred towards God?
我們尚未知曉其個人動機。 或者,在這挑釁的聲言中,馬克思只是“另一位”的喉舌?
Personal motivations are not available to us. Maybe Marx was only somebody”s else speaker in this defiant assertion?
以健康觀點看待世界的人,將會轉變,變得慘白和死寂。 他被盲目和寒冷的死亡所佔據,將給他的快樂準備墳墓。 ”
During this period, the following lines are taken from him from the poem entiled: “Conjuration of falling into despair.”
I”ll set up my throne above, Cold and terrible will be the peak of it. Superstitious trembling is at its base, Master – most black agony.
The one who will look with healthy looks, Will turn away, turn pale and deadly mute. Possessed by blind and cold deathness, will prepare a tomb with his happiness.
坐於王座上的“那一位”,將散佈極端的痛苦與恐懼— 這個自白和“我將在上蒼設立我的王座”一句,使我們想起了路斯弗的驕傲之言:“我要升到天上,在神的眾星之上,我將設立我的王座。”(聖經‧舊約‧以賽亞書14:13)
The words “I”ll set up my throne” and his confession that agony and fear will go forth from the one who is sitting upon the throne, remind us Lucifer”s proud boast: “I will ascend to heaven, higher than God” s stars I will set up my throne” (Isiah 14:13).
為何馬克思需要這樣一個王座? 馬克思在其學生時代寫的一個聲名狼藉的劇本中,有著答案。 這個劇本叫《Oulanem》,裡面提及撒旦教的“黑色聚會” — 這種祭典儀式由一名祭師帶領,於午夜時分焚燒一部《聖經》;聚會者發誓要犯(羅馬天主教教義中的)全部七宗致命大罪,且永遠不做好事;然後,他們進行縱慾狂歡。
Why did Marx need such a throne? The answer for this question is in an infamous drama written by Marx in his student years. The drama is called “Oulanem.” There is a mention of a satanic “Black mass,” a ritual conducted by a priest at midnight in which a Bible is burned. All present promise to commit all the seven deadly sins mentioned in the Roman Catholic catechism and to never perform any good works. An orgy follows after that.
撒旦崇拜由來已久。 在《聖經‧舊約‧申命記》中我們讀到,那些人“向魔鬼獻祭”,然後,以色列之王Jeroboam 設立了高位、牛羊的祭師。
Worship of Satan is very old. In Deuteronomy we read that the Jews “made sacrifices to demons” (32:17). Later, the king of Israel, Jeroboam, set up priests of the high places and of the goats and bulls that he made”(2 Kings 12:25-33).
The “Oulanem” can be understood if we read with Marx”s bizarre confession made in the verse “Nidler”:
Hellish evaporations rise and fill my brains, Until I will go mad and my heart will not change dramatically. See this sword? The King of darkness sold it to me.
這些字句有特殊意義:在撒旦教的晉階祭儀中,一柄施了巫術、能確保某種成功的劍,會被賣給晉階者。 而晉階者付出的代價,就是用他血管裡的血在惡魔契約上簽字,於是,在他死後,他的靈魂將屬於撒旦。
These lines have special meaning when we take into account that during the rituals of higher dedication into a satanic cult, a bewitched sword that guarantees a success is sold to the candidate. He pays for it by signing with his blood taken from his vein the contract which makes his soul belong to Satan after death.
“因為他正在抽空給予記號。我的死亡之舞越來越大膽,而他們也是這樣:Oulanem,Oulanem。這名字聽起來如同死亡,這聲音一直持續,使我們在悲慘的形態中不能自已。停止吧!現在我已擁有它。它從我的靈魂升起,如空氣般清晰,如骨骼般堅硬。接下來,你,人格化的人類,我會用我強力的手抓住你,同時用暴烈的力量把你壓碎。黑暗中,無底地獄的裂口對我張開,而你也不能倖免,你將墮入其中,我會緊隨你之後。大笑和低語聲將傳入你的耳朵: “下來陪我吧, 朋友! ” ”
And now I”ll quote “Oulanem”:
For he is marking time and giving signs. Bolder and bolder I play the dance of death. And they too: Oulanem, Oulanem. This name sounds like death, Sounds until won”t stop in miserable shapes. Halt! Now I have it. It rises from my soul, Clear as air, hard as my bones. And still, you personified mankind, I may take you by the power of my mighty hands and crush with fierce force In the meantime, as the abyss gapes before me and you in the darkness, You will fall in it and I”ll follow you, Laughing and whispering into your ear: “Come down with me, friend!”
馬克思在高校所學的聖經中說,魔鬼被一位天使投入無底地獄之中(聖經‧啟示錄20:3)。 這無底地獄是預備給魔鬼和墮落天使的,馬克思卻想將全人類投入這地獄之中。
The Holy Scripture, which Marx learned in high school, says that devil was cast down by an angel into the abyss (Rev. 20:3). Marx wanted to send all mankind into this abyss prepared for the devil and his angels.
在這個劇本里,誰在代表馬克思說話呢? 從這個年輕人之言,我們有理由這樣構想:他夢想人類會墮入無底地獄,而他自己,則會大笑著尾隨那些被無神論誘騙的人們。 除了撒旦教會的晉階祭儀之外,世上沒有任何地方會有這種理念。
Who speaks for Marx in this drama? Is it reasonable to expect this from such a young man – that he would dream that mankind would fall into the abyss (the “outer darkness” as the Bible calls it), and that he himself laughing will follow those who were ensnared by unbelief? Nowhere in the world is this idea cultivated except in the rituals of dedication into the higher degrees of the Satanic church.
The time to die has come for Oulanem. These are his words:
Perished, perished. My time is over. The clock has stopped, the tiny building has fallen. Soon I”ll squeeze eternity to me, and with a wild cry Will speak out a curse to all mankind.
馬克思喜歡複述哥德的《浮士德》中惡魔Mephistopheles 的話:“一切存在都應該被毀滅。” 一切— 包括工人和那些為共產主義而戰的人。 馬克思喜歡引用這話,而斯大林則忠實執行之,甚至連他自己的家庭都毀掉了。
Marx liked to repeat Mephistopheles” words from Goethe”s “Faust”: “all existing is worthy to be destroyed.” All, including the worker and those who fought for communism in battle. Marx liked to quote these words and Stalin acted according to these words and destroyed even his own family.
撒旦教的成員並非唯物主義者,他們相信死後的生命。 Oulanem,這個馬克思擔任的角色,並不否認死後的生命,而是認為死後的生命充滿了最高的仇恨。 需要說明的是,對於眾魔而言,“永恆”意同“苦刑”。 正是因此,眾魔指責耶穌:“神的兒子,我們與你有什麼相干。時候還沒到,你就來讓我們受苦嗎”( 聖經‧新約‧馬太福音8:29)
Members of Satan”s cult are not materialists. They believe in life after death. Oulanem, the person whose character Marx assumes, does not deny life after death. But acknowledges it as a life full of hate to the highest degree. I should mention that “eternity” means “torture” to demons. This is the reason why demons rebuked Jesus: “And so they cried out: what do you have to do with us, Jesus, Son of God? Have you come to torture us before our time” (Matt. 8:29).
“哈,永恆,我們永遠的痛苦,無法描述、無法衡量的滅亡!它是如此可憎,被造作出來,以蔑視我們— 而我們本身,作為盲目的時鐘機器,生來就是時間和空間的愚蠢日曆,我們只是為了毀滅而曇花一現,除此之外,絕無其它目標。”
Marx says the same thing:
Hah, eternity, our eternal pain, Indescribable, unmeasurable death! Disgusting, artificially conceived, To despise us – We, who ourselves, as a clock mechanism Blindly mechanical, created to be Foolish calendars of time and space, Without any purpose, Besides accidental appearance for destruction.
我們開始明白青年馬克思身上發生什麼了。 他曾經有基督教的理想,但並沒有付諸實踐。 他與其父的通信證明,他花費了大量金錢用於娛樂,並因此導致他與父母之間無盡的矛盾衝突。 在這種情況下,他可能已陷入一個秘密撒旦教組織的羅網,並經歷了獻祭儀式。 撒旦能在其教徒縱慾狂歡的迷幻中顯現,並能通過他們的嘴說話。 當馬克思宣稱:“我要向上帝復仇”時,他顯然就是撒旦的代言人。
We begin to realize what happened to young Marx. He used to have Christian ideals, but he didn”t applying them to his life. His correspondence with his father testifies of spending of large amounts of money for entertainment that caused endless conflicts with his parents . In this situation, he possibly was entangled in the snare of a secret Satanic cult and went through the ritual of dedication. Satan is seen by his followers in hallucinations during the orgies and speaks through their mouths. Marx is just Satan”s voice when he proclaims “I want to take vengeance on the One who is above.”
把它和我聯繫起來吧! 它必會被詛咒毀滅。 我會用我的雙手鎮壓不聽話的存在。 擁抱著我,它會平靜地消褪,然後沉入烏有之處。 完全消失,不復存在,那就是– 生命。 ”
Let”s go to the end of “Oulanem” drama:
Hah! Tortured on the burning wheel, I must happily dance in the circle of eternity: If there would be anything beyond it, I”d jump into it, even if I had to destroy the world for it.
Build between it and me! It must be destroyed with curses. I”ll supress stubborn existence by my hands. Embracing me, it should calmly fade out. And then – down to nowhere. Completely disappear, and not to be – that would be – the life.
In the “Oulanem” drama Marx, in fact, does the same thing as the devil. He curses all humanity.
《Oulanem》這種劇本,可能是世上唯一的:在它裡面,所有角色都確知他們的罪孽並縱情狂歡,如同過節日一般。 那裡沒有黑與白,沒有Claudio,Ophelia,Iago 和Desdemona。 在這劇本里,一切都是黑暗的,而且所有人都表現出惡魔Mephistopheles 的性格。 裡面的所有祈禱都是邪惡的,注定要被毀滅。
“Oulanem” is probably the only drama in the world in which all the players are so sure of their sinfulness and revel in it as on a holiday. There is neither white nor black, neither Claudio and Ophelia, Iago and Desdemona. Everything is black in it, and every one appeared to have Mephistopheles' character. All of it's players are demonic and doomed to perish.
馬克思寫作《Oulanem》時,這位年輕的才子僅18 歲。 此時,他為自己一生定下的計劃已非常清晰。 他沒有幻想要為人類、無產階級、或社會主義服務。 他想毀滅這個世界,以世界的震盪、劇痛、動亂為基礎,建起他的王座。
When Marx was writing “Oulanem,” the young genius was 18. His plan for his life was very clear by that time. He had no illusions about serving mankind, the proletariat or socialism. He wanted to destroy the world, set up a throne for himself that would be based upon the world's shocks, throes and convulsions.
在此階段,馬克思的觀點繼續發展。 一些靈異之事在他與其父的通信之中出現。 例如,馬克思寫道:「外殼脫落了,我的眾聖之聖已被掏空,那個地方需要一位新的靈。」— 寫於1837 年11月10日,在此之前,這位年輕人已被承認為基督徒。 他曾公開宣稱基督住在他的心中,沒想到突然之間,這就被完全顛覆了。 是什麼新的靈取代了基督的位置呢?
At this stage, Marx's views were developing. Some mysterious things appear in his correspondence with his father. For instance, the son writes: “The cover has fallen, my Holy of Holies was emptied and there was a need to put new gods there. ” This was written on November 10, 1837 by the young fellow who previously professed to be a Christian. He used to profess that Christ inhabited in his heart. Suddenly this turned upside-down. What new gods replaced Christ's place?
馬克思的父親回復道(1838年2月10日):「我不需要關於這靈異事件的任何解釋,儘管它貌似頗具爭議性。」那靈異事件是什麼? 沒有傳記作者能解釋這些迷一般的話。
Marx's father replied (February 10, 1838): “I didn't demand any explanations about such a mysterious thing, though it seems to be very controversial.” What was that mysterious thing? No biographer has been able to explain these puzzling words.
What suddenly caused young Marx's father to express anxiety for controversial influences on his young son?
In a poem, Karl Marx wrote:
I have lost heaven, And know that for sure. My soul, once faithful to God, Now is destined for hell.
We need not comment.
馬克思早年對藝術有傲然的抱負,他的詩詞、劇本,對於探索其內心世界相當重要;不過,由於他缺乏詩人天賦,這些作品始終沒被採納。 在繪畫和建築學上的失敗造就了希特勒;在戲劇上的失敗造就了Goebels;在哲學上的失敗造就了Rosenberg。
Marx began with proud ambitions in art. His verse and drama were important for the discovery of his inner world, but because of the absence of poetic talent, they remained useless. Failures in painting and architecture gave us Hitler; in drama – Goebels; in philosophy – Rosenberg.
馬克思是所有神明的死對頭— 一個以自己靈魂為代價,從黑暗王子那裡買了一把劍的人。
Marx was the implacable enemy of all gods, a man who bought a sword from the prince of darkness for the price of his own soul.
馬克思真的向撒殫買了一把劍嗎 ?
Did Marx really buy a sword from the Satan?
馬克思的女兒Eleonora 寫了一本書,名叫《摩爾人與將軍- 馬克思與恩格斯回憶錄》。 她說,在她小時候,卡爾給她和她的姐妹們講了許多故事。 她特別喜歡的故事與一個叫Hans Rekle的人有關。 這個故事被連續講了幾個月,且似乎永不完結。 Hans Rekle 是一名巫師,他有一間玩偶商店,並有巨額負債。 他是巫師,但他卻經常缺錢。 因此,無論他是否情願,他必須將那些可愛的玩偶一個接一個地賣給魔鬼。 Eleonora 寫道,這些冒險中的一些事頗為恐怖,簡直令她汗毛倒豎。
His daughter, Eleonora, wrote book entitled: “The Moor and the general – memoirs of Marx and Engels.” She says that Karl told many stories to her and his other daughter when they were children. Her favorite story was about some one named Hans Rekle. This story was continued for months and seemed to never end. Hans Rekle was a wizard who had a toy shop and a lot of debts. Though he was wizard, he constantly was in need of money. Therefore, in spite of his desire , he had to sell all his cute toys one by one to the devil. Eleonora wrote that some of these adventures were so awful that her hair stood on end.
Robert Payne 在其《馬克思》一書中,通過引用Eleonora 的話道出了詳情:可憐的Rekle 巫師極不情願賣掉他的玩偶,他總是把玩偶保留到最後一刻;然而,由於他與魔鬼有一個協定,他無法逃避。
Robert Payne, in his book “Marx,” also tells in detail, from Eleonora's words, how the poor wizard Rekle unwillingly was selling his toys keeping them until the very last moment. But because he had an agreement with devil, he was unable to escape.
這位傳記作家評論道:「受驚之後,我們可以猜想,那些永不完結的故事,就是馬克思的自傳。有時他似乎意識到他在行使魔鬼的職責。」馬克思寫作《Oulanem》和另一些早期作品時,尚未構想社會主義。 在這些早期作品中,馬克思承認他與撒殫簽了契約。
The biographer comments: “Scarely can we doubt that those never ending stories were autobiographic. Sometimes it seemed as though he was realizing that he was performing the devil's duty.” Marx didn't conceive of socialism when was finishing “Oulanem” and other early works in which he admits he made a pact with Satan.
那時馬克思遇見了Moses Gess — 一個在馬克思生命中扮演了最重要角色,並引導其接受了社會主義理念的人。
At that time Marx met Moses Gess, the man who played most significant role in his life and led Marx to accept socialistic ideals.
在給B. Auerbasch 的一封信(1841)中,Gess 稱馬克思是「最偉大的,更可能是唯一的,當代哲學家…… 馬克思博士非常年輕(最多24歲),他將給予宗教和哲學終極打擊。」可見,其首要目標是打擊宗教,而不是實現社會主義。
In a letter to B. Auerbasch (1841), Gess characterized Marx as “the greatest, possibly the only, philosopher of today … Dr. Marx is very young (24 years old at the most); he'll strike the final blow on religion and philosophy.” So the first target was to strike a blow to religion not socialism.
馬克思追求著一種幫助人類的理想,並認為宗教是實現此理想的障礙,所以他採取了反宗教的立場—– 這只是一個虛構的故事。 實際上,馬克思憎恨所有神明,而且不堪聽聞上帝。 社會主義只是引誘無產階級和知識分子去實現撒殫理想的圈套而已。
It is a myth that Marx had been pursuing the ideal of helping mankind, that religion was the obstacle on the way to the realization of those ideals, and that this was the reason why he took an anti-religious position. On the contrary, Marx hated all gods and couldn't hear about God. Socialism was only a decoy to attract the proletariat and intelligensia to the realization of a satanic ideal.
馬克思很少公開談論形而上之事,但我們可以從他交往的人那裡,收集關於他觀點的信息。 他在「第一國際」的一名同事,俄國無政府主義者Mikhail Bakunin,曾寫道:「魔鬼就是第一個自由思想家和救世主,魔鬼解放了阿丹,並用人性之印封住了阿丹的臉,從而使他反叛上帝。」
Marx publicly spoke about metaphysics very little, but we can gather information about his views from those with whom he communicated. One of his co-members in the First International was Mikhail Bakunin – a Russian anarchist who wrote that the devil was the first free thinker and the world savior; that the devil liberated Adam and sealed his face with the seal of humanism making him disobedient.
Bakunin 不僅讚頌路斯弗,他還有具體的革命計劃,不過,這計劃並不能解救被壓迫的窮人。 他寫道:「在這革命中,我們必須把人們心中的魔鬼喚醒,以激起他們最卑鄙的激情。」
Bakunin not only glorified Lucifer, but had a concrete program of revolution – but not the kind that is able to free the poor from oppression. He wrote: “In this revolution, we'll have to wake up the devil in people in order to stir up their lowest passions.”
這裡有一個特別重要的事實需要說明,那就是,馬克思及其朋友,作為反對神明者,並非現代馬克思主義者自稱的無神論者。 雖然馬克思他們公開否認神明,但對於他們所憎恨的神的存在,他們從未懷疑過。
Here it is very important to give special signicficance to the fact that Marx and his friends, being against God, were not atheists as modern Marxists call themselves. Although they denied God publicly, they hated the One Whose existence they never doubted.
所有活躍的撒殫教徒都有混亂的個人生活,馬克思也不例外。 Arnold Kunzli 在《馬克思心志》一書中寫道,馬克思因為他導致兩個女兒和一個義子自殺而感到內疚;而馬克思的女兒Laura 則埋葬了她的三個親生骨肉,然後與她丈夫一起自殺。
All active Satanists have a disorderly personal life, Marx was no exception. Arnold Kunzli, in his book, “Marx – Psychography,” wrote that Marx was guilty of causing the suicide of two of his daughters and one son-in-law. His daughter Laura also buried three of her own children and then committed suicide together with her husband.
在兌換交易中,馬克思損失了大量金錢。 作為一位耀眼的經濟學家,他卻虧損了不少錢財。
Marx had lost a lot of money on the exchange. Being a brilliant economist, he nevertheless could only loose money.
Since everything in a satanic cult is covered by secrecy, we only have a suspicion that Marx had ties to the cult. His slovenly life could be one more in the chain of evidence.
馬克思和恩格斯都是高級知識分子,然而,在他們的通信中,卻充滿了猥褻下流之語,這與他們的社會地位極不相稱。 除了大量淫穢之辭,我們找不到這兩位理想家交流他們的人道主義和社會主義夢想的只言片語。
Marx was a highly intelligent person, as was Engels, however their correspondence full of indecencies which are unusual for men of their social position. A lot of obscene words, but never do we read of these idealists communicating their humanistic or socialistic dreams.
馬克思的行為充滿了魔的特徵。 他的朋友Weitling 寫道:「與馬克思談話時,話題通常是無神論、斷頭台、黑格爾、繩索、刀。」身為猶太教徒,他卻寫了一本反教義的書,名叫《對猶太教的質疑》。 他不僅憎恨猶太人,也憎恨德國人。 他聲言:「只有棍棒才能喚起德國人。」他慣於談論「啞的德國」,並稱「德國人、中國人、猶太人都像街頭小販。」最後,他又說:「德國全國性的狹隘思維真令人厭惡。」(A. Kunzli《馬克思心志》)他認為俄國人是最低等的民族– 「一個野蠻種族」,又將斯拉夫人稱作「種族垃圾」。
Everything in Marx' behavior had a demonic character. His friend Weitling wrote: “Usual topics for conversation with Marx are atheism, the guillotine, Hegel, rope and knife.” Being a Jew himself, he wrote an anti-semetic book called, ” The Jewish Question.” He hated not only Jews. He hated Germans and asserted that “only a stick can raise a German.” He use to talk about “the dumb German nation” and the fact that “German, Chinese and Jewish people can be compared to the street vendors.” Finally, he makes mentions of “the disgusting national narrow-mindedness of Germans” (A. Kunzli “Marx – Psychography.”) He counted Russians as a people of the lowest sort, “a barbarian race ,” and called Slavics – “ethnic garbage.”
So we have paid some attention to several inclinations that allow us to believe that Marx may well have been a Satanist.
這裡又有一個有趣的事實:一名馬克思的信徒,Reese 軍官,為馬克思的死而哀傷,因此去了倫敦拜訪他摯愛導師的故居。 馬克思的家人已經搬走,因此他只能跟屋裡的僕人交談。 這僕人所說的關於馬克思的話,令他大為驚異:「他是一位對神有著敬畏的人。在他病重時,他慣於在房間裡,在一些燃燒的蠟燭前獨自祈禱;圍繞他頭部的傷痕就像帶子一樣。」這使我們想起了猶太教徒早晨的祈禱儀式,不過,馬克思是在基督教會受洗的,他從未聲明自己信仰猶太教,而且他後來成了神的敵人。 他寫了多本反對宗教信仰的書,並把他的所有孩子培養成無神論者。 那麼,這位未受過教育的僕人理解成祈禱的儀式,到底是什麼呢? 猶太教徒面對聖物祈禱時,並不需要在面前放置一排蠟燭。 那會不會是撒殫教的一種儀式呢?
Here is one more interesting fact. Captain Reese, a disciple of Marx, grieved by the news of his death, went to London to visit the house where his beloved teacher once lived. The Marx family had already left the home and he was only able to talk to the servant who lived in the same house. He heard the following amazing words about Marx from her: “He was a man with the fear of God. When he was very ill, he used to pray alone in his room before burning candles, wound round his head was something like tape.” This reminds philacteries used by the Jews during their morning prayers. But Marx was baptized in a Christian church. He never confessed Judaism and later became an enemy of God. He had been writing books against religion and had brought up all his children to be atheists. So what was that ceremony which the uneducated servant understood to be a prayer? Praying Jews with phylacteries on their face never place a row of candles before them. Could it have been some sort of a satanic ritual?
另一線索在馬克思的兒子Edgar 於1854年3月21日寫給馬克思的信中。 此信開頭就是驚人的一句「我親愛的魔鬼」。 一個兒子怎能用如此荒謬的方式稱呼自己父親? 不過,撒殫教徒對他們所愛的人都是這樣稱呼的。 難道連他兒子也入教了?
Another possible hint is in a letter to Marx from his son Edgar, dated March 21, 1854. It begins with these astonishing words, “My Dear Devil.” Where else does a son greet his father in such a ridiculous way? But Satanists write so to the ones they love. Was his son involved too?
One more significant fact, Marx wife wrote to him in August of 1844: “Your last pastoral letter, Higher Priest and soul Possessor, brought peace and calmness to your poor flock.”
在《共產主義宣言》中,馬克思清楚地表明他夢想消滅所有宗教。 我們可以設想其中也包含了撒殫教的祭儀。 馬克思之妻稱他為「高級牧師」,是哪個教的牧師呢? 為何要給這樣一名眾所周知的無神論者寫牧師信? 這些信在哪裡? 馬克思生命中的這個時期是尚未被探索的。
Marx clearly expressed his dream concerning the elimination of all religions in “Communist Manifesto.” We should assume satanic cults were included here too. But his wife addresses him as a Higher Priest. But of what religion? The only faith confessed in Europe where a Higher Priest is present is Satanism. So what kind of pastoral letters could a man write who was known as an atheist? Where are those letters? These are periods of Marx's life that remain unexplored.
馬克思在絕望中死去,就像所有撒殫教徒一樣。 他於1883年3月25日寫信給恩格斯道:「生命是多麼的無目標和空虛,但我多麼渴望它啊!」
Marx died in desperation, as all Satanists die. He wrote to Engels on March 25, 1883, “How purposeless and empty life is, but how desired!”
http://www.modernhistoryproject. ... ticle=FinalWarn07-2
卡爾·馬克思生於一個富裕家庭(他父親是律師),他的許多個人經歷從未被公開。 馬克思學院的副主任M. Mtchedlov 教授說,馬克思的作品集有100 卷之多,但只有13 卷被公開印發。 在馬克思6 歲時,他全家信仰了基督教。 雖然馬克思曾經信仰神,但在他進入Bonn和柏林大學之後,他寫道,他要向上帝復仇。 他加入了由Joana Southcott 主持的撒殫教會。 據說Joana Southcott 是與惡魔Shiloh 有聯繫的人。 馬克思早期作品中的「Oulanem」 這個名字,是撒殫在一個祭儀中的稱號。
Heinrich Karl Marx (Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, 1818-83) was born of wealthy parents (his father was a lawyer), and much of his personal life has never been revealed. Professor M. Mtchedlov, Vice-Director of the Marx Institute, said that there were 100 volumes in his collection, but only thirteen have ever been reprinted for the public. When he was six, his family converted to Christianity, and although he was once a believer in God, after attending the Universities of Bonn and Berlin , Marx wrote that he wanted to avenge himself “against the One who rules above.” He joined the Satanist Church run by Joana Southcott, who was said to be in contact with the demon Shiloh. His early writings mentioned the name “Oulanem,” which was a ritualistic name for Satan. A friend of Marx wrote in 1841, that “Marx calls the Christian religion one of the most immoral of religions.” His published attacks against the German government caused him to be ejected from the country.
從一開始,所謂的「工人階級運動」就是名不符實的。 當恩格斯於1847年被選為共產主義者同盟的委員時,恩格斯自己說:「推荐一個工人只是為了做表面功夫,而推薦他的人則投了票給我。」這可能是共產主義運動的第一個假選舉,但肯定不是最後一個…… 共產教徒們一直想以自己的理念來打造人民和社會。
The phoniness of the claim to be a movement of the working class was blatant from the beginning. When Engels was elected as a delegate to the Communist League in 1847, in his own words, 'a working man was proposed for appearances sake, but those who proposed him voted for me.' It may have been the first rigged 'election' of the Communist movement but it was certainly not the last…. The anointed have always wanted to create their own kind of people, as well as their own kind of society.”[13]
卡爾·馬克思是一個撒殫崇拜者…他加入了一個撒殫教組織,此組織的特徵是長而蓬亂的鬍鬚。 卡爾·馬克思的所有肖像都是這樣的。
— Ralph Epperson 秘密組織(audiotape 1987)
Karl Marx was a Satan worshipper…he joined a satanic cult that featured long unkempt beards. Every picture of Karl Marx depicts such.
— Ralph Epperson Secret Societies (audiotape 1987)
出處: 史實:卡爾·馬克思是反神論(中英對照) - 藍色角度 - udn部落格 http://blog.udn.com/blueindeed/5142308#ixzz1cXZGHD1U
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