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[轉載] 變態修女舔耶穌的包皮產生性高潮

The Holy Prepuce
The unusual in Christian art, rhetoric, and relics.  
2014/05/15 00:36

奧地利修女Agnes Blannbekin,1260年加入維也納法蘭西斯第三教團後,她拒絕再吃肉,聲稱耶穌的內體能滿足她,這話不是開玩笑的。


她的幻覺由一位聖方濟各會的修士紀錄下來:「她感受到耶穌在十字架受苦而哭泣,開始想到當地的耶穌的聖包皮」「看呀,不久她感到從吞嚥的舌頭裡嘗 到像雞蛋膜大小包皮的甜味」「她吞嚥下後又感到另一片更甜的小包皮,如此再三,得樂百多次,她想用指頭去摸」「當她想如此做時,有一片包皮進入她的喉內, 然後她被告知耶穌的聖包皮會與耶穌復活日時一同復活,品嚐如此美味小包皮後,她感到全身上下是如此的甜密」

The nun who ate the Holy Foreskin of Jesus (SRSLY)

The Austrian nun Agnes Blannbekin joined the Third Order of Saint Francis in Vienna in 1260 and for the rest of her life refused to eat meat, claiming the body of Christ was enough meat for her.  She wasn’t joking!

She claimed to taste Christ while eating the Eucharist and described drinking a “refreshing spiritual drink” from the spear wound of Jesus.  She would have orgasms whenever Jesus appeared to her (more about that phenomena here).

She was obsessed with the Holy Prepuce and claimed to have felt the foreskin of Jesus in her mouth.

Her visions were transcribed by a Franciscan monk and he records: “Crying and with compassion, she began to think about the foreskin of Christ, where it may be located [after the Resurrection].

And behold, soon she felt with the greatest sweetness on her tongue a little piece of skin alike the skin in an egg, which she swallowed.

After she had swallowed it, she again felt the little skin on her tongue with sweetness as before, and again she swallowed it.

And this happened to her about a hundred times. And when she felt it so frequently, she was tempted to touch it with her finger.

And when she wanted to do so, that little skin went down her throat on its own. And it was told to her that the foreskin was resurrected with the Lord on the day of resurrection.

And so great was the sweetness of tasting that little skin that she felt in all [her] limbs and parts of the limbs a sweet transformation.”

Saint Bridget of Sweden also tasted Jesus’s foreskin and claimed that it was as sweet as honey…. but more about her in later posts.

Artist: Milo Manara
- See more at: http://theholyprepuce.tumblr.com/post/7382086542/the-nun-who-ate-the-holy-foreskin-of-jesus#sthash.ToXHz9le.dpuf

喔~(恍然大悟)! 現在我終於知道為什麼那個中東古人耶穌所有的畫像和雕像都要蓋上一層布了....原來真相是...
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