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[瘋狂行徑] 耶路撒冷症候群

朝聖興奮 聖人上身 旅客遊聖城行為古怪 現「耶路撒冷症候群」 (明報) 12月 18日 星期二 05:05AM

【明報專訊】聖誕節將至,以色列    聖城耶路撒冷總會吸引不少旅客由世界各地而來,追尋主耶穌的足舻。然而,倘若大家去到聖城,見到有旅客行為飄忽,宣稱看見異象,甚至自稱是大衛王或耶穌等《聖經》人物,請不要詫異:他們可能出現「耶路撒冷症候群」(Jerusalem Syndrome)。
「Givat Shaul精神健康中心」的急症室主管卡茨(Gregory Katz)在《英國    心理學雜誌》撰文,描述這種症候群的現象﹕患者當初為渴望單獨造訪耶路撒冷的心情而焦躁不安,最後到了聖城,會披起袍子說教講道起來。

自認聖母瑪利亞 披白色脇單講道
有心理學家表示,耶路撒冷症候群本身不是機能或官能失調的症候群,而是一種精神異常表現。耶路撒冷精神科醫生卡利安(Moshe Kalian)說﹕「不是耶路撒冷使他們精神異常,他們早有精神障礙,而(耶路撒冷的)愉快情緒強化了他們的行為。」

受耶路撒冷激發 多有救世使命感
他表示,大部分個案的旅客腦裏均帶有救世的使命感,耶路撒冷只是激發這種行為的場景。他曾發表兩篇相關的學術文章,贅述了好一些中世紀以來耶路撒冷朝聖者古怪行為個案,而且患者的錯覺早在其他地方已開始。他寫道﹕ 「精神異常的旅客原不明顯的古怪行為和異常表現,在一抵達聖城那充斥其信仰軌舻的地理環境,便受到激發而一發不可收拾。」
神父﹕擾人行為違教義 (明報) 12月 18日 星期二 05:05AM

【明報專訊】聖誕節是朝聖旺季,聖城中又怎會少得香港信徒?過去也曾兩次到以色列    朝聖的香港教區副主教陳志明神父說,聖誕節強調天主是愛的信息,出發前總會調整心情︰「要放下生活習慣,預備自己成為朝聖者,信靠神的帶領」。他說,當去到聖城回想耶穌受難,因感動而流淚可以理解,但他提醒信眾要以「愛人如己」的心態去朝聖,任何暴力及擾人的行為都是違反聖經教義。

警察專組接待異常旅客(明報)12月 18日 星期二 05:05AM



Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
我以前跟過的韓國牧師都有耶症候羣.他的手下都是如此.這班人基本上反知識,認為靠頭腦是不可以認識神.倡議牧師有等別的屬靈能力.他的聖職是由使徒承傳.十分強調每一個行為的是出於聖經.雖然不會英語,但却是一名King James Version Onlyist. 可能和他的出身是世上最大浸信會-聖樂教會有關.
The Jerusalem Syndrome
by Davy Russell
POSTED: 21 July 2000

Every year in Israel's Holy City, a handful of Christian tourists are suddenly transformed from seemingly healthy, normal people to street preaching, psalm singing Bible characters often garbed in nothing more than a hotel bed sheet. Psychiatrists have a name for this sudden onset of delusion, the Jerusalem Syndrome, which was first diagnosed by Dr. Heinz Herman in the 1930's. Those who are affected by the Jerusalem Syndrome begin vigorously bathing to purify themselves, dress in robes or sheets, and begin preaching in the streets believing they are Moses, John the Baptist, or Jesus Christ, among others, who were sent on a "divine mission".

The Jerusalem Syndrome is usually benign; however, those affected by it have been known to cause trouble. Such was the case with Australian tourist Dennis Rohan in 1969. Claiming to be on a mission from God, Rohan set fire to the Al Aqsa Mosque, which lead to citywide riots. Since this incident, doctors and law enforcement treat the bizarre behaviour of the Jerusalem Syndrome with caution.

As the year 2000 approached, the number of tourists anticipating the coming apocalypse grew drastically, leading to an increase of strange Biblical figures roaming the streets of Jerusalem. It was estimated that as many as 50 people a week would require hospitalization, a startling increase from the average of 20 each year.

Although the Jerusalem Syndrome affects many that have a history of psychiatric problems, many who experience the same delusions are sane, healthy and successful businessmen, teachers, and professionals. The Syndrome usually affects Protestant Christians, but it has also been reported in religious Jews and in rare cases, Catholics. Usually lasting about a week, most can be brought back to reality (with help) and have no memory of their short-lived Biblical persona.

The most obvious cause of the Jerusalem Syndrome is religious fanaticism. The fact that it only affects Christians and some Jews suggests that subjects are prone to feeling a desire to be "called of God" and may interpret impressions and feelings that they get from touring the city as an actual Godly summons.

One of the more controversial theories suggests that the Jerusalem Syndrome has been around before Christianity, and may have actually contributed to the founding of the religion. This theory suggest that historical Bible figures such as John the Baptist, the apostles, and even Jesus Christ were affected by the syndrome. This, however, does not provide an explanation as to the origins of such phenomenon.

The Jerusalem Syndrome is not entirely exclusive to Jerusalem. All over the world, many people forsake otherwise ordinary lives to live out a Bible-hero persona.

Sources: Dateline 22.Nov.99, IsraelWire 16.June.99, BMJ 20.Feb.99

http://www.xprojectmagazine.com/ ... usalemsyndrome.html
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Luke 2:49
And he said to them, Why were you looking for me? was it not clear to you that my right place was in my Father's house?


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出這個三難的 C.S. Lewis 都幾現代喇。
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對付那些蠢人 就絕對不可以跟他們說真話 必須要用宗教形式來催眠他們 使他們覺得所做的事都是對的 所以“因信稱義“只不過是個口號,跟“阿彌陀佛“其實是一樣的

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又係您話:http://www.exchristian.hk/forum/ ... amp;page=1#pid11867
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

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(1) 祂是神;
(2) 祂是騙子;
(3) 祂是瘋子

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