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共濟會是主張猶太復國主義(Zionism)的。共濟會就是搞猶太--基督教的密宗的,稱為猶太神秘主義(Jewish Mysti ...
哈佛專家 發表於 2021/9/10 18:41
共濟會是主張猶太復國主義(Zionism)的。共濟會就是搞猶太--基督教的密宗的,稱為猶太神秘主義(Jewish Mysticism),叫做卡巴拉(Kabbalah)。卡巴拉就是猶太教的密宗,有沒有基督教的密宗還不太清楚。可能有亦可能沒有。


(The FAQ of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), this version is using during the Year 2011.)

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is the largest secular, fraternal and charitable organisation in the United Kingdom. It teaches self-knowledge through participation in a progression of ceremonies. Members are expected to be of high moral standing and are encouraged to speak openly about Freemasonry.

What happens at a lodge meeting?
The meeting, which like those of other groups, are open only to members, is normally in two parts.

First, there are normal administrative procedures such as:

• Minutes of the previous meeting
• Proposing and balloting for new members
• Discussing and voting on the annual accounts
• Masonic news and correspondence
• News about charitable work

Second, there are the ceremonies for:

• Admitting new members
• The annual installation of the Master of the Lodge and his officers

Why do Freemasons take oaths?
New members make solemn promises concerning their behaviour both in the Lodge and in society. Members also promise to keep confidential the way they recognise each other when visiting another Lodge. Freemasons also promise to support others in time of need but only so far as it does not conflict with their family and public obligations.

Are Freemasons expected to give preference to fellow members?
Certainly not. This would be unacceptable and may lead to action being taken against those involved. On joining, each new member states that he expects no material gain from membership.

Who do the Masonic charities donate to?
Whilst there are Masonic charities that cater specifically, but not exclusively, for Masons or their dependants, others make significant grants to non-Masonic organisations.

What is Freemasonry's relationship with religion?
All Freemasons are expected to have a religious belief, but Freemasonry does not seek to replace a Mason’s religion or provide a substitute for it. It deals in a man’s relationship with his fellow man not in a man’s relationship with his God.

Why do some churches not like Freemasonry?
There are elements within churches who misunderstand Freemasonry and its objectives. They confuse secular rituals with religious liturgy. There are many Masons in churches where their leaders have been openly critical of the organisation. Masonry has always actively encouraged its members to be active in their own religion.

Does Freemasonry accept Roman Catholics?
Yes. Four Grand Masters of English Freemasonry have been Roman Catholics. Today there are many Roman Catholic Freemasons.

What is Freemasonry's relationship with politics?
Freemasonry, as a body, will never express a view on politics or state policy. The discussion of politics at Masonic meetings has always been prohibited.

Is Freemasonry an international order?
Freemasonry exists throughout the world. However, each Grand Lodge is sovereign and independent. There is no international governing body for Freemasonry.

Are there women Freemasons?
Yes. Whilst UGLE, following the example of medieval stonemasons, is, and has always been, restricted to men, women Freemasons have two separate Grand Lodges, which are restricted to women.

Why do you wear regalia?
Wearing regalia is historic and symbolic. Like a uniform, the regalia indicates the rank of the wearer in the organisation.

How many Freemasons are there?
Under the United Grand Lodge of England, there are over a quarter of a million Freemasons.

There are Grand Lodges in Ireland, which covers both Northern Ireland and Eire, and Scotland which have a combined total of approximately 150,000 members.

Worldwide, there are approximately six million Freemasons.

How many degrees are there in Freemasonry?
Basic Freemasonry consists of three degrees:

• Entered Apprentice
• Fellow Craft
• Master Mason

How much does it cost to be a Freemason?
It varies from Lodge to Lodge. Anyone wishing to join will find a Lodge to suit his pocket. There is an initiation fee on entry and in due course regalia will have to be bought. The meeting is normally followed by a dinner, the cost depending on the venue. There is, in addition, an annual subscription.

Members are invited to give to charity but this should always be within their means and it is entirely up to the individual how much they wish to contribute.

(The Web Version and the PDF Version (booklets) of the FAQ of UGLE are slightly different.  However, we can view them as the same.)

Plus the following three FAQs (usually can be seen in the PDF Version)

Q. Why do grown men run around with their trousers rolled up?
A. We are often asked why we roll up our trouser leg. The reason is entirely symbolic and simply shows the prospective member is a ‘free man’ with no marks of imprisonment (mark caused by a leg iron). Incidentally, a new member is only required to roll up his trouser leg on three occasions and never thereafter. He does not, or certainly should not, feel self conscious about it in any way, for he knows that everyone present, without exception, has at some time been required to do the same. Admittedly, taken out of context, this can seem amusing, but like many other aspects of Freemasonry, it has a purely symbolic meaning.

(When he is Initiated into Freemasonry, a new Mason has his breast laid bare and his trouser leg rolled up.)

(has his breast laid bare = bare-chested in lying position = topless in lying position = shirtless in lying position)

Q. Why will Freemasonry not accept Roman Catholics as members?
A. It does. The prime qualification for admission into Freemasonry has always been a belief in God. How that belief is expressed is entirely up to the individual. Four Grand Masters of English Freemasonry have been Roman Catholics. There are many Roman Catholic Freemasons.

Q. Why is it necessary to adopt strange rituals?
A. Freemasonry endeavours to teach moral lessons and self-knowledge to new members, however, it is one thing to have aims and ideals and quite another to impress them upon the minds of the members? So, in our Lodge rooms we enact, for the benefit of the new member, what can be likened to the scenes from a play. The scenes are called degrees, because Freemasonry is a progressive system.  The play is centred on the building of King Solomon’s Temple where every part of the building and every implement used is given a deeper moral or spiritual interpretation, which is explained to the new member.

(the following is more detailed)

Q. Is Freemasonry an international Order?

A. Only in the sense that Freemasonry exists throughout the free world. Each Grand Lodge is sovereign and independent, and whilst following the same basic principles, may have differing ways of passing them on. There is no international governing body for Freemasonry.

What is the relationship between Freemasonry and groups like the Orange order, Odd Fellows and Buffaloes? None. There are numerous fraternal orders and Friendly Societies whose rituals, regalia and organization are similar in some respects to Freemasonry's. They have no formal or informal connections with Freemasonry.

本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2021/9/9 17:44 編輯


(2)年滿十 ...(7)入會前最少要觀察半年。未曾被其他共濟會拒絕入會的人士。二名以上現任共濟會員的介紹簽字,填表,布告無異議【麻麻烦烦,扮谂晒野,屌佢地基督老母】。
谢谢才子哈佛專家 發表於 2021/9/9 17:00


谢谢兄独具慧眼n 一击中的
美國企業家帕特·羅伯遜在1991年寫了暢銷書《新世界 ...簡單來說,共濟會大約是一種權力/勢力的「埋堆」吧?



leefeng 發表於 2021/9/9 01:21
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2021/9/9 17:32 編輯



(2)年滿十 ...
哈佛專家 發表於 2021/9/9 17:00
。1. 关佢地基督老母系《学系》事?

本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2021/9/9 17:21 編輯

首先谢谢才子指教ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)~~


(2)年滿十 ...(3)相信宇宙間有一個最高造物主
哈佛專家 發表於 2021/9/9 17:00
引蛇出洞【余亦谢谢leefeng 兄赐教。谢谢。




本帖最後由 leefeng 於 2021/9/9 01:23 編輯


谢谢 ...
上流寄生族 發表於 2021/9/9 00:35



賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。
leefeng 發表於 2021/9/8 23:50


上流寄生族 發表於 2021/9/8 17:10

賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。
233254 發表於 2021/9/8 15:57
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