April 05, 2007 01:00am
Article from: The Australian
COCA-COLA is threatening legal action to stop an Italian film showing Jesus drinking from a can of Coke.
Seven Kilometres from Jerusalem, directed by Claudio Malaponti and due out in Italian cinemas tomorrow, imagines a Christ who lives and preaches in the Middle East in the 21st century.
Coca-Cola Italia has complained that the use of its brand image was unauthorised and unacceptable and likely to give Coca-Cola a negative image.
The storyline revolves around Alessandro Forte, an Italian advertising executive played by Luca Ward, who travels to Jerusalem to escape a mid-life crisis.
He encounters Jesus, played by Alessandro Etrusco, in the desert near Emmaus, and offers him a lift in his Jeep. As Jesus gets in, the executive reminds him to fasten his seat belt and hands him a can of Coca-Cola, which the thirsty Jesus drinks with enjoyment. "My God - what a testimonial!" the excited executive exclaims.
In its letter, Coca-Cola Italia demanded that the offending scene be cut. Malaponti said that would mean completely re-editing the film in three days.
He said the film had been well-received at the Vatican, adding that the Pope sent a message saying he hoped it would "increase love for Jesus".
He said the Coca-Cola scene was "a coherent part of a film in which Jesus is portrayed as the greatest communicator of all time. This is a profoundly religious film".
A spokeswoman for Coca-Cola Italia said the company had objected to the scene "because we are not interested in this kind of product placement".
The Times, London, in The Australian http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,21506827-2,00.html
英國泰晤士報報導,引發義大利可口可樂公司不滿的電影,片名叫「距耶路撒冷七公里」(Seven Kilometres from Jerusalem)。這部電影將於本周五耶穌受難日當天在義大利上映,電影以虛構手法講述耶穌基督於廿一世紀在中東傳教和生活的情況,傳教期間,他在沙漠遇上男主角福特,還喝了罐裝可口可樂。