美國最近由Sam S. Rainer III領導的RainerResearch研究報告顯示,只有39%離開教會的人認爲教會「有關心」,同時卻有51%的人稱教會是「審判者」。其他離開教會人士的觀點中,41%的人士說教會是「虛假的」;只有20%的人覺得教會「有靈性的」,30%人士說教會是「可信的」,還有36%的人表示他們的教會是「歡迎的
此次調查對象為18到22歲人士,調查結果被收錄在Rainer將要出版的新書《教會的本質? 》
「教會沒有活出聖經的教導而變得虛假,並且是審判者的姿勢,從而失去了這代年輕人。」浸信會一位牧師Rainer評論,「他們回到了要求教會實踐真理的文化中。 」
「其實,很大程度上,這個文化是正確的。」這位年輕指出,教會的呼召中包括要信徒活出他們所傳講的。 這些離開教會的人們在教會聽到了這樣的道理,但是在那些經常來教會的人的生命中卻看不見這樣的世界。
美國基督教調查機構The BarnaGroup表示,調查顯示對基督教持反對意見和敵意的人數不斷增加,其中主要是非信主年輕人,他們對基督教有壞印象;而更多的報告顯示,這些年輕人不僅是那些沒有基督信仰的人,還包括了那些因為信徒而跌倒的人。
美國青年教導員Greg Stier相信基督徒最大的敵人之一就是基督徒。他回應許多教會領袖觀點時表示,「當我們因為『我們反對什麼』而出名,而不是因為我們為了爭取什麼而出名的時候,我們還能期望什麼呢?」他在最近的採訪中還表示:「如果我們放下自己,端起一盆水,用毛巾擦人的腳,也許這時,世界才會坐下來聽你講。或者他們仍然不會。但是不管怎樣,我們需要更像耶穌基督。」
The Barna Group的DavidKinnaman在他所著的《這不是基督徒》(unChristian)一書中說,年輕的重生基督徒們和非基督徒們相約地(分別為22%和23%)認爲,今天社會中基督徒們已經不像耶穌基督。 他還發現,許多人包括一些基督徒,除了認為教會充當審判者之外,還覺得教會充滿了假冒偽善的人和那些反同性戀者。「年輕人帶著否定的視角看基督教,也許我們在談論這些資訊的時候,反應過於機械。」
Churches' Greatest Critics May be Their Own Followers
Criticism from people outside of Christianity toward the Church doesn't surprise many. But when negative viewpoints are being expressed by believers, it raises a red flag for churches across the country.
In the latest research report by Sam S. Rainer III, who heads Rainer Research, only 39 percent of people who dropped out of the church perceived their church as "caring." Meanwhile, 51 percent of them called their church "judgmental."
Among other unfavorable views from those who quit their church, 41 percent of them said their church was "insincere." Only 20 percent felt their church was "inspirational;" 30 percent said their church was "authentic;" and 36 percent said their church was "welcoming."
The survey was conducted on 18- to 22-year-olds and is featured in Rainer's upcoming book, Essential Church?.
"The churches that do not demonstrate these biblical qualities and rather become insincere and judgmental lose this generation," Rainer, a young Baptist pastor, commented. "They return to the culture that claims churches are not living up to their calling.
"And, for the most part, the culture is correct."
Part of the church's calling is to reach those on the outside and live out what they preach, but these students who are dropping out are hearing one thing in church and seeing another thing in the lives of these churchgoers, Rainer pointed out.
Polls have shown increasing hostility and negativity toward Christianity, mainly from younger non-Christians – a majority of whom have a bad impression of Christianity, according to The Barna Group.
But more reports are indicating that young adults not just outside of the Christian faith, but those in the pews are turned off by believers.
"Yes, we need to be greatly concerned about outside perceptions," said Rainer. "But perhaps more frightening are what our own students are saying about our churches."
National youth leader Greg Stier of Dare 2 Share Ministries believes one of the worst enemies of Christians are Christians.
"When we are known more for what we are against than what we are for what other outcome can we expect?" he said, echoing what many church leaders have expressed.
"If we put down our picket signs and picked up a basin of water and towel to wash feet with then maybe the world would sit up and listen. Or maybe they wouldn't. But either way we would be more like Jesus," Stier noted in a recent interview with The Christian Post.
Young born-again Christians were nearly just as likely as non-Christians (22 vs. 23 percent) to say Christianity in today's society no longer looks like Jesus, according to David Kinnaman of The Barna Group who wrote his findings in unChristian.
Along with perceptions of churches being judgmental, Kinnaman has found that many, including Christians, view the church as full of hypocrites and anti-homosexual.
"If young people view Christianity negatively may it be for the exclusive claims of Christ in the Gospel not because we come off as jerks when we communicate that message," Stier commented.
Despite the bad impressions expressed by those who dropped out of their churches, Rainer found that the churches of young people who did not drop out were viewed very favorably.
A majority of the young people who did not quit described their church as "caring," "welcoming," "authentic" and "inspirational." Only 19 percent of those who stayed said their church was "insincere" and only 24 percent felt their church was "judgmental."
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