本帖最後由 a82871123 於 2011/4/19 22:22 編輯
最大的教會互助保險公司(Church Mutual Insurance Co),報告說在過去的十年,他們公司每年平均要處理約100件涉及性侵未成年人的案子。
客戶規模只有教會互助保險公司一半的 GuideOne保險公司說,過去二十年他們每年平均要處理160 件性侵未成年人的案件, 另兄弟互助保險公司過去十五年來每年平均要處理73件兒童性侵和其他不當性行為問題。
不過,兄弟互助公司沒指明不滿18 歲的受害人數目,所以無法精確的加入計算在未成年受性侵人數內。
GuideOne 保險公司損害賠償總法律顧問兼高級副總裁湯姆法爾Tom Farr說,大多數性侵個案,法庭會下令私下解決。
迄今新教教會所涉及的案件中其中一個最大的調解案是德州前路德會牧師Gerald Patrick Thomas Jr陪審團判賠將近3700萬美元。另外早期處理有關Thomas案也花了額外費用3200萬美元FACTS & FIGURES
US pastor admits sexually abusing boys
Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:20PM
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A former youth pastor arrested in Iowa on 60 counts of suspicion of sexual exploitation allegedly told teenage boys he was trying to help them gain "sexual purity in the eyes of God." Thirty-one-year-old Brent Girouex, a former youth pastor at Victory Fellowship Church in Council Bluffs, turned himself in to the police in February after four young men came forward with allegations against him, The Daily Nonpareil reported. Girouex has been released on a $30,000 bond and is due back in court on April 21. If found guilty, he faces up to five years on each charge. Court documents show Girouex told investigators he had sexual contact with a teenage boy 25 to 50 times over a four-year period, starting when the boy was 14-years-old. He allegedly told investigators that it was his duty as a youth pastor "to help [the teen] with homosexual urges by praying while he had sexual contact with him." "In my line of work, I get to see the worst of the worst, and this is pretty bad," Pottawattamie County Attorney Matt Wilber told KETV. His office is working with the alleged victims. At least eight people have come forward with accusations against Girouex, ranging in age from 14 to 23. Raw Story FACTS & FIGURES
The three companies Church Mutual Insurance Co., GuideOne Insurance Co. and Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Co. that insure the majority of Protestant churches in America say they typically receive upward of 260 reports each year of young people under 18 being sexually abused by clergy, church staff, volunteers or congregation members. pinoyexchange.com Protestant numbers have been harder to come by and are sketchier because the denominations are less centralized than the Catholic Church; indeed, many congregations are independent, which makes reporting even more difficult. pinoyexchange.com The largest company, Church Mutual, reported an average of about 100 sex abuse cases a year involving minors over the past decade. GuideOne, which has about half the clients of Church Mutual, said it has received an average of 160 reports of sex abuse against minors every year for the past two decades. pinoyexchange.com Brotherhood Mutual said it has received an average of 73 reports of child sex abuse and other sexual misconduct every year for the past 15 years. However, Brotherhood does not specify which victims are younger than 18 so it is impossible to accurately add that to the total cases. pinoyexchange.com Tom Farr, general counsel and senior vice president of claims for GuideOne, based in West Des Moines, Iowa, said most abuse cases are resolved privately in court-ordered mediation. Awards can range from millions of dollars down to paying for counseling for victims, he said. pinoyexchange.com One of the largest settlements to date in Protestant churches involved the case of former Lutheran minister Gerald Patrick Thomas Jr. in Texas, where a jury several years ago awarded the minister's victims nearly $37 million. Separate earlier settlements involving Thomas cost an additional $32 million. pinoyexchange.com