"唔見"could mean:
1. Don't believe (e.g. "我唔見weakest有信大秦景教")
2. Lost something (e.g. "我唔見咗個銀包啊!")
If the 2nd sense, is it necessary for the lost thing to be always been seen by the loser? (Not so sure..., just feel 怪怪地to say "我唔見咗個銀包啊!" if the "銀包" is never been seen by the "我"...)
Also, fallacy of denying the antecedent:
If A (""唔見"一D一直都唔見到的野"), then B (好怪) --x-> Not A (「見一D一直都唔見到的野」), then not B (唔怪)
By the way, is it the case that the lottery prize is much higher in Canada, than in HK? If so, 你都唔志在la...