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原帖由 Jom 於 2008-3-28 23:21 發表
- 戒嚴在西藏,但"軟戒嚴"不單在藏區鄰近地區疆雲貴川的手提電話及上網極度延誤,相信某黨在做filter;而各主要機場亦戒備深嚴,有關地區亦多設隨機查問;
- 由新疆得到第一手消 ...

我 [[人中]] 以为,
您 比 个一d 教會o既奸細 lum o左 您 返去教会tim ,
u know
u'r such a intelligent IN-talent .... maa
exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-3-28 23:21 發表
- 戒嚴在西藏,但"軟戒嚴"不單在藏區鄰近地區疆雲貴川的手提電話及上網極度延誤,相信某黨在做filter;而各主要機場亦戒備深嚴,有關地區亦多設隨機查問;
- 由新疆得到第一手消 ...

>>>>>>>>> 非常陰謀論,但觀乎事情發展,看來亦不差已...

me agree

the conspiracy's-theory[[陰謀論]] ,'s more-oft'n-than-not , exActly the reality ,

the drama , 's sometimes much less dramatic than the reality ,
exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-3-28 23:21 發表
- 戒嚴在西藏,但"軟戒嚴"不單在藏區鄰近地區疆雲貴川的手提電話及上網極度延誤,相信某黨在做filter;而各主要機場亦戒備深嚴,有關地區亦多設隨機查問;
- 由新疆得到第一手消 ...

- 戒嚴在西藏,但"軟戒嚴"不單在藏區鄰近地區疆雲貴川的手提電話及上網極度延誤,相信某黨在做filter;

[[人系]] o尼 ,究 境 [[人系]] 边一个黨 gae o尼 ??


'aaaaaaaaa ,究 境 又 [[人系]] 边一个僧 gae o尼 ?? sorry i'm too stupid ,
couldest thou please teach me ??

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-29 07:46 編輯 ]
exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-3-28 23:21 發表
- 戒嚴在西藏,但"軟戒嚴"不單在藏區鄰近地區疆雲貴川的手提電話及上網極度延誤,相信某黨在做filter;而各主要機場亦戒備深嚴,有關地區亦多設隨機查問;
- 由新疆得到第一手消 ...


ThANKs again  , this piece of news , is absolutly very fresh to me , mmmmmmmmm
exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩
原帖由 dye 於 2008-3-27 17:00 發表
According to the "free" media only SOME are allowed to visit.  SOME that are hand-picked by the government.

hi good morning , everybody ,

it does not take me to explain how peaceful the buddhism is ,

but ,
but ,
but ,
how comes that [[[[[xi-zang's]]]] buddhists lost out of control////reins to such a sucking extent
in this case ?????????

为什么 [[[[[xi-zang]]]] 佛教徒会这样失控 nae ?????

有没有什么外国影响 ????

某某 饥毒的宗教 ,  也许笑爆嘴
某某 饥毒的宗教 , 也许这讲笑 : :::::
您 [[人门]] ,
看看 baa ,
看多点 baa ,
看真点 baa ,
又话 佛教 是 如何 如何 好好好,
其实, 又只不过是, ,,不外如是''
''''''''' ''''''''' ''''''''' ''''''''' '''''''''

cheers ThANKye

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-30 06:02 編輯 ]
exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩
thanks~dear prussianz
correct me so many grammer and spell problems
these days i visit the blog written by the friends here
learns more than any before .so i need time to absorb them..
for MR DYE what i said is for a litlle joke有点阴谋论在里面,按照你们的说法。其实关于这个事件, the china commuity party seems really have no enough prepare for the riot, even they haven`t enough  police and amry to stop the 暴行。 during the riot .though the police didnt die one person .BUT more than 100hurted by 暴乱者 like i said , one policeman`s 臀部的肉被割下了一大块...
and i also said ,its very hard to be the host of china,and the chinese commity party做到这样的程度已经很不容易了。如果你去换作这星球上的任何一个政党,在当初相同的起点相同的环境下,是否也能象共产党一样,带领这么多个中国人走到现在。你要让家里人吃饱(4~14亿),要让家里不闹矛盾。要让家里人不被外面的人欺负,不要让家里的东西被别人拿走。不要让家里人走上歧途,忘记了自己是谁。同时还要发展起家里的经济,自力更生。不要靠别人。最后同时还要时时提高自己的LEVEL和素质。能更好的带领一家人。我想问下,你觉得有哪个政党可以做到这样。是的,我是被从小就框定在一个只许看他们让你看的世界里。但是这个并没有阻止住我去看外面的世界。当我看了外面的世界,相反的我却更觉得我原来的认知是正确的。
There are many country that have walk through this road.  Many have succeeded.  China is not the only one.  Communist party have not done particularly well.

Do not forget, China has a lot of natural resources to begin with.  We have coal, we have a lot of irrigated land.  We have woods and we have rivers.  We have roads (even though they are primitive), we have boats, we have a lot of house and buildings.  On the "soft" treasure, we have antique, we have culture, we have Chinese medicine.  My great grandfather for example, has the Chinese skill of "story-telling". Something Westerner do not have.

In the world arena, China has Japanese left over factory and tech.  There is a bit of weapon left over by the Japanese too.  We have Russia (and its bloc) as friends and technical support.  India is initially friendly and serve as a bridge to the other side of the world.  The world is busy after WWII in reconstruction, no one has much of a will to fight anyone.  Japanese has give China a huge sum of charity after WWII (You can also say it is like compensation).  The world economy is recovering from hell before WWII.  China has a VETO in UN.

Do you have cold weather like Canada?  Tundra covering most of your country like Canada?  Do you have a threatening neigbour like US that can conquer your country with little to no strength?  A diverisfied population like Canada with people across the globe (Palestianian, and Jews living side by side?  Greek and Turk living as classmates?  Both fractions of Irish community sitting side by side?)?  A country so depopulated, that it takes hours of traveling to go from one cities to another?

You have to realize most countries do not have that many people.  Having less population create other problems as dire as over-population.  Human power is an assets in and of itself.  With human power, things can get done.  People can make their fortune.  With no human power, nothing gets done and everyone has to live with whatever they start with.

In Canada, we speak of nationism as a way to create war.  We speak usually of "regionalism".  When a person speak of a home, they usually refer to wherer they live.  A very small place in a very large country.  For example, when I speak of Canada, I refer to central Canada, but not Canada in the artic.  For all I know, I have visit only a very very small part of the country (I have visited all the central and eastern province of Canada, which is about half of the size of China).  I wonder how much of China have you visited?

Only when a person is mongering war do they speak of nationism.  The time when people speak of protecting "my country" against "your country" is also time when our home (a very small place) is never in conflict with each other.  

Take the "Fishing Island" China fight with Japan for example, Chinese keep speaking of protecting their "home  country" but how much will it hurt them if they let go of the island when it is not populated at all?  How much would YOUR home gain from trading peacefully with Japan if we sit and coolly discuss the issue?  Most of time, I see them protecting a ideology (nationalism), just like the US citizen.  

Sorry, if I need to "remember" who I am, I am only partially Han, and hence partially Chinese.  My blood has a country long lost in history, conquered by Chinese as "barbarian".

Have you realize that the current prosperity occur after communist somewhat let go of their control over the economy (under Tang's command)?  Do you realize that people have and will feed themselves if you leave them alone?  Do you think China has always been in a famine before the communist?  Have you heard that a China feast for a feudal lord during Ch'ing is better than a pricess wedding feast for a European country?

If you wish a comparison in the mordern period, a typical one is India.  There are the truely have-not.  But, it also manage to feed itselves no matter which parties takes over, no?  Is there major famine over there like in China? (Even after China defeated them in battle?  Pakistan seperates and threaten them with nuke under support of China?)

But they do block people from seeing outside.   
a) Getting a VISA is not easy in China.  I have been with the diplomatic group sent out by Chinese government before.  These fellow are so happy to get a passport.

b) The media is censor (looking at TVB from China prove the point)

When they do let you see the world, they block the part they do not wish people to see.  (Watching TVB again, will prove the point)

Just like religion, brainwashing started out in childhood.  My kind of wash is in HK.

There is an agree upon meaning for Human Rights.  It just do not get re-define everytime in different countries in which ever way they want.  It is stated in UN.  

However, Chinese can certainly disagree that people should have them.  (It is perfectly fine.)  Or we can always redefine terms but the world is a pretty large place, things like this is not decided by one or two country.

Oh, if you protest in Canada, nothing much will happen.  Until you violate the law ofcourse.  As I said, there is (I think 2, one is more like China, the other more like Lenin) communist party in Canada.  You are free to influence others in Canada.  (What is wrong with sharing with others what you think is best for the country?)

There are a lot of "demonstration" in Ottawa.  It is not a news any more.

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-3-31 18:39 編輯 ]
HI dear DYE~
i want you to promise me that all what we said is just discuss .and that wont break our friendship OK?
first ,i never say that Communist party done very well. what i said is "it`s hard for him to do things to become what like is now." and i also said that the Communist party really did something that was wrong and hurt the people as well the country.
YES~we have so many traditional culture.we have reasourses.but U know the quality of the coal found in the mainland?
our teacher give us a  funny story:你们应该知道中国的官僚主义吧。只注重数据而不注重实际过程中的问题。有次有官员去宝钢集团参观。要求提高钢的成品合格率和提高更多的煤的燃烧热值,并拿出国外的相关数据来比较。结果宝钢的一位工程师当场就进行反驳:人家国外的锅炉吃的什么煤,我们这里吃的是什么煤。人家天天吃的好煤,我们今天吃澳大利亚的煤,明天吃南美的煤,后天是平西的煤,再后天吃窑洞的煤。we just talk about the heating during the burning will make at that lesson.but i take this example is just want to say:YEAH~we looks like have many .but U know how the precentage of the coal in the stone(矿石).most coal we have is low quality.  1 KW/H power need about 60g coal(foreign coal) but more about 80g(our coal) .and as i know we dont seems like have many oil(油田)we need 西气东输工程。
when i was in middle high school  the geogrefic book writen"中国有960万平方公里,幅员辽阔,“地大物博”".now more  and more professor suggest that detlete the word "地大物博" cause it take a wrong cenexpt(概念). and it "brainwash " many chinese time and time(一代代).
and actually i know the japanese loan.every year the JAPAN will loan a huge sum of money to CHINA. but i really dont know when it begin,and i dont think it can began before the OPENING THEROY.
    the things about japanese left in CHINA. weapon,is maybe .but factory and tech,is possible?
    "We have Russia (and its bloc) as friends and technical support".is ture. but U know how long it last?about 3  years.then they take almost every things back,only left the half consruction and machine not finished.
也许你会说民族主义,我承认我有,but i think every common people all will have this a little.

[ 本帖最後由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-31 21:35 編輯 ]
Do you have cold weather like Canada?  Tundra covering most of your country like Canada?  Do you have a threatening neigbour like US that can conquer your country with little to no strength?  A diverisfied population like Canada with people across the globe (Palestianian, and Jews living side by side?  Greek and Turk living as classmates?  Both fractions of Irish community sitting side by side?)?  A country so depopulated, that it takes hours of traveling to go from one cities to another?
黑龙江。do canada have 新疆?前苏联,日本,韩国,越南,印度,南亚诸国。dont U think  that`s not threaten?(fact prove that they was is and will be)
你可以在youtube search a vedio about TIBET “TIBET was is and always is a part of CHINA"and U will know some history
u can see how large the map is when in YUAN MING QING DNASTY.about TANG DNASTY no more i should say...
above all
U should know i`m a little 民族主义
but not"nationism"
and i hate WAR
my classmates(college)said should fight with TAIWAN
what i said is
i really said .....:自閉: :自閉: :自閉:

回復 88# onlyaaaa 的帖子

Canada also has a lot of oil.  Oil sand or in the middle of Alantic Ocean.  It is worst than coal.  Canada also has diamond.  Diamond at the bottom of a lake in artic.

Chinese has a proverb that paralle the West:  When there is a will, there is a way.  If Canada can mine the oil sands, build a oil rig in the high sea, and transport diamond on a frozen lake, so can China refine coal.

Why is it that China produce iron ore but buy still from Japan?  Why do China mine silicone but buy their chips from Japan?  I am discussing with my father today:  Why is it that the Japanese are farming on the mountain, when our Chinese counter-partner (my village, live as long as history recorded) is having a difficulty having a harvest on flat piece of land in Gunagdong?

Thing turn dire when the country is unstable (political).  When they sent scholar down the drain during cultural revolution.  When they suppress freedom of speech which hurts the academia, because now they have to think if it is politically correct. For the same reason, Christians censorship earlier in history hurts the academia when everyone must consider if what they are saying is biblically correct.

Curruption also made coorperation on public project difficult.  How much public money has been funneled out of the public project into the pocket of who-knows-where?

State command economy hurts the efficiency of factory.  You may want to check Russian made pen, it is known example of how much it will do to industry tech.  Command economy disadvantage is multi-facet.  People living poor is only one of the effect.  As I oversee the factory, and communicate with the foriegn traders, the sloppiness culture is still a problem in China.   

The wound on the pocket can be healed quickly, but the wound at the heart will take time to heal.

If China do not have so stiff a relationship with the others, foreign investment can go in and build the needed factory to do the job.  The Cultural Revolution that incite riot in foreign country, the Korean War against UN hurts the reputation a lot. (Especially the war China fight with UN. )  

There is a Chinese saying:  I am only hating that I am unable to turn iron ore to steel.

回復 90# onlyaaaa 的帖子

You Tube is not an authority of history in Tibet.  The history I read show that Tibet has not always been part of China.

Will Russia invade China?  You think they are prepare for the local resistance?  Korea?  China has always beat Korea and treated them like a puppet country.  We HAVE done a few massacre to them.  A threat form a weak country like this?  Maybe not.

India is our friend.  They help defend us during WWII by sending materials and keep China from collapsing under Japan for so long.  Besies, we have Hamalaya (and Tibet) inbetween.

The key here is: everyone is exhausted from WWII.  No one really want a war nor are they capable of starting a war.  When they want to fight with China, they are fighting something like 100:1.  Even if they won, it should be costly enough to deter anyone.

If you speak of tolerance.  Look at my ancestor.  They are SLAVE to the Hans.  Yes SLAVE.  Chinese capture another "Chinese" because they are not Han,

What do they say when the mogol rule China in Yang?  They are barbarian.  They make
laws to segregate different "race" (Han is at the bottom)

The Ching Manchu?  They are barbarian.  They make rules to seperate Han from Manchurian.  Han is not allowed to hold high office.

What about massacre in Yang Zhou by the Manchu?  Yue Fei peom about eating the meat and drinking the blood of the barbarian?

What about the concept of respecting the emperor and hunting down the barbarian (which is later learnt by the Japanese to haunt us as they view as as barbarians)

Sure, we can read the map of China throughout the dynasty.  For example Qing:

Are we going to invade and conquer the land at the tip of the head to "take" back our land?

Or Ming?

And admit that Tibet is NOT part of China?

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-3-31 22:30 編輯 ]
There is a Chinese saying:  I am only hating that I am unable to turn iron ore to steel.~~
I agree,
the communist really do somethings ...
why they found they are wrong after they made the wrong decsion a long time...
i`m so tired...
U know what my 理想before the "things" happened?
live with her
have two babies

回復 94# onlyaaaa 的帖子

There are a lot of wise statemen in China (or any country).  Wen Jia Bao, for example is one.  Deng Xiao Peng is another.  However, they can't know everything.  If all the wise stateman are encouaged and allow to participate in the country's affair, the mistake will be found quickly and corrected.

Democracy (including republic) is not a perfect system.  People in other country knows it.  But it is the best system we have discover so far.  Why?  Because it has a feedback.  The problem of dictatorship is not that it will always have terrible governace (look at the properity during Tang), the problem is that it is incapable of self-correction (hence a tendency to spiral down with one or two mistakes.)

Zi Chan (?) in ancient China knows the importance of feedback and build the first "university" to gather "opinion" from the public (the place is call "University" at the time to "educate" the civil servants).  He also stop minister from procecuting man with critism of the state.

It quickly turns the kingdom of Zheng to a rich country even between the constant threat of Chu and Jin.  (While feeding the population, giving tribute to the 2 superpower at the time, contributing to rule of law, blocking the interferce of internal afffair from Jin or Chu even after his death)

Ok, it is not exactly a democracy, but the 2 major principle is there.  the same can happen in China.  (As I see it)  A democratic China in Communist's name?  (Just like Canada, a secular Canada in Chistian's name.)

Chu, by the way is a victim of discrimination of Chinese.  Called barbarian, the Chinese always united to fight against them purely because of race.

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-3-31 22:49 編輯 ]
Here is a summary of the situation as described by Chinese

The Chinese History of Tibet
Tibet has been part of China since the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368). Centuries ago Mongol and Manchu Emperors ruled or influenced large parts of Asia. During the Tang period (618-907), the Tibetan King, Songsten Gampo, married Princess Wen Cheng. The Princess is thought to have had alot of influence in Tibet. During the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368), Tibet was part of the Mongol Empire which was under Yuan rule. At this time, the Yuan Government implemented residence registration, levied taxes, and imposed corvee duties in Tibet. China's "White Paper" claims that the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) "replaced the Yuan dynasty in China and inherited the right to rule Tibet." During the Manchu rule (1644-1911), the Qing army on a number of occasions entered Tibet to protect it. Finally, in 1951, China and the Tibetan Local Government signed a 17-point agreement concerning the peaceful liberation of Tibet. During this time, The 14th Dalai Lama supported this liberation and acknowledged Tibet is one part of China.

As describe by the seperatist:

The Tibetan History of Tibet
Tibet has a recorded history of statehood extending back to 127 B.C. In the seventh to ninth centuries, the Tibetans often bested the Tang dynasty in battle. Additionally, during this dynasty, the marriage of Princess Wen Cheng and King Gampo was viewed as a strategic move to achieve cooperation and peace between Tibet and China. In 821, after centuries of periodic fighting, China and Tibet signed a treaty where boundaries were confirmed, and each country promised respect for the other's territorial sovereignty. During the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368), the Mongol leader, Genghis Khan, conquered most of Eurasia including China. Thus, instead of China claiming a right to Tibet, Mongolia could assert claim to both China and Tibet. There is no historic evidence to support the assumption that the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) ruled Tibet. In fact, the Qing Emperor in 1652 not only accepted The Fifth Dalai Lama as a leader of an independent state, the Emperor also treated Him as a Divinity on Earth. During this period, Tibet was known in Chinese as Wu-si Zang or Wu-si Guo (guo meaning country). During the Manchu rule (1644-1911), the Qing army was asked by Tibetans to settle disputes. But, this does not support China's right to Tibet. If it did, then the U.S.A. should claim Kuwait and Haiti since it assisted these countries. In fact, on a number of occasions, Tibet exercised power over China, suggesting that perhaps Tibet should claim China! At the time of China's invasion in 1949, Tibet possessed all the attributes of an independent country recognized by international law, including a defined territory, a government, tax system, unique currency, unique postal system and stamps, army, and the ability to carryout international relations. Two years later, the 17-point agreement was imposed on the Tibetan Government by the threat of arms after 40,000 PLA troops had already seized Tibetºs eastern provincial capital, Chamdo. The Tibetan delegates were threatened. The seal of the Tibetan Government was forged by Peking. In Tibet, The 14th Dalai Lama could not freely express His disapproval. However, soon after arriving in India, He repudiated this Agreement stating it was "thrust upon the Tibetan Government and people by the threat of arms." If Tibet had always been a part of China, why was there a need for the 17-point agreement? Finally, the Atlas of Chinese History Maps (published by Chinese Social Science Institute in Beijing) depicts Tibet as an independent country that was never part of China at least before 1280.

I think everyone is in an agreement that Tibet is NOT part of China before Mogolian rule.  Since we know that China's history do not begin from Mogol, we can conclude Tibet has not "always" been part of China.

I think the question is always when in history do we draw the line?  For example, we can see that Korea is also part of the Mongol emperor more than Tibet.  Ming also control it and mingle with its internal affair as Tibet.  Qing also control it as much as Tibet.

Do we hence conclude Korea is part of China and set to conquer it too?

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-3-31 23:59 編輯 ]
原帖由 dye 於 2008-3-31 23:54 發表
Do we hence conclude Korea is part of China and set to conquer it too?

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-31 16:10 發表
thanks~dear prussianz
correct me so many grammer and spell problems
these days i visit the blog written by the friends here
learns more than any before .so i need time to absorb them..

first ThANKs
u'r welcome
you are welcome
thou art welcome

but ,
thy humble servant must still mercilessly crack thee down ,;--^))


>>>>>>>>> correct me so many grammer and spell problems
corrected me so many grammar and spell problems


>>>>>>>>> these days i visit the blog written by the friends here
these days i visited the blogs written by the friend


>>>>>>>>> so i need time to absorb them..

'the sentence is 100.000.000% grammaticcally correct ,
but ,
the native english speakers would utter this format : :::::
so it takes me time to absorb them..


more in comin'[[[[[coming]]]]


p.s. : ::::: sorry must hit the bed hard asap[[[[[as-soon-as-possible]]]]
it must have been too late by now already  ,
i do even not have time to respond to My Dear Sir Dye e.t.c. ,

cheers ThANKye

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-1 06:51 編輯 ]
exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩

回復 97# 抽刀斷水 的帖子

Political leader need to realize that country border is just like life describe by Buddhism.

The first principle of become a Buddha:  Every law in the world is a flux.
(The seccond is a realization that there is no self.  Applying to a country is that there is no country.. but only a temporal composition of people.  Just like a composition of karma and conscious is cmmmon mistaken to be 'self')  

It is in a constant flux.  History is ONLY history.  The border should not be determine by hisory but people living on th land today for the reasons they have today.  In the UN charter of human rights, people should have the rights of self determination.

回復 99# dye 的帖子

In real, political leader need people to realize that country border is defined by the leader.  Also, don't expect any political leader has Buddha's properties.
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