重新點票後又話OK Lu喎
在加拿大聖公會(Anglican Church of Canada)於3年一次的年議會上、就教會是否該祝福同性婚姻進行將近一周的辯論後,該案11日以些微差距未能過關。
超過200名代表參加在多倫多北方舉行的這場為期六天的2016年總議會(General Synod 2016),出席者陸續發表對於接納同性婚姻議案的看法,雖然其中大多數的發言都支持該議案,但該案仍在11日遭到否決。
Anglicans to allow same-sex marriage after vote recountQuestions about the integrity of the voting process in which Anglicans narrowly rejected a resolution to allow same-sex marriage emerged Tuesday, and led to a stunning reversal of the result.
Some members stood up to say their votes had not been recorded during voting late Monday, when passage of the resolution failed by a single vote. "That is an issue of concern," said Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the church. "We cannot leave this synod with this kind of confusion." To pass, the resolution required two-thirds of each of three orders — lay, clergy and bishops. The clergy failed to reach that threshold by one vote that was apparently not counted because it was counted in the lay order. The error was discovered after delegates requested a detailed hard copy of the electronic voting records. Hiltz then declared the resolution in favour of same-sex marriage had passed. "That is our reality," Hiltz told stunned delegates. "That the motion is in fact carried in all three orders."
http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/anglicans-to-allow-same-sex-marriage-after-vote-recount-1.3676140 |