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超短基版FAQ - 英譯工程

回覆  抽刀斷水
沙文 發表於 2014/4/6 18:22

回覆 101# 抽刀斷水

A: Dopes are also happier.  But it is not the source of happiness in high quality.
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Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

http://exchristian.hk/forum/redi ... 0989&pid=106229
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問:(1) 信了之後你才能明白。
  (2) 信教正如吃蘋果,你未吃前永不清楚那蘋果的味道。〔蘋果理論〕

答:(1) 「信心」即是對一些沒有證據的東西深信不疑。〔Faith and Reason Quotes〕
  (2) 是真實的話就無須講信心;要對「阿媽係女人」有信心麼?

Logic and Reason

Q: Logic cannot solve everything.
A: Who said it can? But logic can let us identify logical fallacies to avoid falling into thinking traps. [ List of common fallacies ]

Q: God / Bible is beyond logic.
A: The true meaning of "is beyond" here is "fails to comply with".  Could toilets which fail to comply with the hygiene standard be described as "are beyond the hygiene standards"?

Q: God's logic is different from man's logic.
A: Just like madman's logic is also different from man's logic.

Q: You cannot understand through reason alone.
A: Believing without reason is a superstition and a blind faith.

Q: (1) Unless you believe, you shall not understand.
(2) Believing is just like you will never know the taste until you take a bite of an apple.
A: Therefore, you will never know drug abuse is harmful until you've taken it?

Q: We should have faith in God.
A: (1) "Faith" is the firm belief in something for which there is no evidence.. [ Faith and Reason Quotes ]
(2) You don't need faith for facts, just like you never need to have faith in "Paris is in France".





答:(1) 創造論/智慧設計論不是科學理論,因為它不能被驗證。﹝科學方法﹞
  (2) 這位智慧創造者本身是否也是一種生物?



Q: Science cannot explain everything.
A: Who said it can? But science involves the pursuit of knowledge covering general truths, rather than resorting those unexplained to gods and spirits.

Q: Evolution is just a theory, not a fact.  Therefore it is flawed.
A: Why mycobacterium tuberculosis become drug-resistant after improper treatment?

Q: God is beyond science.
A: The true meaning of "is beyond" here is "fails to comply with".  Could toilets which fail to comply with the hygiene standard be described as "are beyond the hygiene standards"?
Biological structures are too complex to be the result of random natural selection, and therefore must have an intelligent designer. [ Intelligent Design ]
A: (1) Creationism / intelligent design are not scientific theories, because they are not testable. [ Scientific Method: http://philosophy.hku.hk/think/sci/hd.php ]
(2) Is the intelligent designer himself a living organism?

Q: The Big Bang "singularity" is a mystery when God created the universe and human cannot understand.
A: Scientists are trying to explore and explain the origins of the universe, including unifying with quantum mechanics, extending the standard model of particle physics, establishing the M-theory, proofing multiverse, etc., rather than merely prating about "God is the answer."
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dye 發表於 2014/4/6 21:13

回覆 105# 沙文

I refuse.  It is too much work and I am too lazy for it.
回覆 106# 抽刀斷水

咁係超長基版....昆我話超短, 唔怪之得染色大師唔睬您啦

who said so? <---- 係「邊個話" Logic cannot solve everything." 」咁解。
您嘅意思應該係: Who said it does?"

不符合衛生標準 係"fail to meet hygiene standards."



用 fail to comply with 得唔得?要襯返God / Bible fails to comply with logic.

Q: God / Bible is beyond logic.
A: The true meaning of "is beyond" here is "fails to comply with".  Could certain toilets which fail to comply with the hygiene standard be described as "are beyond the hygiene standards"?
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咁用who said it can 襯返cannot啦。

OK to say "fail to comply with" but you don't really need the "certain" here.

must have an an intelligent designer. Take away the "had"

"human" is the whole group of us, doesn't need the "s".
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details


答:對於有明顯立場的知識來源,應審慎地求證;想客觀地了解其他宗教,請參考網址 Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance.

答:(1) 剛好相反,教會備受各方議論,批評它的歧視,包括性取向、應徵者信仰、性別、伴侶信仰、其他宗派、學生信仰;歧視乃源於仇恨、不是愛。
  (2) 基督教對很多思想或意識都具排他性,包括心理學、人文主義、科學、搖滾樂、佛教、伊斯蘭教、瑜伽、氣功;排他是包容的相對,有損社會和諧。






問:(1) 這個星期日我帶你返教會吧。
  (2) 我帶領你一起祈禱吧。




Tolerance and Freedom

Q: Pastors / preachers / religious teachers said that religion X has ...... problems.
A: Be carefully verifying the source of knowledge with distinct standpoint. Refer to Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance (http://www.religioustolerance.org/) for objective understanding of other religions.

Q: Christians / Churches / Christianity is full of love and tolerance.
A: (1) On the contrary, a wide range of debates has been raised on criticizing the discrimination of churches, including sexual orientation, gender, other denominations, the religion of job candidates, spouses and students.  Discrimination arose not from love but hatred.
(2) Christianity is a kind of exclusionism against many thoughts or ideologies, including psychology, humanism, science, rock'n roll, Buddhism, Islam, yoga, Qigong.  Exclusionism is the opposite of tolerance which undermines social harmony.

Q: Those who condemn and criticize Christianity / Bible are due to their incomprehension to its truth.
A : Comprehension is not equivalent to agreement and acceptance.

Q: What is the difference between Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox?
A: Usually this question is not encouraged because it symbolizes division and discord.  Most related articles have their positions (partial to one's own or discredit others). [ Any neutral comparison in English? ]

Q: Why are there so many people opposing Christianity?
A: Different people have different answers.  As for me, criticizing Christianity has no money donation and other benefits in return.  The true reason behind is "love".  I just hope believers will be no longer manipulated by religious charlatans to deceive others as well as themselves by the plausible theories.

Q: Everyone has freedom of religion.  You have the right to reject Christianity, but you have no right to oppose  / criticize Christianity.
A: Everyone has freedom of speech.  Reasonable criticisms do not mean disrespecting the freedom of religion. [United Nations Declaration of Human Rights: http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml ]

Q: Please respect other people's religions and not trample on religious freedom.
A: Christianity is not the only religion in the world.  Christians should respect religions of other people first and should not blindly accuse others of superstition, idolatry, heresy, etc.

Q: (1) Let me take you to the church this Sunday.
(2) Let me lead you praying together.
A: While Christians respect their own religion by refusing to participate in other religious ceremonies like incense burning, they should also respect unbelievers by not inducing them to participate in christian religious ceremonies.

/* 此兩題不譯了:問:不明白反對基督教的人是甚麼心態。

Q: You are violating my freedom of religion by stopping my suppression of the homosexuals.
A: It is equivalent to saying: You are violating my freedom of discrimination of the homosexuals by stopping my suppression of the homosexuals.




答:請參考離教者之家或 Leaving Christianity.


答:假如閣下就這樣放棄思考,抱歉浪費了你的時間看完本 FAQ。

超短基版FAQ http://vscfaq.antichristendom.com/ 全文完


Q: Churches are actively involved in social welfare, health and education and has made a considerable contribution to the society.
A: Churches are not the only charity and educational organisations in the world.  The disadvantaged and immature kids are more likely to be indoctrinated with some religious thoughts due to the imperceptible influence and the sense of gratitude and authority.  Moreover it helps fundraising by gaining good impression from the public in the name of their contribution to the society.

Q: We should be responsible for our own sins, so we should sincerely repent to God and let Jesus Christ shed for our sins.
A: It is indeed irresponsible to transfer your sins to others.  Bearing the consequence of our own actions is a truly responsible behavior.

Q: Are there any cases of people leaving Christianity?
A: Please refer to Leaving Christianity [ http://sites.google.com/site/leavingxtianity/home ] and Exchristians Alliance [ http://exchristian.hk (in Chinese) ].

Q: This whole article is not an FAQ.  Most of the Q&As are answers prior to questions.
A: Christians used to believe they have the answers already.    The purpose of this article is to question and encourage people to think, therefore many Q&As are rhetorical questions in response to the so-called "answers".

Q: God has the answer to all of your questions.
A: If you simply give up thinking this way, I apologize for wasting your time on this FAQ.

The Very Short Christianity Frequently Asked Questions
- The End -
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The problem is, there are so many problems in this FAQ.  There are a lot of "Chinese English" I don't think it is an easy task.

For example,
"Christians used to think they've already gotten the answers. "
or "Christians used to believe they have the answers already. "?

Notice how "have" and "gotten" repeat itself.

"A very short FAQs"
or "A brief FAQs"?
or "A concise FAQs"?

The problem here is about writing style.  There are so many "very" in the FAQs and "short" do not convey the same meaning you have in Chinese.  

"A: If you simply give up thinking in this way, sorry to have wasted your time reading this FAQ."
"A: If you have given up thinking independently, I apologize for wasting your time on this FAQs."?

In English, a subject is needed here and the original is too wordy.

I won't go on, I am lazy.  I admit my sin as always.
Don't get me wrong, you should pick your own writing style.

"To help you understand / misunderstand Christianity in a very short time, "
or "To help you understand / misunderstand Christianity quickly, "

"Contents of these websites do not necessarily state or reflect the positions or opinions of this FAQ."
"Contents of these websites do not reflect the positions or opinions of this FAQ."

"A: This is one of the many interpretations.  Exegesis books also have several explanations in some verses.  Which one to follow?"
"This is only one of the many interpretations.  Exegesis books have many interpretations on same verses.  Which one should be adopted?"

"A: Are you suggesting to reside in Israel for several years?"
"A: Is residing in Israel for several years a prerequisite for a 'true understanding' of bible?"


If you simply give up thinking this way是回應「一切問題,神自有答案」,被視為一種簡單地完全放棄思考的行為,如改為If you have given up thinking independently,似乎加入了「獨立思考」的涵意呢,亦看來像並非輕易give up的意思,意思好像有些與中文本不同。
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I think the problem lies in the original sentence has other meanings.

If you simply give up "thinking this way", (meaning giving up thinking in a particular way)

Or "If you give up thinking because of this, ..."

"Thinking" is not exactly a good way to put it to begin with.  I would think you mean "reasoning",
or "searching for answers" (mirroring the question, which is generally considered better writing style).

I am lazy, I am not going to go on, ok?

Please refer to 沙文's post.  He knows my worry.
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回覆 114# dye

I told him in the 1st place, his head seemed to be fueled by Chinese while running an English train.......(for the length)

I am afraid there is not much we can do, I just picked the very visible 1's. I just don't have the guts to say it is incorrect just because he said it is "short" instead of "quick".... So, thank you too.
好喇好喇,我想保留返個S字,Keep返個short form做VSCFAQ,唔用brief / concise, 用succinct OK嗎?

A Very Succinct Christianity Frequency Asked Questions
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