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環球網 2014-03-05
環球視野發佈時間:2014-03-05 14:09:56

當地時間2月28日,美國路易斯安那州43歲的牧師大衛•萊姆利(David Lemley)因妻子常年病重臥床不起,竟然夥同另一名男子將其20歲的智障女兒強姦。目前,萊姆利和該男子都已經遭警方逮捕。

By Sarah Fruchtnicht, Mon, March 03, 2014
A Louisiana pastor was arrested Sunday for allegedly raping a disabled woman, who has the mental age of a 7-year-old, after her father offered her to the man.
Pastor David Scott Lemley, 43, of the New Harmony Baptist Church in Baton Rouge was charged with aggravated rape and one count of stealing a car on Friday.
Lemley's wife is reportedly bed-ridden with a debilitating illness, so the victim's father allegedly offered up his 20-year-old daughter.
The arrest warrant says the victim had sex with Lemley on numerous occasions at the request of her father, although she didn't want to.
The woman's father was arrested in November.
Lemley denied the allegations and told police that the victim 「is known for making up stories for no reason,」 according to the arrest warrant.
His wife, Kim Lemley, also defended him against the 「false charges.」
Lemley failed to show up for a scheduled polygraph test on Dec. 6.
The vehicle theft charge is related to a car he was supposed to be repairing, but instead gave to a member of his church. Arrest documents show that the car was sold for scrap for about $250 in February.
Lemley is being held in East Baton Rouge Parish Prison in lieu of $75,000 bail.
Sources: Times-Picayune, Daily Mail |