原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-5 03:57 發表 
講到話倫理同科技既衝突,我醒起一套自己好鍾意既戲 - bicentennial man既一幕,男主角本來係機械人,經過多次既改造經已成為一個半生化人,及至最後成 ...
o yes , 100.000.000% agree w/ thee , 
some witches////wizards @ that time , were also the alchemists[[[[[鍊金術師]]]] ,
some witches////wizards @ that time , were also the mediccal practitionners as well ,
similar as 2days[[[[[todays]]]] daotistic chinese mediccal practitionners ,
but ......... ,
many many uncountably many of them , were burnt live to death ,
some of 'the witches were quite young at that time .........
but ,
but ,
up2now ,
n'o 1 , just
n'o any1 from any side of them come out to utter anything as `````sorry''''

n'o matter what-ever reason ,
we do still b un-able to burn any murderrer live2death ,
but ,
how could they do that god-MUST-forbidden acts ??

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-5 04:55 編輯 ] |