幽默外星人喜劇 《A Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy》(對不起,不知中文譯名是什麼)。
劇情挺複雜,所以在此不多說,但其中一段是說某外星人兵團為了尋找 "The Ultimate
Answer to Everything" 而出發往某星球查問一台 super computer...一輪計算過後,
super computer 的答案是:「42」(應該係...但我有可能記錯,不過戲中答案一定係2位
數字 )。眾人大惑不解,再問super computer,它回答:「你們問的問題就是這答案
了,如果你們實在另有所問,可能是未掌握到什麼是 "The Ultimate Question" 吧?」
於是,該批外星人便出發到地球尋找 "The Ultimate Question" 去也...接著發生了不少笑話,
在此不多說了,有興趣的可以google 一下書名
haha....and Earth is actually a ultimate computer created by the super computer "deep thought" to generate the ultimate question for the ultimate answer...
this is what we like to call "drawing the bull's eye"...conslusion before deduction...
[ 本帖最後由 劈柴 於 2008-8-26 09:36 編輯 ]
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
--Stephen F. Roberts
do you mean everyone can conclude with their own version of "the meaning of life", like
archery where you draw the bulls eye at wherever the arrow hits and get the same score?