GBA模擬器Visual Boy Advance 和最好玩的GBA Game《榮譽勳章Medal of Honor:滲入者Infiltrator》
「VBA」一個根據GNU General Public License發布的免費軟體。它能夠在電腦上模擬任天堂所發行的手提遊戲機,包括:Game Boy、Super Game Boy、Game Boy Color和Game Boy Advance。由於VBA模擬效果與真正的GBA無異,直至2006年是Win32電腦上最受歡迎的模擬器。VBA和gnuboy是廣泛分佈的Game Boy模擬器。
開發者 VisualBoyAdvance最初由Forgotten開發。但是他後來放棄開發,其後由VBA Team接手開發工作。
GBA遊戲模擬 GBA遊戲機的核心開發代碼泄露,使VBA能夠順利開發,模擬器的更新與GBA遊戲的推出速度幾乎同步。VBA對電腦的配置要求相當低,玩家即使使用最早的版本仍能運行大部分的遊戲,這種情況在其他模擬器開發中甚為少見,其他模擬器一般是在遊戲出現後才推出新版本來修正錯誤,而VBA的性能畫質在1.0版已經相當完美,至1.6修改版(VBALink)中增加聯機功能,以後的版本則是在其他功能上擴展,例如增加界面、修正運行、調試等的不影響遊戲的功能。

《榮譽勳章:滲入者》(Medal of Honor: Infiltrator)是《榮譽勳章》系列遊戲之一。
Medal of Honor: Infiltrator is the sixth installment in the Medal of Honor video game series.
In it, the player takes the role of Corporal Jake Murphy, completingfive daring missions to defeat the Axis in some of WWII's most famousbattles. The game was made exclusively for the Game Boy Advance and was released on November 17, 2003. The game features 15 missions spread across three theaters including 5 missions behind enemy lines.
Upon completing all of the missions the player unlocks survivalmode. The player is given a fixed environment where he can choose aweapon and then fight an endless swarm of enemies. The objective is tosee how long the player can survive and then try to beat his high score.
Upon completing all missions and bonus objectives the player unlocksMax GI mode where the player must complete every mission continuouslywithout turning off the game system. When the player completes Max GImode, invincibility is unlocked.
Infiltrator is technically both a third-person shooter with a fixed view and a first-person shooter blended together.
Through the use of a link cable, Medal of Honor: Infiltrator supports up to two players.!oedwjXeaHygk8D8nGDC8/article?mid=7270&prev=7298&next=7265&l=f&fid=40 |