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Hollywood star Julia Roberts has converted to Hinduism after discovering all about the religion while filming new movie Eat Pray Love in India.
The Pretty Woman actress stars in the big screen adaptation of Elizabeth Gilbert's travel memoir, which sees her travel to India as part of a spiritual pilgrimage to learn about yoga, meditation and life in an ashram.
Roberts, whose parents are Baptist and Catholic, was so captivated by the ancient religion, she experienced her own spiritual awakening during the shoot and returned home as a Hindu.
She tells Elle magazine, "I'm definitely a practising Hindu."
The actress reveals she regularly goes to temple to "chant, pray and celebrate" and even takes her husband Danny Moder and their three kids, three-year-old Henry and five-year-old twins Phinnaeus and Hazel, with her.
Roberts has also adopted the belief in reincarnation and she hopes her next life will be a "quiet" one.
She says, "Golly, I've been so spoiled with my friends and family in this life. Next time I want to be just something quiet and supporting."
http://www.torontosun.com/entert ... 336-wenn-story.html

據外國傳媒報道,現年42歲的荷里活女星茱莉亞羅拔絲(Julia Roverts)最近因拍新片《再單身遊記》(Eat, Pray, Love)而改信了印度教。報道指,雖然大口茱生於美國,自小信奉天主教,但她近日在印度及印尼峇里拍攝新片時,疑受到當地文化影響,因而改變宗教信仰。有傳她認為自己被家人和朋友寵壞,她希望未來可以做個低調的名人,並努力幫助和支持他人。


http://news.singtao.ca/toronto/2 ... 162152d2651541.html
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