本帖最後由 liberale 於 2011/5/1 14:00 編輯
Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us about Morality
"...For witches, the ordeal was less 'forgiving': if the accused witch drowned she was presumed innocent; if she bobbed to the surface, she was guilty, whereupon she was hauled off to a waiting fire. ..."
"...a lot of contemporary moral philosophy, though venerated in academic halls, was completely untethered to the "hard and fast"; that is, it had no strong connection to evolution or to the brain, and hence was in peril of loating on a sea of mere, albeit conident, opinion. And no doubt the medieval clerics were every bit as conident."
她說得對。高談闊論道德哲學,子虛烏有。不如紮實地將我們的知識建基於進化生物學、神經科學、遺傳學、進化、大腦、與基因的真實資料與數據。 |