本帖最後由 三教童 於 2012/3/25 23:35 編輯
Part-Singing and the Renaissance
As compositions in many parts appeared, choirs began to take their modern form: ensembles of singers divided into groups according to the range of their voices. The exclusion of women from liturgical roles extended to the choir as well; high voice parts were sung by boys, falsetto singers, or (in Roman Catholic countries after about 1570) Castrato. In England particularly, the training of boy singers for cathedral choirs became a well-established tradition that continues today.As the Middle Ages came to a close, the average size of a choir began to increase gradually; the Sistine Choir in Rome, for example, grew from 18 singers in 1450 to 32 in 1625.
天主教唱詩班出現阉伶代替女性,意大利到歐洲其他國家有不少的教堂,保守估計以每個乡村只有一教堂,都有數萬至數十萬座。以一個教會唱詩班同時為幾座教堂獻唱、唱詩班十人5個是阉伶、數萬座教堂濃縮到一萬座教堂為例計算。天主教每年至少都要犧牲 50000 個閹割男童成為唱詩班阉伶,來讚美耶和華 耶穌 |