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※ 撰寫你的離教見證 ※


日期: 2007-12-24
作者: weakest 來源: 本網見證









I believed (although “believed”, i didn’t take much action, such as going to church…) Christian when i was in Primary 6 (in a Christian primary school) by atmosphere around me. But as i study more about bible (in religious studies), and read some books of 李天命, in a Catholic secondary school, I just feel the “God” is very horrible. The “God” killed so many people, and like to discriminate people by race (always in favour of Israeli…). As such, I hate this “God” (if there is such a nasty God…), and don’t believe in that “God” (at least, it is logically impossible for the “God” have all properties described by Christianity to exist. At least, there is no omnipotent God).

In fact, i think studying philosophy is independent of believing Christianity. Some philosophy students “need” to go to chruch for some personal reasons. In fact, What I mean is that philosophy students are not necessary the major enemy of the church.

By the way, it seems to me that the chruch are not necessary against those studying philosophy. In fact, quite a number of philosophy students believe in Christianity, and I found a teaching staff in department of philosophy goes to church too. Also, as I know, some churches try to incorporate some philosophical ideas into Christian belief, and offers some “philosophy” courses (but I think these maybe somewhat bias. After all, the main conclusion of “philosophical analysis” should be “God exists”. But I didn’t attend these courses). As i said (or typed…), many of my friends (Christians as well as non-Christians) don’t mind even if i declare myself as “ex-Christian”, and I didn’t see the cases that the Christian oppress opposite ideas. Therefore, for me, chruches are not necessary against those studying philosophy. Of course, my experience may not be representative as i maybe the lucky one. At least, I think i am lucky to have these open-minded friends (maybe associated with higher academic qualifications…).

By the way, I beleive that it is hard, if not impossible, for Christian to be religious tolerant. This is the argument for my position in my essay:

For me, it seems normal for Christians to be religious intolerant if they are to follow the doctrines in Christianity in order to have their salvation because of the following argument in my mind:
Premise 1: One of the doctrines in Christianity is that no other Gods could be accepted except the Christian God.
Premise 2: If the Christians follow the doctrines in Christianity in order to have their own salvation, they must follow all the doctrines in Christianity, including the one mentioned in premise 1.
Intermediate conclusion: The Christians must not accept other Gods other than the Christian God if they follow the doctrines in Christianity in order to have their own salvation.
Premise 4: People are religious intolerant if they do not accept Gods other than the God they believe.
Premise 5: Christians believe in Christian God.
Conclusion: the Christians who follow the doctrines in Christianity in order to have their own salvation must be religious intolerant.

Therefore, it seems to me that being Christian and being religious tolerant would be incompatible in the sense that it is impossible for people to be a religious tolerant Christian, provided that all Christians are the Christians follow the doctrines in Christianity in order to have their own salvation (we would not regard the “Christians” who do not follow the doctrines in Christianity “real Christians”).

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