Plus my many footnotes as the followings -
Many scholars believe that the Jesus Christ spoke the Aramaic Language with some Hebrew and Greek. The Jesus Christ was also good at speaking the Sanskrit.
Arminianism is a school of soteriological thought in Protestant Christian theology founded by the Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius. Its acceptence stretches through much of mainstream Protestantism, particularly Evangelicalism. Due to the influence of John Wesley, Arminianism is perhaps most prominent in the Methodist movement.
The best comprehensive values of the Christian are 40% Catholic, 40% Protestant (20% Lutheranism and Pietist-Methodism, 10% Calvinism or Reformed-Presbyterian Family, 5% the American Episcopal Church and derived from the Anglican Church, 5% Spiritualist, Psychic & New Age Family), and 20% Eastern Orthodoxy (10% Greek, 5% Russian, 5% the mixture of Coptic or Egyptian and Indian). This still does not include the Liberal Theology and the Gnosticism yet.
The representative of the Liberal Wing of the Christianity is the UCC (the United Church of Christ). The representative of the GLBT Christian is the MCC (the former term "UFMCC).
The Pentecostal Family is higher similar to the Charismatic Movement. Moreover, the Latter-day Saints Family (Mormonism) is belongs to one of the heresies in the Christianity.
The Baptist Family and the Independent Fundamentalist Family have some connections with the English Puritan Tradition and developed in the North America. Especially the Baptist Family has strong American favor.
The Adventist Family is not good. The Holiness Family is related to the viewpoints of John Wesley. The principles created by John Wesley is derived from the Methodism. Maybe the Methodism is created from the principles of John Wesley.
The Reformed-Presbyterian Family is the direct successor of the Calvinism. Especially the Presbyterian Family is more connected to the Calvinism. John Calvin was the King of the Protestant Faith.
The Lutheranism or Methodism is the official religion of the Northern Europe and Iceland. Its origin was located in the Germany (Prussia). Martin Luther was the founder (or father) of the Protestantism as well as the father of Religious Reform.
It is enough for us to own the 5% Anglican/Episcopal Tradition. The Anglican/Episcopal Tradition is an important reference but not an important practice tradition.
Notice the Rosicrucianism (Rosicrucian Order) and this may be the best tradition of the Christian Mysticism. The Hermetic Kabbalah Tradition and the Gnosticism may be evil.
After studying some contents of the Judaism includes the Kabbalah Tradition, I confirm that the Judaism and the Kabbalah Tradition are evil. The Kabbalah Tradition is belongs to the Jewish Mysticism.
The picture of the Life Tree created by the Jewish Kabbalah Tradition is very evil.
The terms Gnosticism, Gnosis, Gnostic are refering to the "True Knowledge" or "True Wisdom".
According to the secret teachings of the Jesus Christ, and according to the secret teachings of the Early Christians and the Gnosticism, the "Holy Spirit" is eqaul to the "Holy Mother" (the Blessed Virgin Mary) and the "Mother of the Earth". The "Holy Spirit" is feminine.
However, the current three systems of the Christianity (Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism) define that the "Holy Spirit" owns the seven heads, seven horns and seven eyes. Its description is very strange and very terrible. This is not neutral or feminine, but wrathful.
The "Essene (Holy) Group" has losted now. The "Essene Group" has the closed relationship with the Early Christianity and the Gnosticism. Some persons say that the Essene Group owned the lineage of the Judaism.
The Saint James the Just is equal to Mr. James the Lesser (Jacob), the younger brother of the Jesus Christ. He is born by his father Joseph and the wife of Joseph Holy Maria and is ordered by the Jesus Christ to take care of the Holy mother Maria (The Blessed Virgin Mary). The Blessed Virgin Mary give the birth to the Jesus by the blessing of the God, then the Holy Mother Maria give the birth to Mr. James the Lesser with her husband Joseph. (Secret)
The Jesus Christ has appointed the Saint James the Just as his successor on preaching the Teachings of Jesus Christ after the death of Jesus Christ. The James wanted to delete the Apostle Paul (alias Apostle Peter) in the Christian Group but the Apostle Paul changed this decision. This details was not sure. (Secret)
The historical truth was the Jesus Christ never appointed the Apostle Paul (alias Peter) as the First Pope of the Roman Catholic Church (or called Pauline Church) in the early church. Sometimes, the Jesus Christ blame the Apostle Paul is the devil. The raising of Pauline Church is contributed to the common karma of the sentient beings. (Secret)
The Jesus Christ had his four young brothers - Jacob (James the Lesser), Joseph, Simon, and Judai and four younger sisters. (See the Gospel of Matthew) Hoewver, the Bible did not tell us who are the sisters of the Jesus Christ.
The scholars of Bible Studies have told us that the contents of Bible are full of the contradiction. Not only the Old Testament is contradictory, but also the New Testament edited by the Pauline Church (i.e. the Vatican) is contradictory. Here are too many errors appearing in the many translation of the Bible.
When the Bible was translated the Latin Version from the Greek Version and the Aramaic Version, the translators often misinterpreted the Bible. Hence, here are many errors appearing in the Bible.
The Catholicism is the standard of the three systems of the Christianity. The Eastern Orthodoxy is more profound than the Catholicism, but the Protestantism is more superficial than the Catholicism.
After the Year 1453 the Constantinople falled to the Ottoman Empire, the city Moscow is called as the "Third Rome" by themselves.
According to the Bible, the Jesus Christ had four brothers and two sisters. If my estimation is more accurate or more right, the Jesus Christ had three younger brothers and two sisters. The three brothers of the Jesus Christ are James the Lesser (Jacob), Simon and Judas.
I have wrote this note as below -
I have read some books about the Christianity. From them, I know that the Holy Spirit is not other - the Lord Jesus Christ said that the Holy Spirit is his mother (i.e. the Blessed Virgin Mary and represent the Mother of the Earth). Moreover, my guess may be right - the Jesus Christ had three younger brothers - Jacob (James the Lesser), Simon and Judas.
I also notice that the true Christian shall be anti-Communist or anti-Socialist because the Communism or the Socialism is the source of the one-party dictatorship and the Socialism is anti-Christ as well as object to all of the religions. Maybe the founder Karl Marx was the Satanist.
Maybe the teaching of the Eastern Orthodox Tradition is better than the Roman Catholic Tradition and the Anglican/Episcopal Tradition, but I dislike accept the political influence of the Eastern Orthodox Tradition. In addition, the Eastern Orthodoxy is more mystical than the Roman Catholicism.
In the present days, the Gnosticism is not the ancient one now. There are some differences between the ancient Gnosticism and the modern Gnosticism. Usually, the Gnosticism mix many unnecessary and heretic teachings. For example, the Gnosticism does not need to mix the two different religious systems of the Christianity and the Hinduism into one. The trinity theories between the Christianity and the Hinduism are different.
The Early Christians spent 200-300 years to edit the Bible. The earliest versions of the Bible were written in the 3rd Century.
The major parts of the gospels or holy scriptures of the Gnostic Christians and Early Christians can be called as the "alternative gospels".
Here is my conclusion for the Christianity, especially the Protestantism :-
The Lutheranism is better than the Calvinism. The Presbytearianism is the best viewpoint of the Calvinism, but the Five points of Calvinism are rubbish. However, its moral viewpoints in Working and Controlling the Sexual Desire make the greater development of the Capitalism.
The Justification of Faith is the best viewpoint of the Lutheranism. The Congregationalism is originated from the Lutheranism and have its some advantages and weaknesses. However, the Lutheranism do not know the Human must obey the moral rules made by the gods.
The Anglican Tradition is belongs to the Western Liturgical Family in the detailed classification. However, the Anglican Tradition is belongs to the Protestantism and derived from the Roman Catholicism.
The Baptism and Divine Liturgy of the Eastern Orthodoxy is most correct in all Christianity. The Divine Liturgy in the Eastern Orthodoxy is equal to the Mass or Eucharist in the Catholicism. |