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"The chevra kadisha is the Jewish burial society, usually consisting of volunteers, who prepare the deceased for proper Jewish burial. Their job is to ensure that the body of the deceased is shown proper respect, ritually cleansed, and shrouded. Men prepare men, and women prepare women. "
回覆 566#beebeechan
16:1 had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.
開墳expose條屍亦唔啱猶太例, 尤其是主耶穌得罪人多
According to Jewish law, exposing a body is considered disrespectful, because it allows not only friends, but also enemies to view the dead, mocking their helpless state. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/death.html
The law, basing itself on the twofold reason that disinterment is an indignity to the deceased and a disturbance of his peace, is very strong in its condemnation of those who needlessly open graves after burial. Disinterment may never be undertaken without first consulting an authority in Jewish law. Most cemeteries or societies require written approval of a rabbi.
In the real world, 兵丁會諗:「條粉腸話就話保住我地啫,佢响彼拉多大人面前有幾大牙力,大家心知肚明。咪啦,要臭屎密冚又唔係好難,俺去偷同釘十字架兩條友其中一條屍,隊佢入去耶穌個窿,搲爛塊面封番舊石,好過叫我地認全隊人瞌晒眼瞓。我地死口話成晚乜事都冇發生,到時門徒話佢番生都冇人信,咁先係保我們無事。銀錢又袋袋平安,強盜條屍唔見咗,又唔關我地事者也。」
In the real world, 兵丁會諗:「條粉腸話就話保住我地啫,佢响彼拉多大人面前有幾大牙力,大家心知肚明。咪啦,要臭屎密冚又唔係好難,俺去偷同釘十字架兩條友其中一條屍,隊佢入去耶穌個窿,搲爛塊面封番舊石,好過叫我地認全隊人瞌晒眼瞓。我地死口話成晚乜事都冇發生,到時門徒話佢番生都冇人信,咁先係保我們無事。銀錢又袋袋平安,強盜條屍唔見咗,又唔關我地事者也。」