馬太太福音,用咗一個不太尋常嘅term "預備日的第二天(that followed the day of the preparation)"
The special status of this seventh day - and its name - were disclosed to the Israelite people in the episode of the manna. God supplied each day's need of manna for five days; on the sixth, a double portion was provided to last through the seventh day, on which no manna appeared. Correspondingly, the Israelites were commanded not to go out at all but to remain at home on the seventh day. Thus they learned that the seventh day was "a Shabbat of the Lord," which they must honor by desisting from their daily food-gathering labor. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/shabbat.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
The special status of this seventh day - and its name - were disclosed to the Israelite people in the episode of the manna. God supplied each day's need of manna for five days; on the sixth, a double portion was provided to last through the seventh day, on which no manna appeared. Correspondingly, the Israelites were commanded not to go out at all but to remain at home on the seventh day. Thus they learned that the seventh day was "a Shabbat of the Lord," which they must honor by desisting from their daily food-gathering labor. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/shabbat.html
沙文 發表於 2015/5/16 01:22
襟聞聲屎係好重要 the Israelites were commanded not to go out at all but to remain at home on the seventh day.