聖經的來由-------神話故事改改加加,加完又改, 改完又加,加完又減, 減完又改, 改完又加,加完又改, 改完又加,加完又減,減完又改, 改完又加,加完又減...................
轉載 : 資料來自無神論貓姐
《猶太 古史》抄本都是基督教修士抄寫保存的, 根據現代研究聖經和教會抄本,基督徒是不尊重原作者, 看見不對頭不中聽的,會改掉作者的文字,因此學者都認為目前基督教流傳並非約瑟夫所寫的原文,是經過基督徒修改的。看 Misquoting Jesus《製造耶穌》轉貼http://www.cp1897.com.hk/product_info.php?BookId=9789866179037,就知道第四世紀前, 抄寫古卷,就算新約福音書, 抽寫者都會走去改,細節的分析如下,足以證明耶穌只是偽託於猶太古史中:1. The early Christian writer Origen claims that Josephus did NOT recognize Jesus as the Messiah, in direct contradiction to the above passage, where Josephus says, "He was the Messiah." Thus, we may conclude that this particular phrase at least was a later insertion. (The version given above was, however, known to Jerome and in the time of Eusebius. Jerome's Latin version, however, renders "He was the Messiah" by "He was believed to be the Christ.") Furthermore, other early Christian writers fail to cite this passage, even though it would have suited their purposes to do so. There is thus firm evidence that this passage was tampered with at some point, even if parts of it do date back to Josephus. 2. The passage is highly pro-Christian. It is hard to imagine that Josephus, a Pharisaic Jew, would write such a laudatory passage about a man supposedly killed for blasphemy. Indeed, the passage seems to make Josephus himself out to be a Christian, which was certainly not the case.
猶太古史有兩個版本,一個係基督教版,一個猶太人原裝正版。猶太古史的確有提及過耶穌,不過內文卻係基督徒強行加入偽做。所以猶太人原裝正版之中無提及耶穌。猶太教(Judaism)的宗教典籍,其實就是後來比基督教收錄在聖經裡面成為舊約的部分(新約猶太教不承認),猶太教他們叫《塔纳赫》(Tanakh),不過除左《塔纳赫》(Tanakh)他們有更多不同的典籍,约瑟夫的耶穌記載其實好大問題, 論及雅各受審時帶過(Bk XX),另一段是簡單的描述(Bk XVIII)。(Antiquities XVIII chap 3. )即約瑟夫的證詞(The Testimonium Flavianum)以下是比較著名的書本
1) Bruce, F. F.Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament. Eerdmans, 1974.
2) Charlesworth, James H.Jesus Within Judaism.Doubleday (Anchor Books) 1988.
3) France, Richard T.The Evidence for Jesus. Intervarsity Press, 1986. |