第88屆奧斯卡頒獎禮(88th Academy Awards)各獎項已名花有主,當中最矚目嘅最佳電影,最後由《焦點追擊》(Spotlight)勝出,《焦點追擊》同時贏得最佳原創劇本。入圍最佳電影仲包括《復仇勇者》(The Revenant)、《抖室》(Room)、《末日先鋒:戰甲飛車》 (Mad Max:Fury Road)、《火星任務》(The Martian)、《沽注一擲》(The Big Short)、《布魯克林之戀》(Brooklyn)及《換諜者》(Bridges of Spies)。
《焦點追擊》由「真人真事改編」,2002年《波士頓環球報》(The Boston Globe)的「焦點新聞組」揭發大規模天主教神父性侵小童事件。四個記者惡鬥龐大的天主教教會,調查難過雞蛋撼高牆。教會的包庇及縱容,令禽獸神父總是有機會重複犯錯。電影順序描述經年累月的調查過程,說故事不花巧,雖偶有戲劇性情節,還是充滿實感。新的執行編輯上任,即要求新聞組跟進調查性侵事件。專攻深入調查報道的小組初頭都對呢單新聞十分抗拒,只是記者的血裏就是有尋真DNA,接觸過突然崩潰或表面強悍、重提往事卻口震的大男人受害者,聯絡過當中牽涉的律師,就覺得非查不可。
Unfortunately, some men and women do not survive childhood sexual abuse. While every victim's experience is tragic, the stories of those who commit suicide as a result of abuse are among the most heart wrenching. Recent articles by Stan Finger of the Wichita Eagle, for example, chronicle the trauma of Janet and Horace Patterson, whose son Eric was molested by a priest. Many of us in the survivors movement consider ourselves fortunate to have endured our victimization and remained alive and sane. Some have not been so lucky.