任職火車客戶服務顧問的伊赫格博羅( Benjamin Ihegboro),與妻子安杰拉( Angela)已育有一對膚色和他們一樣的兒女。安杰拉上周六剖腹誕下第三胎,看到寶寶時,伊赫格博羅當場呆住,好不容易才能張開口說:「發生甚麼事?」安杰拉蘇醒後看到寶寶也「啞口無言,我心裏想着『這個小娃娃是怎樣的?』」
医生話:Albinism, a condition whereby a person has little or no color in their skin, hair and eyes, can remain dormant in genes for many generations. Just because the couple's living relatives aren't afflicted by the disease, that doesn't mean they aren't carriers. It is not uncommon in Nigeria, according to the BBC.
第三, 而且,
"Doctors also say Nmachi's parents may harbor long dormant Caucasian DNA from a long forgotten interracial coupling."