英國下議院議員就職誓詞:I (name of Member) swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.(本人〔議員姓名〕,謹對全能上帝發誓,本人依法忠誠忠實,效忠伊利莎白女皇,其後嗣及承繼人。願上帝助余。)
蘇格蘭國民黨主張廢除君主制,黨魁Alex Salmond二零一一年舉起右手,宣誓效忠英女皇前,道:「蘇格蘭國民黨,根據蘇格蘭人民主權的憲政傳統,首先效忠蘇格蘭人民。」一九九九年,前黨魁Tommy Sheridan 宣誓效忠英女皇時,緊握拳頭。同場黨友Rosie Kane宣誓效忠英時,舉起右手,手掌寫住「My oath is to the people」(我的宣誓對象係人民)。
The initial difficulty is in defining the word "God." It is equally impossible to intelligently affirm or deny any proposition unless there is at least an understanding, on the part of the affirmer or denier, of the meaning of every word used in the proposition. To me the word "God" standing alone is a word without meaning. . . . So long as the word "God" is undefined I do not deny "God."
--Charles Bradlaugh