記者/作者: 論壇報數位 日期: 2017-02-24
【本報數位部整理報導】新南向政策突破!印尼國信集團主席翁俊民(Dato’Sri Prof. Dr. Tahir)博士為印尼總統對台特使,積極推動台灣與印尼交流,日前也獲頒台灣科技大學名譽博士學位。另外,身為基督徒的翁俊民近日來台時也與《基督教論壇報》社長鄭忠信有更進一步交通與認識,期待為未來東南亞宣教與媒體合作帶來更大突破。
此次翁俊民博士先捐贈台科大100億印尼盾(約新台幣兩千多萬),作為台科大印尼生獎學金及台科大與印尼日惹大學(Gadjah Mada University,UGM)之合作研究經費,促進台印雙方學術往來。
Church's former financial administrator admits to fraud after $150,000 disappears
Paul Meunier-Collins nodded yes in Moncton court on Thursday when asked by Judge Troy Sweet if he was guilty of fraud.
Meunier-Collins was the financial administrator at St. Augustine Catholic Church when the RCMP received a complaint from the Moncton archdiocese in May 2014, Codiac RCMP said.
Paul Meunier-Collins
Paul Meunier-Collins will be sentenced in March for fraud over $5,000. (Twitter)
The archdiocese commissioned an audit that found more than $150,000 had been taken from church coffers between 2003 and 2014.
The RCMP conducted an investigation and charged Meunier-Collins in April 2016.
In court Thursday, the Crown withdrew a charge of theft. Sentencing of Meunier-Collins on the fraud charge was scheduled for April 21, at 9:30.
After pleading guilty, Meunier-Collins left the courthouse, refusing to comment.
His sentencing is expected to take a few hours, and victim impact statements will be submitted. The charge comes with a maximum prison sentence of 14 years.
這座名叫「好幫手媽媽與寶寶之家」(Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home)坐落於愛爾蘭西部的突安鎮(Tuam),在其建物地下挖出多達20格的小隔間,其中17格放滿幼兒骨骸,推算約於1950年代埋葬。這間庇護所由「好幫手修女會」(Bon Secours Sisters)經營,始自1925年,主要收容未婚懷孕的女性,但已於1961年關閉。歷史學家揭發慘劇
這起調查事件源自一位歷史學家克蘿絲(Catherine Corless),她在2012年獲得798筆失蹤孩童的死亡證明,死亡原因多是自然死亡,但是她找遍愛爾蘭所有墓園,都沒找到這些遺體。透過層層資料,克蘿絲推斷這些孩子很可能就被埋在庇護所底下,因此公告其發現並強力呼籲展開調查。2015年2月愛爾蘭政府成立「未婚媽媽之家調查委員會」(Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation),調查1922年到1988年間被指控幼童死亡率甚高的13間庇護所。《愛爾蘭獨立報》(Irish Independent)報導,這已是第四間挖出大量幼兒骨骸的未婚媽媽之家。再加上先前找到的三間「幼兒墓園」,總計找到將近4000名幼兒遺骸。