祈禱仲靈過送子觀音 ....
祈禱仲靈過送子觀音 ?? really ??
>> 抗議無線電視翡翠台在黃金時間播放《福言雋語》!
>> 在晚上七時三十分的合家歡時間,
>> 竟然播放含迷信意識的《福言雋語》,怪力亂神,
>> 更於本星期一(26/11/07)播放廖啟智夫婦的幼兒大聲反覆地說:
>> 令觀眾放入口中的晚餐也差點嘔了出來。
when ....
@year2007 ,
the-god-of-death approached nearer + nearer
n finally took away the life of 1 of sons of 廖啟智夫婦
with cancer + deep pains e.t.c. .......... ,
where was their deeply-trusted-100.000%-real AllMighty Saviour @ that time ??
where was their deeply-trusted-100.000%-real AllMighty Saviour @ that time ??
where was their deeply-trusted-100.000%-real AllMighty Saviour @ that time ??
where was their deeply-trusted-100.000%-real AllMighty Saviour @ that time ??
b4 that time ,
廖啟智夫婦 + all their Christian friends e.t.c. must have done
anything to pray or please their AllMighty Saviour ,
but ,
still .........
but ,
but ,
but ,
but ,
up2now , 廖啟智夫婦 do still b so ....
[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-3 13:13 編輯 ] |