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[奇招推廣] 教會 新移民安居樂業踏板

人在異鄉倍思親 做彌撒、聽講經和鄉親聚會交流……聖誕節初體驗好溫馨











組裡的成員年年有所不同,有的新移民工作生活穩定後,就不再來參加活動了(抽按:醒目! ;但總是又有新的移民加入進來。



支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹

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蓋天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福,居安思危 -- (居安思危,思則有備,有備無患 《左傳‧襄公十一年》)
今雖工作生活穩定,但難保日後不會lay off,如果工作生活穩定後,就不再來參加活動,則好易被教友睇穿您係利用教會的network揾著數,一旦要再揾第份工,便很可能得不到教友的熱心協助。所以,只係「有的」新移民工作生活穩定後,就不再來參加活動,而有的更醒目新移民工作生活穩定後,就仍会再來參加活動
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

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>>>> 唔啱!工作生活穩定後仍然參加教会活動嘅新移民更為醒目

in my own humble opinion ,
the most 醒目 is 'the churches ,
they'r much more 醒目 + creative than my guestimation ,

>>>> 人在異鄉倍思親
>>>> 做彌撒、聽講經和鄉親聚會交流……
>>>> 聖誕節初體驗好溫馨

>>>> 人在異鄉倍思親
they do really know where'r 'the ``markets" , + ,
they do 'the caterring just great ,
no such thing or even concept in buddhism nor taoism e.t.c.

i  cant help but must admit : :::::
the churches -----> 醒目 very 醒目

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-8 01:04 編輯 ]

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No, pal, the truth is: they do stupid things in a smart way.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

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假如真的一旦被lay off,到時就扮哂內疚咁,話以前疏於返教會是罪,貪於逸樂,以後都勤力返教會,七情上面,牧師一定會心軟既(唔心軟都要扮心軟 )。
支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹

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Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

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牧師本身係工la. 仲要幾好paid tim...

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支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-8 09:59 發表

假如真的一旦被lay off,到時就扮哂內疚咁,話以前疏於返教會是罪,貪於逸樂,以後都勤力返教會,七情上面,牧師一定會心軟既(唔心軟都要扮心軟 )。 ...

ThANKs4teaching ,
u render me immediatly smarter than those smartest churches ,
very useful 4 me in canada e.t.c.

原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-8 12:09 發表
牧師本身係工la. 仲要幾好paid tim...

o yes ,
the clergymen//clergywomen//clergypersons of my [left] churches did stress
their pay being lower than that of outside ,

but ,
then , i delved deeper out ,
their salaries were `````````low"""""""" in comparson with that of internationnal big corps located in hk ,
e.g. : ::::: I.B.M.

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-8 20:26 編輯 ]

回復 10# 的帖子

they were indeed comparing their own with that of the internationnal big corporations located in hk ,
e.g. : ::::: I.B.M.

You mean some high-level management positions in these multinational companies?

回復 11# 的帖子

>> You mean
>> some high-level management positions in these multinational companies?

head2head ,
peer2peer ,
same level to same level ,
e.g. : :::::
chairperson2chairperson e.t.c. ,
clerk2clerk ....

any query please dont hesitate2let me know right away

cheers ThANKye , pendragon

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-9 12:37 編輯 ]
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-8 20:21 發表
>> You mean
>> some high-level management positions in these multinational companies?

head2head ,
peer2peer ,
same level to same level ,
e.g. : :::::
chairperson2chairperson e.t.c. ,
clerk2c ...

in order to b fair to them ,
so ,
i must make it clear that : :::::
my figures came from year 199x , but , must b4 year 1998
i have left the churches quite a long time ago , thence ,
i dont know their current pay ,

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-8 22:41 編輯 ]

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支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
its quite a tall + ``tall" tale ,
a pain in the ass. ,
should i have time then o k ,

i wish i could type in chinese , what a shame that i cant type it
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-8 20:21 發表
>> You mean
>> some high-level management positions in these multinational companies?

head2head ,
peer2peer ,
same level to same level ,
e.g. : :::::
chairperson2chairperson e.t.c. ,
clerk2c ...

1-position-which-i-didnt-or-indeed-couldnt-delve-into 's 牧師 ,

u know ,
there's no any such position as `````牧師"" iin the private commercial jobs markets ,

but ,
the pay of ``牧師" may b comparable to that of ````````` old師"""" .... o k  ..... 師 教師 ,

what i mean really , is : :::::
the pay of ``牧師" may b comparable to that o'[of ] ....
教師 , in hk's government schools e.t.c. ,
教師 , in hk's government schools e.t.c. ,

回復 15# 的帖子

Please... write in English and let me help to translate it.
支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-8 20:21 發表
>> You mean
>> some high-level management positions in these multinational companies?

head2head ,
peer2peer ,
same level to same level ,
e.g. : :::::
chairperson2chairperson e.t.c. ,
clerk2c ...

its rumoured that : :::::
some church may provide some kinds of `````performance-fees"""" or similar incentive schemes ,
right ??
sorry i cant confirm whether true or false , any evidence or counter-evidence ????
sorry ,
at the time
i was in church ,
i was in a junior level ,
so ,
sorry ,
i couldnt have any access to the transparency of their labours-payment-structures

disclaiming note !!!!!!!!! : :::::
even some church may really provide the `````performance-fees"""" or similar incentive schemes ,
but ,
that phenomen may b just only the affair////business done by that particular church only ,
not every church may engage in such business .........
vice versa 2[too]
vice versa 2[too]

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-10 03:35 編輯 ]

回復 18# 的帖子

In the rumour heard, is the "performance" counted by the number of people who newly join the chruches?
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-9 18:46 發表
In the rumour heard, is the "performance" counted by the number of people who newly join the chruches?

sorry not know ,
i was too junior then , + ,
they appeared not enjoying to talk it more ,

i have even completly completely forgotten this rumour ,
but ,
ThANKs2God's Amazing Grace
>>>> 牧師本身係工la.
>>>> 仲要幾好paid tim...
blastingly , ThANKye

this may b the so-called yun-fan //// yuan-fen //// co-incident so called by Chinese ,
oNo !!!!;--^)
no !;--^)
that must b God's Amazing Grace

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-10 01:26 編輯 ]
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