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我最近玩紧一个游戏 剧情大致系一个女仔深夜在公路上 因为种种原因要借助乘搭陌生人的车到达目的地.
而这个女仔上左一个神父架车 这名神父是一个变态杀手 在车上神父会向女仔问问题 玩家要在电脑俾出的选项中选一个来作答 若然答得唔合这名神父的宗教人生理念 女仔就会被杀 前面几个问题我都正确作答 但当神父问果个女仔 " are you a God-fearing woman?" 时 游戏俾左四个选项任玩家选一个作答:

1: I don't think that's any of your business, Father.
2: I am
3:Yes, Father. I prayeth to the man Jesus! Amen!
4: Not enough people are today.

我选左3:Yes, Father. I prayeth to the man Jesus! Amen!
结果个神父话 How dare you 跟住就杀左个女仔
我想请教大家 我选择的回答有什么问题?(正确的答案应该系2: I am)
why she said "prayeth to the man Jeaus", not just "prayeth to Jesus"?

the man Jesus 係一齣舞台劇https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2017-10-20-theatre-review-the-man-jesus-a-cleverly-constructed-whodunnit/
You don’t have to be religious, thank God, to find yourself enjoying this play about Jesus. Not when the script of The Man Jesus is more of a cleverly constructed whodunnit, or whydunnit, than a paean to Christianity. By LESLEY STONES.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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原来如此 thank you!
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