At a wedding were set vessels of various sizes to wash hands and feet in; there was one vessel called which the gloss says was a large pitcher, or basin, out of which the whole company washed their hands and their feet; and there was another called which was a lesser and beautiful basin, which was set alone for the more honourable persons, as for the bride, and for any gentlewoman (w); and such might be these six stone jars, or pots:
所以話雞涿徒個個充猶太佬, 其實唔識嘢, 人地结婚结成7日, 第3日其實房都洞埋, 黎嘅都係好疏堂嘅哎吔親戚或點頭之交
Marriage ceremonies – After the period of the betrothal was finished and all the agreements were at last reached and signed, the wedding could take place. Weddings typically extended over a period of five to seven days. Autumn was the best time for marriages: the harvest was in, the vintage over, minds were free, and hearts were at rest. It was a season when the evenings were cool and delightful and it was agreeable to sit up late at night. Usually the entire village gathered for a wedding.