i have been acquainted with the term `` Unitarian Universalist Humanist '' 4[for] 2[too] many years
but .........
u'r the very first uu whom i have ever met ,
u'r such a ,,,,,rare-ware'''' in china e.t.c. ,
precisely !!
precisly !!
concisly !!
concisely !!
a few words of u ,
could cover or even better than those telephones-book-like reports of those analysts of those big ,,houses'' ,
just ,
>>>> 老太婆今日120,
in less than 3 days , 老太婆's already been upped 20% ,
i have just lost an other opportunity 2 get rich quick ,
vvow !!!!!!!!!
>>>> 老太婆今日120,若被抽到130水平,我又會再沽佢。
there have been being just too many invisible hands supporting 'the markets ,
from hkg or mr li or mr lee [[an-other]] e.t.c.
our coming new year ,
me seems ,
u'r2commit suicide ,
right ??
by 'the way , have u bought enough charcoals ??
>>>> 雖然沒有徹底離開基督宗教
so do i , sometimes ,
i do still listen their S**t preaching ,
i do even refuse2deny their God , but , yet , well ,
i do also feel home here , as well
me seems ,
UU , or, Universalist , may b quite similar 2 Manichaeism , 明教 , isnt it ?? http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%91%A9%E5%B0%BC%E6%95%99
Influence on Christianity[[.....]]
The Manichaeans made every effort to include all known religious traditions in their faith.
As a result,
they preserved many apocryphal Christian works,
Mani was eager to describe himself as a "disciple of Jesus Christ",
is UU or Universalist
of 明教 or
by 明教 or
influenced by 明教 or ......... ??
i'm fascinated by the fancy romance of 明教 , through 倚天屠龍記http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%80%9A%E5%A4%A9%E5%B1%A0%E9%BE%8D%E8%A8%98&variant=zh-hk
they have been [[almost]] extinct 100.000% .........