A puncture wound is caused by an object piercing the skin and creating a small hole. Some punctures are just on the surface. Others can be very deep, depending on the source and cause.
A puncture wound does not usually result in excessive bleeding. Usually, these wounds close fairly quickly on their own. Treatment may be necessary to prevent infection. A puncture wound from a cause such as stepping on a nail can become infected because the object that caused the wound may carry bacteria or spores of tetanus into the skin and tissue. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/puncture_wound/article_em.htm
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-25 20:12 發表
By the way, if so, what is the cause of death of Jesus? He didn't suffer much from bleeding...
niche unique point , may b i just coming from the heaven , i do really have been acquainted with anything alike
>>>> 莫非...假死??!!難怪三日後復活......
o yes , i do really 諗唔到
What makes you think the earth is not like a sphere?
The "hole" you are talking about is only a little dent.
Some God has played a joke and dried up Mars before. Here is how it may look like after the Earth is dried up. REMEMBER, THIS IS A CLOSE UP SHOT, IT IS ONLY A DENT ON THE SURFACE!
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