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監察賭風聯盟 , an other Christiandominated club ??
未成年人士入馬場安排團體促交代 (星島) 01月 25日 星期五 04:23PM


是挑戰香港的賭博政策。 他們已就有關問題,在去年九月向委員會主席鄭慕智遞交請願信,要求委員會處理事件,但委員會至今未討論有關問題。聯盟認為,如果委員會仍不交代事件,應該考慮請辭。

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-26 02:16 編輯 ]
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-26 02:14 發表
監察賭風聯盟 , an other Christiandominated club ??

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹

By the way, these guys are really xxx (some adjective(s) to describe some bad things, please use anything you can think of to substitute this place). Simply horse racing could be treated as a sport function, or simply or entertainment purpose. It doesn't have to be about gambling in nature. Therefore, I think "馬會容許馬主的未成年子女,進入馬場及拉頭馬" could be treated as a way to let the children to know more about horse racing, and have close touch with horses (but not necessary gambling). Simply because someone use this racing to gamble doesn't mean that horse racing is itself something used to gamble in nature.
  I hereby suggest we open a gambling on the number of hairs of these opposing guys in "監察賭風聯盟". If they don't just cut off all of their hairs, they would also"挑戰香港的賭博政策"...

回復 3# 的帖子

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-26 10:58 發表


>>>>>>>>> p仔

ha ha ha , i like it , cheers ThANKye
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-26 18:29 發表

By the way, these guys are really xxx (some adjective(s) to describe some bad things, please use anything you can think of to substitute this place). Simply horse racing could be tr ...

Simply horse racing could be treated as a sport function, or simply orentertainment purpose. It doesn't have to be about gambling in nature.Therefore, I think "馬會容許馬主的未成年子女,進入馬場及拉頭馬" could be treated as a way tolet the children to know more about horse racing, and have close touchwith horses (but not necessary gambling). Simply because someone usethis racing to gamble doesn't mean that horse racing is itselfsomething used to gamble in nature.
  I hereby suggest we open a gambling on the number of hairs of theseopposing guys in "監察賭風聯盟". If they don't just cut off all of theirhairs, they would also"挑戰香港的賭博政策"...

u have expressed 100.000% what i want2express but couldnt even in cantonnese ,
there4 , now, i cant comment any more hereby , 'ThANKye'

If they don't just cut off all of theirhairs, they would also"挑戰香港的賭博政策"...

also including their pubic////public hairs ?????????
http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=pubic+hair&r=66 ,

o yes ,
they must also cut off all their pubic////public hairs ,
otherwise ,
they would also ,,,,,,,,,挑戰香港的賭博政策'''''''''

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-27 02:05 編輯 ]



原帖由 Jom 於 2008-1-27 15:06 發表

人唔覆就要叫人請辭,因為人地做唔到野吖嘛.咁如果馬會拒絕佢個提議,佢地個組又係咪應解散?如果唔係即係只准州 ...

o yes ,
監察賭風聯盟's 成員 may be hypocrites ,

if .... they really to 監察賭風 ,
then ....
their-#1-target should be : :
the stocks exchange , which is the non-casinoLike-casino , thus , also being the greatest casino ,
expecially those warrants

many Christians do lose $$$$$$ in ,,,,,,,,,investing''''''''' in warrants ,
those losers were even needed2see the psychologiccal consultants

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-28 05:41 編輯 ]
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-1-27 15:06 發表

人唔覆就要叫人請辭,因為人地做唔到野吖嘛.咁如果馬會拒絕佢個提議,佢地個組又係咪應解散?如果唔係即係只准州 ...

>>>>>>>>> 即係只准州官放火喎

they [[[[[ i dont say they being ``Christians'' here , so please dont frame me ]]]] do have always
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