原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-12 20:17 發表 
同埋乜野先係"唔健康既性感"呢 ...
o yes ,
when-ever ....
i c 性感o既 ,,,,,猪因'''' e.t.c. ,
i do 感到 圣
i do 感到 圣impulse ,
i do 感到 圣intercourse impulse , [[[[[really]]]] ,
i do 感到 無謂o既圣intercourse impulse , [[[[[really]]]] ,
i do 感到 無謂o既 acute pain inside my pants , [[[[[really]]]] , 
引起me無謂既邪念 ,
[[[[[ o yes , really 無謂 , @least 無謂咁wasting my time to 念猪因]]]] ,
but ,
2 the very contrary ,
一樓一's 廣告 , 就 100.000.000% not引起me any 無謂既邪念 ,
there4 ,
if .....
those 耶徒 really to 取締一樓一o既 廣告
based on the ground of that `````````引起無謂既邪念''''''''' ,
then ....
please , do also 取締 those 性感o既 既廣告 ,
please , do also 取締 those 性感女星o既 既廣告 ,
expecially those 性感o既 廣告 by those "精神健康"o既 耶徒女星
expecially those 性感o既 廣告 by those "精神"o既 耶徒女星
when-ever .....
i c those耶徒女星 ,
i do 感到 圣impulse to bless ,,,,,fuk''''[[福]] to them
i do 感到 圣impulse to have some 圣交 with them
[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-13 04:38 編輯 ] |