mmmmmmmmm , good term ,
please let me propose my own invented terms ecspecially tailorred4them : ::::::::::
.a. 反骨教 , or , 教人反骨教
.0. 饥毒教 [[[[[ they'r really 饥 in term of # of adherents ]]]]
.1. 基毒教
.2. 搅基督人教
搅基's evidences
>>>> A Fort Myers Youth Pastor was arrested Monday
>>>> and charged with sexual battery on a child.
>>>> Elantonio T.O. Gomez, 50, of 4790 South Cleveland Avenue, No. 1303,
>>>> is accused of molesting and raping two boys
[[[[[ just too many to quote here ]]]]
after repeated re-reading , eureka !! finally have i decipherred out your hidden meaning : ::::::::::
orrrrr ,
your hidden meaning = 做人要禮義就夠晒 , i.e. : ::::: with-out 廉恥 also 可以 o既 ,
right ?? ;;--^))
o k ,
so , according my own version : ::::::::::
做人 [[净係]] 有禮就夠晒la ,
there4 ,
u c , you see ,
to 亚 Jom 少 , i'm always very 100.000% 有禮 ,
so ,
My Dear Jom 少
please let me do it once again , 彬彬有禮 禮貌周周 地 向你 敬禮
Bildunterschrift:Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:大肚彌勒佛報告指出,大約2億中國人對菩薩、神仙以及龍王爺、財神爺等傳統色彩濃厚的宗教偶像頂膜禮拜,形成舊日民間信仰重放異彩的奇特景觀。 中國官方對於宗教信仰的態度在過去的幾年里有所轉變,也因此而顯得有些矛盾百出。例如,毛澤東時代,宗教團體受到暴力鎮壓,改革開放以來,局勢多有松動,高層領導人甚至公開提出宗教工作要為構建“和諧社會”作貢獻。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details