There are so many posts.........
Hi Paul and M2, it's the first time for me to reply you two.
Well, for those who kill under the Christian name, how could you be sure they are not "real Christian"? Suppose there are 2 kinds of "Christians": "real", and "unreal". The distinction is on something we can't observe. So, if a "Christian" kills, how could you know this "Christian" is "unreal"? Also, if it is really the case that "those committed any crimes (even if "in mind" only) are not real Christians", the number of "Christians should not be so much as 小妹 said ("1/3 of population"...). The question should be the following set:
1. Are you a Christian?
2. Did you commit any crime?
3. Did you think of killing ppl.?
4. Did you think of raping ppl.?
... (The set would be so....)
If you simply say that "all people committed crimes are simply unreal Christians", it seems not convincing, unless a good way of distinguishing "real" and "unreal" Christians is developed.
By the way, we should make distinction between having double identity and using beliefs to do bad things. It is possible for a Christian to kill, and it is possible for a 無神論者to kill. If the two guys kill for reasons other than their beliefs, condemning the beliefs by these killing cases are irrelevant. (This is "double identity" for me). On the other hand, if one use certain beliefs as the reason to kill, the belief should be condemned. For Christian, it is normal for them to kill those who have opposing ideas, using the "word from God", and the "word from God" is the reason for them to kill. It is the "word from God" that makes people to kill. In this case, Christianity should be condemned for the killing cases. On the other hand, I couldn't find a case that 無神論者 make use of this belief to kill. However, IF this belief make people kill others, this 無神論 belief should be condemned also (but yet, no such case is known for me...)
To M2
By the way, if the country boundaries are allowed to change by wars, there would be more wars and more people will die. I don't think it is because the guys endorse the previous wars.
By weakest (not dared to login as I am now in public area) |