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原帖由 M2 於 2008-2-21 00:06 發表



Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

回復 177# 的帖子

"  Therefore, for a normal person, how could they deal with this kind of "imperfect information"? Is it reasonable for them to be alert on the Christian belief?"

What I mean was that, it is reasonable for people to be alert on the Christian belief.
原帖由 Paul_Bard 於 2008-2-21 11:25 發表
To 小妹 : M2和我是這裡少數基督徒~

To M2 : 很少這麼齊人, 來揍揍熱鬧先~

少數 ......... o yes , really , too 少 ,

hi high welcome ,
很少 seeing u , My Dear Sir Paul , nice 2 c u again , cheers

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 04:47 編輯 ]
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-21 12:25 發表
>1. 當時基督教係國教, 大部份人都係"名義"的教徒~

他們還真可憐哪 - 當年就是超越眾道德的英雄

此外,不 ...

>>>> 你還是先公佈一下今天殺人股行程再說吧

sorry , My Dear Sir Nomad , couldest thou shed some light up on what's `````殺人股行程'''' ??

cheers ThANKye , pendragon
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-21 15:40 發表

...難怪那些同樣相信從來就沒甚麼救世主的佛教僧人,還有新儒家的可憐傢伙,會在短短二十年間被基督徒們灌以各種不知所謂的罪名了。 ...

sorry , i'm too fresh here ,

if u guys have some time , could any 1 please show me some examples here-about ??

cheers ThANKye
原帖由 dye 於 2008-2-21 16:34 發表
It is a genocide

Joshua 10
40 So Joshua subdued the whole region, including the hill country, the Negev, the western foothills and the mountain slopes, together with all their kings. He left no survi ...

>>>> Oh, do you need to murder the kids, and the elderly?
>>>> Good old Joshua murdered these fellow even AFTER their army is subdued.

O yes , completly completely in 'the agree ,
+ ,
do you also need to murder those 100.000.000% innocent cattle, sheep and donkeys.

that must have been done by 'the non-devils-like devils ------>>>> Joshua + his men
that must have been done by 'the devils-not-called-as-devils ------>>>> Joshua + his men
that must have been done by 'the devils-hailed-as-goodmen-etc  ------>>>> Joshua + his men

原帖由 dye 發表

Situation in city God wanted to conquer [[[[[[[[[ : : ]]]]]]]]]

Joshua 6
20 When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound ofthe trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; soevery man charged straight in, and they took the city. 21 They devotedthe city to the LORD and destroyed with the sword every living thing init—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.
原帖由 M2 於 2008-2-21 16:36 發表

而家世界既共識(so to speak)係反對更改國界,但現時既國界咪係靠前人打生打死爭番黎。點解以前既人野蠻(以現代人既眼光)搶番黎既地方,而家就變左神聖不可侵犯既領土?如果支持維持現有國界,係未等於endorse以前既野蠻行為?

i endorse u here ;--^)
原帖由 Guest from 147.8.237.x 於 2008-2-21 17:08 發表
There are so many posts.........

  Hi Paul and M2, it's the first time for me to reply you two.

  Well, for those who kill under the Christian name, how could you be sure they are not "real Christia ...

>>>>>>>>>  By weakest (not dared to login as I am now in public area)

hi welcome to  遊客 147.8.237.x , oNo , its My Dear Sir Weakest , long time n'o c ,;--^)

>>>>>>>>>  (not dared to login as I am now in public area)

ThANKs 4 reminding me of this safety's approach
原帖由 M2 於 2008-2-21 00:36 發表
而家世界既共識(so to speak)係反對更改國界,但現時既國界咪係靠前人打生打死爭番黎。點解以前既人野蠻(以現代人既眼光)搶番黎既地方,而家就變左神聖不可侵犯既領土?如果支持維持現有國界,係未等於endorse以前既野蠻行為?



如果大家認為野蠻係唔啱,咁我地就唔好咁野蠻,來一個重新大執位,叫布殊宣佈取消美國,Caucasians全部遣返歐洲,African American遣返非洲,我地還返酒泉、敦煌俾匈奴........

如果唔係咁,又可以調轉頭來做 -- 由聯合國議决從此取消「國家」呢樣嘢。但講明先喎,到時亦不准有「以色列」喎!
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-21 17:27 發表
Advice: READ.

>其次,並不是每個國界都是侵略得來的 - 尤其是那些被歐洲一眾基督徒榨乾到農地都沒有的一眾非洲可憐國度。

By the way, you really have no idea how much idle land were there in the past?

>>>> 刀不出鞘才是劍術最高的境界
>>>> 難道連這一點也不明白嗎?

my suggestion : ::::::::::

your 刀 being 出鞘 , ecspecially @ here , 才是 [[your]]劍術 最高的境界 ,
cause : :::::
i have been blinded by the glaring brightness unleashed by your 刀 , which is being 出鞘 @ here

  cheers , pendragon , yours humbly standing here by your side ,

p.s. : ::::::::::
too many other good phrases from u , to b quoted all here

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 05:00 編輯 ]
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-21 14:14 發表

傲慢: 一日入教,即可享永生;要知每個人所要經歷既終結而你只要入教信耶就走得甩重可以與天地同壽喎.皇帝無既野你都有.個鼻重唔立刻向橫發展咩?而且教會入面重要唔係一個,係有一班人同你一樣,形成一種團體力量.對於人性中要求傲慢一環,中晒.

妒忌: 人生在世,能力各異,亦有高低之分.但教會入面則係提倡"人人耶前平等".能力多寡引致既階級地位分野立時消失.重唔引晒班能力無咁高既人入去咩.妒忌他人之心,去到教會將可以無限上綱到不能自己既地步.

暴怒: 對於生命中既唔公平,一種極怒而又無可奈何要接受既情況下.教會提供咗一個缺口,俾佢地去漠視其實重有可以用努力去改善眼下既情況,做少樣.而且係教會又可以選擇性咁用耶經教義去攻擊異己,何其快哉!

懶惰: 耶教講既係乜都交俾老耶,即人叫人唔駛諗咁多.教會亦俾佢地一個唔駛做乜野就可以有個叫老耶既位去緩和各種失落落感.教會實在係自信心唔夠,內在心靈空泛者既必然之選.


貪食: 人最基本既兩種原始慾望之一,派米派奶粉教會做唔少.但你食佢米得番條命,但就要接受洗腦.有少少好似早兩年既一單新聞,有個大陸人自己挖眼呃保險金,為咗六萬蚊.就算佢無被人篤爆,六萬蚊就一世啦.

色欲: 人另外一項原始慾望,但因為生命中既唔公平,唔係每一每個人都會得到適當既慰藉.教會既一軛輪造就咗"係敎會入面搵到性伴侶",唔單止維持到教會既發展,亦可以留住教眾,吸收新人.


according my own : ::::::::::

each of your ,,,,,七宗罪'''' must b able to b included in My Fair Lady 小妹's list ,
expecially your ,,,,,色欲'''' , that's exActly the ground out of which i attended the churches ,

but ,
i dont think My Fair Lady 小妹 would dare to take in any 1 of your ,,,,,七宗罪'''' ,
ecspecially your ,,,,,色欲'''' ,;;--^)),
even though she would know those'r the truths ,

by 'the way , she may even probably not have enough life's experiences to .........

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 05:56 編輯 ]
原帖由 M2 於 2008-2-21 17:21 發表
>If one use certain beliefs as the reason to kill, the belief should be condemned.

If I use a knife to kill, would you condemn the knife?  If I use a knife to save (say as a surgeon), would you appr ...

hi high greeting good morning My Dear Sir M2 ,

please let me pre-declare very clearly , a yiddish tradition ;;--^)

even/////although////allthough your ideas dont meet my smatch ,
even/////although////allthough you be a devout Christian ,
but ,
i couldnt care i.e. i dont care at all ;;--^) whether u'r a Christian or not ,
u'r the 少數
种族 here ,
+ My Fair Lady 小妹
+ My Dear Sir Paul
have won automaticcally all
my due respects here , ,

cheers ThANKye , pendragon

>>>> 原帖由 Paul_Bard 於 2008-2-21 11:25 發表
>>>> To 小妹 : M2和我是這裡少數基督徒~
>>>> To M2 : 很少這麼齊人, 來揍揍熱鬧先~

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 06:33 編輯 ]
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 03:36 發表

sorry , i'm too fresh here ,

if u guys have some time , could any 1 please show me some examples here-about ??

cheers ThANKye


而佛教,其實基督教對佛教的誣蔑大概是普遍得我不用數,多數上過教會學校的人都聽過才對 - 由佛教拜菩薩佛像為神,到被指是虛無主義(既然一切成空,則道德亦不存在),一些索性指信佛教的都是自私鬼(靠自己,修來修去都是罪)

原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 04:57 發表

>>>> 刀不出鞘才是劍術最高的境界
>>>> 難道連這一點也不明白嗎?

my suggestion : ::::::::::

your 刀 being 出鞘 , ecspecially @ here , 才是 [[your]]劍術 最高的境界 ,
cause : :::::
i have been blinded ...


回復 191# prussianz 的帖子







原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 03:10 發表

>>>> 你還是先公佈一下今天殺人股行程再說吧

sorry , My Dear Sir Nomad , couldest thou shed some light up on what's `````殺人股行程'''' ??

cheers ThANKye , pendragon

原帖由 Guest from 147.8.237.x 於 2008-2-21 17:43 發表
Unfortunately, in now, no people could really distinguish the "real" Christian from "unreal" group. Someone may speak some devil, even he/she is from church, and use the "word of God" to justify killi ...

You're right to point out that it is not possible to distinguish the "real" from the "unreal" christians.  The judge would only be made in the end of the world.  Jesus has explained the fact quite clearly in the parable of the tares (Matthew 13:36-43).

Christian belief is a personal relationship with God.  If one's belief is based on his or her teacher, that will surely fail.   How about if one's teacher is an "unreal" christian?  Let's see what Jesus said to his disciples:

Matthew 23:1-3
Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples, saying: "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses;
therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them.

Jesus asked his disciples to do and observe what the scribes and the Pharisees said.  These two groups of people are not even Christians.

So if the teaching is good.  It's good even if the teacher is not good.  However, do not follow the one who does bad.
原帖由 Guest from 147.8.237.x 於 2008-2-21 17:43 發表
Unfortunately, in now, no people could really distinguish the "real" Christian from "unreal" group. Someone may speak some devil, even he/she is from church, and use the "word of God" to justify killi ...

I won't say it's "unfortunate" because the degeneracy of real and fake Christians is a logical consequence of the Divine Command Theory which necessarily results in degeneracy of truth value of any ethical statements.
Instead of debatng till our face turn blue and the cows comes home, below I offer you a bit of comics for a relieve.

回復 197# M2 的帖子











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