本帖最後由 leefeng 於 2021/8/18 01:44 編輯
除了「餵雞」外, 都無乜曉哩
beebeechan 發表於 2021/8/17 02:13
這是基於 Anant Kakba Priolkar 所著書籍的果阿宗教裁判所繫列文章的第三部分。第 1 部分和第 2 部分已經寫得較早。
現在讓我們轉到 16 世紀中葉的果阿。儘管宗教裁判所僅在 1560 年才在果阿正式成立,但在此之前公開譴責異端的情況卻很常見。我們將查看最早記錄的此類公開譴責的實例之一,稱為 Auto de Fe。
這一年是 1543 年。一位名叫 Jeronimo Dias 的醫學學士,一個新基督徒,在與他的朋友交談的過程中,說了一些違背基督教信仰的事情。消息傳到主教,他下令逮捕熱羅尼莫並詢問他的朋友。在盤問期間,熱羅尼莫繼續堅持他的舊信仰(猶太信仰)。主教得出結論,他仍然是一個隱秘的猶太人,並呼籲召開會議來決定懲罰。出席會議的有總督、一位名叫迪奧戈·博爾巴的教師、擔任“聖”弗朗西斯的小賣部的安東尼奧修士和副主教明格爾·瓦茲。他們閱讀了主教的報告並得出結論,所發生的事情本質上確實是異端邪說。懲罰,根據國王的正義要求活活燒死異端。然而,儘管他們很友善,但他們提出,如果熱羅尼莫選擇尋求赦免並公開承認自己的錯誤並希望以基督徒的身份死去,那麼他將首先被勒死,這樣他就不會感受到火的折磨。小憐憫,確實!
老師迪奧戈·博爾巴 (Diogo Borba) 必須勸告這位熱羅尼莫接受他的錯誤。因此,熱羅尼莫在他的身體被燒毀之前被勒死。這是果阿第一次錄製的“Auto de Fe”。隨後的星期天,在佈道期間,主教宣讀了教皇的聖旨,然而,將懲罰限制為逐出教會,從而說服異教徒出來懺悔並放棄他們的錯誤方式。
1545 年 5 月 16 日,“聖弗朗西斯·沙勿略”寫信給葡萄牙國王若昂三世,要求建立宗教裁判所,以確保信徒不會誤入歧途。澤維爾擔心,在一個充斥著猶太人、穆罕默德和印度教徒生活的國家,國王的臣民很容易鬆懈地追隨他們的信仰。若昂三世幾乎無視了這個要求。然而,越來越多的印度宗教裁判所的請求開始湧入。 儘管如此,宗教裁判所並未在若昂三世的時代設立。
1557 年若昂三世去世,他的孫子唐塞巴斯蒂安繼位,當時他只有三歲。卡塔利安娜王太后是攝政王。
有一個特殊的事件加速了果阿宗教裁判所的建立。名叫貢薩爾沃·達·西爾維利亞(Gonsalvo Da Silveria)的省神父和主教貝爾基奧爾·卡內里奧(Belchior Carnerio)開始在科欽佈道反對猶太教,這讓當地的猶太民眾大聲疾呼反對這些牧師。猶太人和其他新基督徒對這兩位神父的侵略做出了回應,他們將充滿褻瀆基督和教會神性的著作放在教堂的盒子裡。基督教牧師不能容忍這種情況。他們懇求 Vicar Pero Gonsalves 對罪犯採取行動。牧師同意並成立了一個法庭。有一天,城主發現這個程序有問題,請求牧師解散這個沒有官方身份的法庭。然而,為此目的任命的主教嚴厲地告訴他:“回到你的堡壘。不要干涉信仰問題”。
正是這位王后同意了宗教裁判所,紅衣主教恩里克將 Aleixo Dias Falcão 和弗朗西斯科·馬爾克斯作為審判官派往果阿。對新基督徒的迫害現在正式開始,這是整個葡萄牙帝國最殘酷的宗教裁判所之一
Zhè shì jīyú Anant Kakba Priolkar suǒ zhù
This is the third part of the series of articles on the Goan Inquisition based on the book written by Anant Kakba Priolkar. Part 1 and Part 2 have been written earlier. Let us now move to Goa of the mid 16th century. Though the Inquisition was officially established in Goa only in 1560, condemning heretics publicly happened much before that. We will look at one of the first recorded instances of such public condemnations called Auto de Fe. The year is 1543. A bachelor of Medicine named Jeronimo Dias, a New Christian, during the course of conversation with his friends, utters a few things that were against the Christian faith. News reached the Bishop, who orders the arrest of Jeronimo & questioned his friends. During cross-examination, Jeronimo continues to uphold the beliefs of his old faith (Jewish faith). The Bishop concludes that he is still a closet-Jew and calls for a council to determine the punishment. The council is attended by the Governor, a Teacher named Diogo Borba, Friar Antonio who was the commissary of “St” Francis, and the Vicar General Minguel Vaz. They read the Bishop’s report and conclude that what transpired was indeed heretical in nature. The punishment, as per the justice of the King required burning alive the heretic. However, kind as they were, they offered that should Jeronimo choose to seek pardon & confess his error publicly and desire to die as a Christian, then he will first be strangled to death so that he would not feel the torments of fire. Small mercies, indeed! It fell upon the teacher, Diogo Borba, to counsel this Jeronimo into accepting his mistake. Thus Jeronimo died by strangulation before his body was burnt. This was the first recorded “Auto de Fe” in Goa. The subsequent Sunday, during the Sermon, the Bishop read out the Papal bull of the Holy inquisition, however, limiting the punishment to excommunication thereby persuading heretics to come out and repent and give up their erroneous ways. And so it began. The formal request for the establishment of the Inquisition was made by “St” Francis Xavier who wrote a letter to Portuguese King D. Joao III on 16th May 1545 asking that an Inquisition be established to ensure that the faithful don’t go astray. Xavier was concerned that in a country filled with people who lived as per the Jewish, Mohamadden and Hindu it would be far too easy for the King’s subjects to follow their faith in a lax manner. Joao III pretty much ignored this request. However, more requests for Inquisition in the Indies started pouring in. Despite this, the inquisition wasn’t set up in Joao III’s time. When Joao III passed away in 1557, he was succeeded by his grandson, Don Sebastian, who at that time was a child of age three. Dowager Queen Cataliana was the regent. There was a particular incident that expedited the institution of Inquisition in Goa. Father provincial named Gonsalvo Da Silveria and Bishop Belchior Carnerio started preaching against Judaism in Cochin, which made the local Jewish folk speak out against these priests. The Jews & others new Christians responded to this perceived aggression by the two priests by placing in the boxes kept in the churches writings filled with blasphemies against the divinity of Christ, & the Church. The Christian priests couldn’t tolerate this. They pleaded Vicar Pero Gonsalves to act against the culprits. The Vicar agreed and set up a Tribunal. One day, the captain of the city found an error in this procedure and pleaded the vicar to disband the tribunal since it didn’t have official status. However, the Bishop appointed for this purpose sternly told him to “Go back to your fortress. Don’t interfere in matters of faith”. Following this, several New Christians (only the rich of them!) were arrested and taken to Goa. The Goan authorities wanted to release them on bail. However, the priests protested against their bail in such large numbers that the authorities sent the convicts to Portugal for sentencing. This incident, coupled with the persistent letters being sent to the crown for the establishment of Inquisition, eventually led to the office of the Inquisitor to be established in 1560. It was this queen who agreed to the Inquisition, and Cardinal Henrique sent as Inquisitors Aleixo Dias Falcão and Francisco Marques to Goa. The persecution of the New Christians now began officially and it was one of the cruellest Inquisitions in all of the Portuguese empire