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Chernobyl charity: Child welfare humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine
As war continues to rage in Ukraine, the Voluntary CEO of Chernobyl Children International, Adi Roche speaks about how her organisation is mobilising to help the most vulnerable.
By Lydia O’Kane

“I have remained in this fog of war since the 24 February,” waking, like everybody else, to hear the terrible news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, says Adi Roche, Founder and CEO of the Irish-based organisation Chernobyl Children International.

The date is now etched in her mind just like that of 26 April 1986, when an explosion at the Chernobyl plant, 130 km north of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, led to the world’s worst nuclear disaster.

For 36 years her charity has been tirelessly supporting the children of Chernobyl, Belarus, and Ukraine, but she described the occupation of the Chernobyl plant at the start of the war as an ominous sign.

“The quickest route to Kyiv was to come through the world’s most toxic environment… through the Chernobyl exclusion zone and that told me in that one cavalier act… this signified to the world that the nature of modern warfare that we have known up to now had changed fundamentally forever,” she says.

A cry for help
The CEO is familiar with the community of people in a number of the towns and villages in the zone, where three hundred thousand people were living in terror in bunkers for that five or six weeks period until Russian troops left the nuclear plant.

“They came to us and I can still remember the words, ‘don’t send us your compassion, don’t send us your love and solidarity; we want water, we want food. We won't die of a bomb or a bullet, we will die of dehydration and starvation.’”

Having appealed for help from a number of aid organizations, Ms. Roche says it was Caritas who stepped in to provide support; and within 24 hours of the troop withdrawal from that region, Caritas, on her organisation’s behalf, was delivering food and water to those in need.

Lifesaving treatment
Chernobyl Children International continues to provide support and care decades on from the 1986 nuclear disaster in the form of specific programmes, such as a child cardiac surgery programme in Belarus and Ukraine to combat the marked increase in cardiac birth defects.

One of the centres the charity helped set up is in the now war-torn city of Kharkiv, which had already been put under severe pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the early days of the war, the head surgeon and his team were determined to keep going and continued to perform operations in the hospital’s basement.

Ms. Roche says what moved the surgeon and his wife to flee was when their apartment building in the city was bombed, leaving them with just the clothes on their backs.

They managed to get to Lviv, where the medical team is now based.

As the onslaught of war continues, the charity is planning to send an 18-strong surgical, cardiac, and pediatric team into Lviv to perform lifesaving surgeries on newborn babies who were born in bunkers and other terrible conditions, but who cannot survive with their current heart conditions.

This will be the second time since the war began that a group of medics will have made their way to Lviv to perform lifesaving operations. Just three weeks into the conflict, and under the radar, they arrived in the city from Krakow despite the risks to their safety.

Abandoned children
Last week, the human rights organization, Disability Rights International, published the findings of an investigation that found that children with severe disabilities have been abandoned in Ukrainian institutions since the beginning of the invasion.

Speaking about the plight of children in these orphanages, Adi Roche says a huge child welfare humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Ukraine.

“There are between a hundred and fifty and two hundred thousand children that are warehoused in 700 orphanages dotted throughout Ukraine, many of which, as we speak, are in occupied territories, and the shocking thing to know is these are the children that are not on anybody’s radar.”

The CEO goes on to say that in one orphanage alone, findings revealed that these children, some of whom are disabled, were abandoned by their carers.

“These children were on the cusp, on the edge between life and death from dehydration and from starvation,” but thankfully have been saved, she says.

“Unfortunately, in every war borders become porous and you have people with ill intent taking advantage of the agony and the suffering of others.”

The chief executive also highlights that evidence is now emerging which shows that human traffickers are targeting orphanages in Ukraine, and describes this as another fallout from “this terrible war as it's unfolding.”

Refugees and trauma
Since the start of the war, millions of Ukrainians have been forced to flee their towns and cities, making the journey to other European countries in search of support and safety.

Asked about the issue of refugees and the possibility of bringing seriously ill children to other European countries for treatment, Roche acknowledges that the issue is being very “hotly debated.”

“What is being hotly debated is whether countries can keep going at the level of refugees we have all over Europe and that we will have in the future as the war progresses. And sometimes the answers are not necessarily what we would want to hear, but the debates are raging.”

Some of the world’s experts in trauma, in the aftermath of war, she adds, have the view that the world should be propping up the nearest geographical areas because people recover better from trauma and shock if they are reasonably close to where they come from.

She also says the thinking on bringing seriously ill children to countries such as Ireland for treatment is that “sometimes the risk is too great” because of the whole question of their survival when they are already in a very fragile state.

“That’s why we have gone for, I suppose you could say, the most dangerous route but actually for us, it’s the most honest and it is the most immediate, which is you do it in culture and in-country within the war zone.”

Constant support
For 36 years, Adi Roche and the organization she founded have been a lifeline to the children of Chernobyl and beyond. Now as this war continues to rage, she says, “we will continue to watch over Ukraine… you are not forgotten.”





俄罗斯军队于 2 月 24 日对乌克兰发动袭击。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
(梵蒂岡新聞網)匈牙利主教團秘書長托特(Tamás Tóth)蒙席日前向本新聞網描述匈牙利明愛會的工作時表示:教宗方濟各邀請眾人在聖灰禮儀瞻禮為烏克蘭和平守齋時,匈牙利教會就即刻做出回應,來應對正在發生的災難,這是精神和物質上的回應。人口不到1千萬的匈牙利正面對難民潮,到目前為止已有大約70萬人抵達該國。托特蒙席指出,“對一個小國家,比如匈牙利,這是一個非常龐大的數目。感謝天主,在不同組織和國家當局之間有非常美好的合作,這樣,我們才有辦法竭盡所能”。




聖荷西小教會為女童驅魔後死亡 當局裁定謀殺
編譯組/聖荷西10日電 2022-05-11 02:00


聖荷西「使徒和先知教會」(Iglesia Apóstoles y Profetas)牧師,也是死亡女童普拉克特(Arely Naomi Proctor)外祖父胡耶索(Rene Huezo)說:「如果你讀過聖經,你知道耶穌趕走魔鬼,讓病人恢復健康。這是上帝按照祂的旨意,在祂想要治癒一個人的時候做的。傳道者只是上帝的工具,我們做的事是上帝的吩咐。」

這起女童窒息死亡案已被聖他克拉拉縣法醫辦公室裁定為謀殺。當局指出,女童的母親赫南德茲(Claudia Hernandez)因為在驅魔儀式中對女童進行催吐、擠壓其頸部,導致女童死亡,已被當局逮捕。但儀式中負責壓住女童的胡耶索和女童舅舅,並未遭到指控。




當天沒有在場的另一名「使徒和先知教會」傳道士阿亞拉(Oscar Ayala)認為,在場的人應該早一點尋求醫療幫助。法庭文件指出,在女童死亡後,赫南德茲等了一、兩個小時才撥打911報案。


對「使徒和先知教會」對像普拉克特這麼年幼的孩子進行驅魔,專家和宗教領袖感到震驚。姊妹會牧師艾斯柯巴(Rafael Escobar)表示,「使徒和先知教會」已不再屬於他們的聯盟,他對他們使用驅魔感到震驚,稱這是「黑暗做法」。

凱尼休斯大學(Canisius University)神學教授瓦德金斯(Timothy Wadkins)表示,薩爾瓦多的五旬節教會(pentecostal church)會進行驅魔,禁食通常是這個儀式的一部分,但對一個三歲孩子進行驅魔並不尋常。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
聖荷西小教會為女童驅魔後死亡 當局裁定謀殺
編譯組/聖荷西10日電 2022-05-11 02:00

一名三歲女童去年9月 ...
沙文 發表於 2022/5/11 21:58



驅魔要搵老字號, 信譽好既


https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E7%96 ... B%99-061623088.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2022/5/12 00:19 編輯
小妹妹係畀天主教嘅! ...
沙文 發表於 2022/5/11 22:26

Matt 17【但這類魔鬼非用祈禱和禁食,是不能趕出去的。】

但神父食少餐都唔制, 所以,冇得搞嘅
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details


沙文 發表於 2022/5/11 22:26

又即係咁, 疫情嚴俊時, 你割痔瘡既手術都會延期哩...又唔係至死既。
不過你又心急, 叫蘿莎蓮用把鎅刀同你割, 搞血流如注....
你唔可以話係醫管局害你啵, 係你硬能膠發作 ,唔怪得人。
沙文 發表於 2022/5/11 23:29

雖話天下武源出少林, 不過唔係家家都打得咁正宗, 原汁原味啵。
驅魔源出教會, 不過無牌行驅既唔少架喎。

經上耶穌驅魔, 成隊軍旅趕走哂, 有無玩綁手綁腳, 打心口呢啲招數呢?

https://kknews.cc/news/xjrxvar.html呢啲一睇就係外行野, 外行人好多連神父牧師都唔曉分既…

Orthodox church 也不是敝教。 因為你外行, 東正教與天主教唔曉分, 有神父, 有修女, 就以為都係一樣。
回覆 1751# beebeechan
疫情嚴峻時醫管局short handed,掛住醫武肺。


Orthodox church 也不是敝教。 因為你外行, 東正教與天主教唔曉分, 有神父, 有修女, 就以為都係一樣。
beebeechan 發表於 2022/5/11 10:48


破基督教千局,助 习主席连任总书记&恢复n出任党主席



驅魔要搵老字號, 信譽好既
beebeechan 發表於 2022/5/11 22:17
聖荷西小教會為女童驅魔後死亡 當局裁定謀殺
編譯組/聖荷西10日電 2022-05-11 02:00
一名三歲女童去年9月 ...
聖荷西「使徒和先知教會」(Iglesia Apóstoles y Profetas牧師,也是死亡女童普拉克特(Arely Naomi Proctor)外祖父胡耶索(Rene Huezo)說:「如果你讀過聖經,你知道耶穌趕走魔鬼,讓病人恢復健康。這是上帝按照祂的旨意,在祂想要治癒一個人的時候做的。傳道者只是上帝的工具,我們做的事是上帝的吩咐。」

再重谢谢谢谢谢谢沙老大沙文 發表於 2022/5/11 21:58

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-e ... s%20denied%20claims,by%20the%20Italian%20bishops'%20conference.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anneliese_Michel ...
沙文 發表於 2022/5/12 03:04

Anneliese Michel 唔係曉去驅魔既修女嚟

你英文咁屎, 點在番邦生活。。。不如早日回流返香港好喇
Never said Anneliese Michel 係曉去驅魔既修女嚟
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆  beebeechan

沙文 發表於 2022/5/12 03:02


但仍有次序, 時候未到便要等。

疫情下, 先搞定肉驅才搞靈魂, 人喪失咗肉驅就搞唔到佢既靈魂
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