beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/25 23:52 
1. 沙勿略致函要求成立果阿宗教裁判所並非事實,如果有,理應致函教宗而非葡萄牙國王。
2. 果阿有很多人慶祝沙勿略紀念日,反證其惡行指控。
3. 果阿仍保存著歷史悠久的印度廟,證明宗教裁判所並非針對印度教徒。
- Neill 2004, p. 160: "By another route I have written to your highness of the great need there is in India for preachers... The second necessity which obtains in India, if those who live there are to be good Christians, is that your highness should institute the holy Inquisition; for there are many who live according to the law of Moses or the law of Muhammad without any fear of God or shame before men".
- Rao, R.P (1963). Portuguese Rule in Goa: 1510-1961. Asia Publishing House, p.43.
- "However, his actions in India were not without controversy, as he was involved with the establishment of the Goa Inquisition, which punished converts accused of continuing to practice Hinduism or other religions.", How did St. Francis Xavier shape Catholicism?, https://www.britannica.com/story ... r-shape-catholicism
- "When Francis Xavier, the infamous missionary, demanded the setting up of the Goa Inquisition, a religious tribunal for suppression of heresy and punishment of heretics, things rapidly deteriorated for Jews, Hindus and others accused of being non-believers.", https://www.newindianexpress.com ... isition-809153.html
連大英百科全書網站都咁講,可信性相當高。至於為何要致函葡萄牙國王而非教宗,明顯係政教合一既壞榜樣啦,細路仔先要揀既啫,大人why not both?
2. 據印度2011年的人口普查,果阿基督教徒佔總人口27%。紀念的人都是天主教徒,仲實有不乏外地人前來朝聖啦,非教徒沒有任何理由紀念一個天主教「聖」人,也印證果阿現政府對待天主教及其信徒相當寬容。
3. 你列舉了一些寺廟,為何它們沒被毀,有以下原因:
Tambdi Surla Temple: The temple survived untouched due to its remote location in a clearing deep in the forest at the foot of the Western Ghats which surround the site.
Brahma temple in Carambolim: in 1541, the Portuguese ordered the demolition of a Brahman temple in Carambolim village, in the central Ilhas district. According to indigenous tradition, the villagers secretly moved the ruined temple’s relics to Satari, a location then outside the zone of Portuguese control (now a northeastern Goan district bordering Karnataka). The primary temple relic was a granite statue of Brahma, 1.5 meters high, flanked by images of the Hindu gods Saraswati and Savitri. This statue sustained significant damage, apparently having been subjected to zealous Portuguese iconoclasm (Pereira 2008, 224).
Shri Nageshi Maharudra Temple: This temple was unaffected by the religious persecution of Portuguese rulers in the 16th Century. This was because at that time Antruj of Ponda Mahal was not under the domain of the Portuguese power and this facilitated the migration of Saraswat deities like Shantadurga, Ganapati etc. to Antruj.
Mangeshi Temple: This temple had its origins in Kushasthali Cortalim, a village in murmugao which fell to the invading Portuguese in 1543. In the year 1560, when the Portuguese started Christian conversions in mormugao taluka, the Saraswats of Kaundinya Gotra and Vatsa Gotra moved the Mangesh Linga from the original site at the Kushasthali or Cortalim on the banks of river Aghanashini (Zuari)(Sancoale) to its present location at Mangeshi in Priol village of Atrunja Taluka, which was then ruled by the Hindu kings of Sonde of Antruz Mahal (Ponda), to be more secure.
Mahalakshmi temple: The temple was built in 1831 by Dhakji Dadaji, a Hindu merchant.
https://mumbaicity.gov.in/tourist-place/mahalakshmi-temple/ |