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大計劃:非基督教血淚史 - 相關討論

beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/28 01:02


本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2022/9/28 01:29 編輯
The Brahma temple in Goa was originally located at Carambolim (Karmali) near Panjim. After its sacking by the Portuguese in the 16th C, the idol was moved to its current remote outpost and re-consecrated. Later, in a nod to its original home, the area around it came to be known as Brahma-Karmali.


抽刀斷水 發表於 2022/9/28 00:33

你都無令我失望, 真係幾「求其」。
搵個影相佬既 blog...就當搵到料咁


抽刀斷水 發表於 2022/9/28 01:05

當日黑暴時, 警察真係要開實彈鎗....砰..砰..砰..一句「先撩者賤,打死無怨」,, 咁就唔使拖成大半年。
你都無令我失望, 真係幾「求其」。
搵個影相佬既 blog...就當搵到料咁
佢又唔係做乜學術研究既.....雖然 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/28 01:27


During the Portuguese invasion and subsequent rule of Goa around five centuries back, the idol was taken out of the original temple at Karmali alias Carambolim village on the island of Tiswadi. The idol was later installed at Sattari and then at Valpoi and finally at a small shrine at Nagargaon, on the banks of a stream in a dense forest.

https://touristinindia.com/brahm ... ous-temple-trinity/
當日黑暴時, 警察真係要開實彈鎗....砰..砰..砰..一句「先撩者賤,打死無怨」,, 咁就唔使拖成大半年。 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/28 01:27

The idol was later installed at Sattari and then at Valpoi and finally at a small shrine at Nagargaon, on the banks of a stream in a dense forest.

https://touristinindia.com/brahm ... ous-temple-trinity/

During the Portuguese invasion and subsequent rule of Goa around five centuries bac ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2022/9/28 01:36

你咁求其, 我點同你認真呢?

出完影相佬, 就出導遊
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2022/9/28 01:54 編輯
抽刀斷水 發表於 2022/9/28 01:39

他在印度Kerala使唔少印度人歸化, 建立了七個教堂....搶咗印度教祭司生意.
你咁求其, 我點同你認真呢?

出完影相佬, 就出導遊
beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/28 01:43


    Sattari came under the Portuguese rule only around 1773-5. Before that, these were lands under the feared Ranes. The Portuguese army had to rethink a hundred times before even contemplating attacking these areas as they faced many humiliating retreats against the swift moving Rane armies. This factor rendered these places safe for establishing the many deities which had to take flight from their original locations.

Similarly, this Brahma idol was shifted from Carambolim (Karmali) to Nagargao, Sattari to save it from religious persecution. The village was then named after this as Brahma-Karmali or Brahma-Carambolim. It is said that the original name of this ward was ‘Chandivde’.

https://www.navhindtimes.in/2019 ... a-in-brahmakarmali/
他在印度Kerala使唔少印度人歸化, 建立了七個教堂....搶咗印度教祭司生意.
給印度祭司以「先撩者賤,打死 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/28 01:53


(1)取消印度教的社會階級觀, 受低下層歡迎
(2)取消寡婦陪夫火葬習俗 sati
(3)不用當殖民者的奴隷, 回復自由身
(4) 女, 寡婦也可以與男丁平等, 分家族內的財產
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2022/9/28 03:59 編輯

    Sattari came under the Portuguese rule only around 1773-5. Before that, these were lands under the feared Ranes. The Portuguese army had to rethink a hundred times before even contemplating attacking these areas as they faced many humiliating retreats against the swift moving Rane armies. This factor rendered these places safe for establishing the many deities which had to take flight from their original locations.

Similarly, this Brahma idol was shifted from Carambolim (Karmali) to Nagargao, Sattari to save it from religious persecution.
抽刀斷水 發表於 2022/9/28 02:25

邊種佬唔係最緊要, 只要講既資料唔好矛矛盾盾才信得過

你既報紙佬就話Sattari 1773年才落入葡萄牙人手上, 所以神廟神像才逃過大難。


莫非1773年佔領sattari的葡萄牙人突然良心發現, 古廟列一級文物? 或佢地信咗梵天?


(輪到你作啲理由出嚟解釋佔領 sattari既葡萄牙人無摧毀神廟勒)
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2022/9/28 06:19 編輯
Similarly, this Brahma idol was shifted from Carambolim (Karmali) to Nagargao,
抽刀斷水 發表於 2022/9/28 02:25

文章話印度教要將梵天像由Karmali搬去satarri 以避摧毀

網上講到葡萄牙宗教審裁咁霸道, 人擁有神像, 做印度教既禮儀都要審, 要燒....
哇....大拿拿成個像, 幾噸重哩, 由果牙舊城市中心搬去東北面既satarri...穿過大街巷...花車巡遊咁哩...

所以, 有理由相信呢個(被葡萄牙人宗教逼害而搬像)唔係歷史事實嚟
你既報紙佬就話Sattari 1773年才落入葡萄牙人手上, 所以神廟神像才逃過大難。

beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/28 03:52

    後勁不繼嘛:Goa Inquisition was established in 1560, briefly suppressed from 1774 to 1778, continued thereafter until it was finally abolished in 1812.  -- Lauren Benton (2002). Law and Colonial Cultures: Legal Regimes in World History, 1400-1900. Cambridge University Press. pp. 114–126. ISBN 978-0-521-00926-3.
文章話印度教要將梵天像由Karmali搬去satarri 以避摧毀

網上講到葡萄牙宗教審裁咁霸道, 人 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/28 06:06

There can be miracles when you believe~~

There can be miracles when you believe~~
抽刀斷水 發表於 2022/9/28 15:34

  後勁不繼嘛:Goa Inquisition was established in 1560, briefly suppressed from 1774 to 1778, continued thereafter until it was finally abolished in 1812.  --
抽刀斷水 發表於 2022/9/28 15:29

好似麻甩佬咁, 搞完一野, 抖抖....又起過。
好似麻甩佬咁, 搞完一野, 抖抖....又起過。
雖第二炮無第一炮咁激....都可以XX迭起架喎 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/28 21:46


Inquistion banned by Marques De Pombal

The liberal minister of Portugal Marquez de Pombal, as a result of a measure of reform passed in September, 1774, rendered the Inquisition practically defunct and it was finally abolished in 1820.

He abolished slavery in Portugal and in the Portuguese colonies in India; reorganized the army and the navy; and ended discrimination against different Christian sects in Portugal.

Banning of religious Christian orders in Goa & Portugal

Most importantly, He also banned the various religious orders in Portugal which he felt had too much influence & power. Also their corruption & manipulation of the economy.

The same happened in Goa. ( These were the driving force for the inquisition) and at one time had more power than the viceroy or King.

These religious orders could have even put the Viceroy of Portuguese India or even the king on trial if they felt compelled.

beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/28 21:46

抽刀斷水 2022/9/28 23:53 提交

梵天大神叫個像自己行去 sattari ?
梵天大神叫個像自己行去 sattari ?
beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/29 00:34



破基督教千局,助 习主席连任总书记&恢复n出任党主席

邊種佬唔係最緊要, 只要講既資料唔好矛矛盾盾才信得過

你既報紙佬就話Sattari 1773年才落入葡萄牙人手上
... (輪到你作啲理由出嚟解釋佔領 sattari既葡萄牙人無摧毀神廟勒)
beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/28 03:52
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