相近思維....你話世70幾億人中, 無理由無一個人既DNA係同你一樣既.....
(呢啲係咪正常推理嚟呢) ...
beebeechan 發表於 2022/11/24 23:56 
Which chromosome from each of the 23 homologous pairs of both parents is inherited is a matter of chance. There are 8,324,608 possible combinations of 23 chromosome pairs. As a result, two gametes virtually never have exactly the same combination of chromosomes. Each chromosome contains dozens to thousands of different genes. The total possible combination of alleles for those genes in humans is approximately 70,368,744,177,664. This is trillions of times more combinations than the number of people who have ever lived. This accounts for the fact that nearly everyone, except monozygotic twins, is genetically unique. |